Sel is apparently planning on working on 'Nothing is Beautiful' afterwards, and seemingly started with it initially. I'm not sure about the initial motivation, but NiB does seem to be the reason why LiL exists, and LiL may be comparable to a side story to the main story when all is said and done. There's also 'Grow Old. Then Die.'.
The Arakawa bloodline does seem special. It's also interesting how basically everyone besides Sensei and Ami got killed by something, and there seems to be something trying to kill them during resets now. Not entirely sure about Sekai's side of the family, but they don't seem to have any family left, so they are at least not in the picture.
As for Tsuneyo and Maya Prime:
As for Wires/USER2, it presumably wants Order and to guide Sensei's vision:
It also seems protective:
Meanwhile, HOPE seems to want to "fix" everyone. Presumably through sex, and "light".
In theory:
- HOPE vs Wires is like Change vs Order.
- Pareidolia seems more into just having fun since nothing matters.
As for what Wires/USER2 is up to currently; it might be trying to give Sensei knowledge, as some sort of protection for what's to come. Through Tsuneyo and the Writing Room, it seems to be giving him, and us, clues about the reality of things.
Also, Yomiel wanted to get closer to the center, not necessarily Wires/USER2:
It could be USER2, but may also be something else.
Ami is kind of a sucker for vulnerability:
So, it's probably just Ami. Maya and Ami both also love eachother the most, after Sensei.
Still, the Shapeshifter/Himawari can apparently read the minds of those she shapeshifts into, so even if it was the Shapeshifter, she's likely influenced by the character as well.
Although, Nodoka and Maya are difficult for her to handle, and Ayane is uncomfortable for her. I'm not sure about Ami, as she's never been shown to try, or mentioned, being her. Did seem to imply that Ami might be a shapeshifter, though. Then there's those unexplained clones...