Here’s what I took from Io going after Nodoka
And sober or drunk, I completely agree that Nodoka is way worse than Kirin.
Kirin does what she does because she’s horny and, let’s face it, isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
Nodoka does what she does because she can.
(Which isn’t to say that I dint find her an interesting, compelling, occasionally amusing character. But girl’s a psychopath. That
it took until the last reset for someone to kill her surprises me. )
ETA: I’ve been thinking about the old saying, “Never stick your dick in crazy.”
Its a lesson I learned the hard way.
Most of the cast are pretty nuts, tbh. Otoha’s the least neurotic I can think of. A number of the others are teetering on the edge of psychosis.
But as of the end of 0.46, there are three girls (and a ghost) I think definitely qualify: Nodoka, Chika, Ami, and of course Mama Crazy herself, Sekai.