Which one is the annoying one? Kirin? Otoha?
Also, it's funny to think how much I was annoyed at Yasu during my first playthrough, and then on my second one I was taking notes everytime she talked.
Did you guys have any characters that you radically changed your opinions on during the course of the game/on replay?
Radically huh.Not really tbh.Every girl made a distict impression on me from the very first events and it has just stuck throught my playthrough.
Like if we look at some of the obvious ones like nodoka kirin and otoha,its pretty simple.
Nodoka is a sociopath(Or is psycopath more accurate im not sure) that relies on little pillars to keep her afloat,lest she breaks(Those pillars being writing and futaba).
Kirin is similar but not the same.She is just the classic result of continues parental neglect and raging hormones.She has Ayane as her target for her rage and inferiority complex and Sensei as her portable dildo for her sexual desires.
Otoha reminds me of the classic story of "A girl raised in an extremely conservative household,once out in the world becomes extremely promiscious" as in i believe Otohas every action(and her constant want and need for freedom and space) is just the result of her parents smothering her.Thats why her relationship with Rin was so rocky from start to finish and why she cheated on her with Niki.She doesnt like like women,she just wants to feel in control.
And noriko is best girl and needs a win!
I can write more of my impressions of the girls but ill leave it here since these are the what the thread considers the "Most hated girls".