Ah yes, got it. I do interpret it as that with what she knows about the world and the bigger picture now, she just noticed how insignificant kirins little blackmail actually is. And that helped her to see it as the empty threat it always was. So she would have not allowed any of it to happen in the first place.
Since today is Chika's (who is genuinely one of my favorite characters) birthday and we're all supposed to be appreciating her I'm going to do just that.
One thing I like about her is that while she is obviously naive in that she doesn't see Sensei's infidelity, there is one perk. Rather than stressing about the concequences of her relationship, reliving past truamas, or creating new ones, she's living in the moment more than anyone else. She trying to be a good girlfriend now. Not just thinking about being one in the future. She's having kinky sex in weird places, organizing concensual threesomes, and reflecting on her role and impact in the relationship. Her romance aside, she still finds time to look out for her family and friends.
Chika is great and Sensei doesn't deserve her.
Also she's hot.
Yup dual wield horse dick Sekai is the straw that broke the camels back. I'm gonna have to play Noriko's intro or something so that dual horse dick isn't the last thing I see when I "Bluejay" myself.
Yup dual wield horse dick Sekai is the straw that broke the camels back. I'm gonna have to play Noriko's intro or something so that dual horse dick isn't the last thing I see when I "bluejay" myself.
Well, as I am replaying, I'm slowly falling in love with her again - and that's probably why I forced myself to ignore her since that never came to be, and I had to stand there seeing her suffer for entire seasons.
Had also forgotten how she tries to hook you up with multiple people from the start of the game lol
Well, as I am replaying, I'm slowly falling in love with her again - and that's probably why I forced myself to ignore her since that never came to be, and I had to stand there seeing her suffer for entire seasons.
Had also forgotten how she tries to hook you up with multiple people from the start of the game lol
...I did not. The guide mod didn't help here and I saw people talking about their choices and it sounded like only one was implemented with others maybe popping up later? Or have I misunderstood this?
...I did not. The guide mod didn't help here and I saw people talking about their choices and it sounded like only one was implemented with others maybe popping up later? Or have I misunderstood this?
Selebus said many times that there is one route in the game where you get all events in one playthrough. And since Ayane's threesome is a thing, it's unlikely the other paths would generate events (just minor changes in dialogue).
...I did not. The guide mod didn't help here and I saw people talking about their choices and it sounded like only one was implemented with others maybe popping up later? Or have I misunderstood this?
Well, i know one choice gives you a threesome event and i also know that Sel has clearly stated multiple times there is a 100% route where you see all events. So, only one option of the threesome choices can give you an event, because otherwise it would be impossible to not miss an event.
Speaking of Chika, just finished the first event with Nao meeting her - lmao. Why is Chika so fucking wholesome but hot all at once. Probably helps that Chinami just adds to every scene they're in together too.
It's the first time she actually tries to seduce Akira, and she does this by playing Niki's song on maximum volume until her seduction mutes out Niki's voice. Kudos, Selebus, This was very well done. And before we ever knew who Niki was. (Did Ami know who Niki was to him though? Cause that'd be really fucked up then, but I don't think so)
The wholesome part is that Akira, or rather Sensei, is about to do things, when Ami says that even if their minds are fucked up, they're to eachother the only thing that bind themselves to this world, so she has nothing to fear, cause their bodies wouldn't let them hurt one another.
And Sensei that doesn't know he's Akira straight up gets up and finds willpower to stop everything (which is bizarre at that point cause he was pretty much HOPE's poster boy, wanting to screw everyone without consequences).