This is going to be an extremely controversial opinion - this game absolutely sucks and I do not understand the amount of love that it gets. I just played through for the 4th time beginning to newest end, and there is very little enjoyment to be had here. For starters, every character is an extremely generic model. Yes, there have been more added with a little 'flair' since the start, but none of them have much of a storyline yet. And anyone that isn't generic doesn't have much development.
Oh, you got this girl that you liked's affection to 50? Guess what? She's still going to be acting the exact same that she did at the very beginning. There will be a few times throughout where you think things are changing, but the next time you talk to her, it will be exactly the same as the last 40 conversations.
The story was good for awhile, but it gets extremely old. 'You're going to reset the world, huh? Oh you're going to do it again? Oh and again?' The whole 'God is dead nothing is real surreal and crazy shit is happening something's buried beneath your feet' schtick was actually really interesting to a point and I was fully invested, but it's gotten incredibly old at this point and I got exhausted from it. The further along you go the more frequently it happens and I just found myself skipping through it all.
Which brings up another point - there are times where you need to recall certain things that were told to you in a 10 million line game. You literally have to read every single line in this crazy-long game to be able to answer to proceed. And you'll be completely stuck if you don't have a save to go back to try to find out the answers. And I'm going to be honest, all of that would all be completely forgivable, except there are MISSABLE EVENTS. So beyond all of these things that you're juggling, you have to be constantly checking walkthroughs or wikis to make sure you're on the right track. This is straight up a not fun game to play.