
New Member
Jan 20, 2021
Very good game but i wish you can turn the pyscho horror off, because I feel really uncomfortable with this. Almost got a panic attack from this cause it comes out of nowhere... It would be cool to add this for people who cant really handle psycho-horror or have a fear of death (like me)
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Feb 27, 2018
Weirdly enough, Sensei may not be considerate, but he makes the moral decisions when the times are the toughest...

Like that time when Rin stripped for Sensei was she was depressed, Sensei was way more concerned about the knife wounds on her wrist then the breasts in his face. He went as far to say "sex was the last thing in mind..."
This is very true. Sensei seems to ping-pong between detached selfishness and legitimate care and concern. He's very unreliable (especially when sexy times are concerned), but sometimes he rises to the occasion (in the not sexy time way). I very much imagine this is intentional on the part of Selebus.


New Member
Jan 20, 2021
I just finished Everlasting Love with Ami, Miku's thunderbolt and the main event with Makoto after Bluejay.

With Miku, Sensei was insensitve in a sensitive sort of way? Wish there was something more he could have done for her..
Ami is really starting to freak me out.
And Makoto, my one true love, started acting out and even looking like MC (the eyes). It was definitely unsettling, especially after her attempt.
Shits starting to fall apart
Apr 19, 2020
I got a feeling that writer suffers from graphomania. Some events are far too long and some(even among happy) are just some very simple thoughts expressed by hundreds of words.
I doubt it. They want the story and events to be long. If they were any shorter I wouldn't like it, and the happy events are supposed to be strange like that
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Actually, I'm sort of with him on this one. I completed every event in this game but the tracker system is not very good. Without the wiki, it's pretty tough to figure out what you need to do exactly.

I mean, sure, raise affection by 5, raise lust by 5, go to the dorm room, the girl's regular hangout place, etc... But often, this stuff doesn't work at all because events are locked behind other pre-requisite events and there is a lot of that. Other games have done this much better, by giving hints to what the next action must be, like Mythic Manor for example. If raising stats is pointless because you must progress some other girl's story, it should absolutely say so in-game. You shouldn't have to go on a Wiki to figure out how to progress with a character, or go blind until you hit the right combination.

Also, if you play it naturally, it's not obvious why you'll fail some events. Now, I managed to avoid failing nearly all events because I somewhat aggressively grinded during my playthrough but the curveball that you had to avoid doing that for one girl was a tough sell for me. Definitely not a fan of failures with no take-backs due to not grinding lust enough.

Honestly, I think you're being too defensive on this game. I mean, I found it hilarious and pretty good overall but constructive criticism is still important. Sometimes devs read feedback and use it to improve their games.
If you're expecting the tracker to do what it is not supposed to and tell you what to do step by step, sure, but it is not meant to do that.

It only has three intended functions, keeping track of stats and what events are complete or not, letting you replay events to find information for the puzzles or to enjoy them again without replaying the whole game up to that point, and letting you swap out outfits on the girl shown there.

It shouldn't have to say other girls need to be raised because, due to the current route we are on, you really should be raising them all as equally as possible anyway. It has been said time and time again that raising them equally is the best strategy on the current route. If you do that, you should not be getting stuck by the other character requirements.

I've been playing naturally and have not missed an event yet, no wiki, no thread help, nothing on this run. My first run, sure, but this one I am going in totally blind and I have done everything correctly.

In ANY game that you get to a point where there is an event without grinding the necessary stat enough, you WILL miss that event. You can't just retry because those events are taking place at a certain point in the game's timeline. They aren't compatible story wise with any other time period in the game.

I'm not being defensive at all, I am only stating the truth about the game. Defensive would be me defending the game from things that make sense. In other games, sure, your comments make sense, but not in this one.

i was trying to see from comments if ppl were enjoying this game since i just discovered it, but seeing 300+ pages plus all recent comments are heavy into the plot points makes it sound like its a really interesting game.

though someone spoiler on the "horror" aspect to it? with the psychological tag and "genre-shift" (first i've seen this tag) i'm guessing it changes from happy go lucky to maybe a some yandere stuff? as a story it'll probably make it interesting but i just kinda wanna fap and have a good time lol
It is and I wholeheartedly suggest trying it out. Without going into details specific to this game, this is what is called a Denpa game, I'll just quote from VNDB on this as I am not always the best at putting things correctly, not dyslexic or anything like that, I just don't always have the easiest time getting the point across.

The typical model is a horror story where the catalyst for the events that occur are based on familiar people acting in unfamiliar, yet seemingly orchestrated ways. Stories where the world seems to have gone mad; and the protagonist is not necessarily an exception. The name comes from the idea that electromagnetic waves (denpa) is causing people to act strangely (although it is rarely anything that mundane).
There is one event in the 'happy' scenes category, that's the category where the horror tag comes from for this game, that does seem to spook some people, but most of it is just weird, not actually scary. There are also some things that happen without a choice where even the MC doesn't seem to be in control. You'll know them when you see them as it gets acknowledged in the text.

Also keep in mind that, while VNDB doesn't say it, Denpa is known for not having a very happy tone to it. Most routes will end in some level of sadness or other negative emotions and there is likely to be no truly happy ending at all or, if there is, only one that will come as the final route to be developed.

As for a game for 'just fapping,' no, this is not that kind of game. There is going to be very little in the way of sexy time with any of the characters and it will be slow burn for some of them. When each girl becomes open and ready for sex is entirely dependent on the kind of person they are. The ones with stronger moral views on sex or who are introverted and quiet are likely to take a long time to get there while the rest are likely to take less time. This game is entirely story driven in this aspect. The girl has to say she's ready and offer herself to the MC before the sexy times will start, that is, unless Selebus is willing to add rape, which I'm not so sure he is given he had multiple chances already.

Also, 'just fapping' is actually likely to get you stuck. In this game, you really should pay attention to every single detail as some of it will come up later in ways that will get you stuck.

Also, it is recommended NOT to try for a single girl, those routes aren't in the game yet and that will only get you stuck by not having a girl you weren't going after leveled enough for required events to trigger. It is recommended that you grind them all as equally as possible on this route.

It is going to be a while yet before single girl routes are even started, this is one of the general routes, the 'dark' route, which will likely have the most negative of the possible endings.

Very good game but i wish you can turn the pyscho horror off, because I feel really uncomfortable with this. Almost got a panic attack from this cause it comes out of nowhere... It would be cool to add this for people who cant really handle psycho-horror or have a fear of death (like me)
The horror element is basically the actual main plot, so it cannot be turned off.

This is very true. Sensei seems to ping-pong between detached selfishness and legitimate care and concern. He's very unreliable (especially when sexy times are concerned), but sometimes he rises to the occasion (in the not sexy time way). I very much imagine this is intentional on the part of Selebus.
I have a theory that this is the two sides of him coming out at certain points. When he is cold and detached, it is player Sensei. When he is warm and caring, it is old Sensei, the one who the girls knew before the game.

I just finished Everlasting Love with Ami, Miku's thunderbolt and the main event with Makoto after Bluejay.

With Miku, Sensei was insensitve in a sensitive sort of way? Wish there was something more he could have done for her..
Ami is really starting to freak me out.
And Makoto, my one true love, started acting out and even looking like MC (the eyes). It was definitely unsettling, especially after her attempt.
Shits starting to fall apart
Indeed it is, the Denpa aspect is finally rearing its ugly head and we are bearing witness to the result. Yeah, Ami seems to be a closet yandere and that, to me at least, is even worse than Ayane's openly yandere tendencies. There's literally no telling when she will consider someone a threat to her relationship with player Sensei, who she will consider a threat, or what she will do to eliminate that threat. Even player Sensei is not safe if she ultimately finds him to be the threat, as with all types of yandere and yangire, she will eliminate him as well if necessary.

Oh, it gets better.
I'm sure it does, I can't wait until she starts pulling a knife out of literally nowhere every time a girl gets close. :LOL:

There's a reason that ayane is in Judas' spot in the game banner.

It's cos Sel fucked up, Ami's supposed to be there.

And that's terrifying.
It may have been an admitted mistake, but either one of them fits in that spot at this point. Both show potential as yanderes and that means the potential of betrayal if player Sensei so much as looks at another girl, though Ayane does seem to be calming down away from the yandere thing. Ami is still a threat, though.

Fuck. I don't know if I'm ready for this... I'm still a little shocked and speechless about what has been happening recently and how things are unfolding right now.
We all were to some degree.

I got a feeling that writer suffers from graphomania. Some events are far too long and some(even among happy) are just some very simple thoughts expressed by hundreds of words.
I doubt it. They want the story and events to be long. If they were any shorter I wouldn't like it, and the happy events are supposed to be strange like that
I have to agree with Lucas on this. The events are supposed to convey a certain amount of information and emotion, which can't necessarily be done in a short amount of text. While what is to be conveyed may be simple, the level to which it needs to be conveyed may not be.
Last edited:

Lolicon Kami

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2019
Let's support our dev! Taken from Discord, content by Selebus:

Want to support Lessons in Love but don't have any money? Here are several ways to do that, and any one of them would be greatly appreciated! The more people see the game, the quicker it will grow so I start creating things like official merch and original music.

1) Reviewing/Liking the game on F95 Zone (https://f95zone.to/threads/lessons-in-love-v0-13-0-part2-selebus.48158/#post-3174763) Being a pirate site, F95 generates more traffic for LiL than all of the other sites the game is hosted on. But despite having over 1.5 million views, the game only has around 120 reviews. Reviews on F95 help boost a game's visibility by a lot, and anything you have to say about it would be greatly appreciated! To review a game, simply visit the link above and click on the stars in the top right corner. Just make sure the review meets the minimum character limit of 200.

2) Rating the game on Itchio ( ) Despite having significantly less views than F95, Itchio generates just as many (If not more) patrons for the game and is a great way for me to track statistics like where views are coming from. If you downloaded the game off of Itchio, please take a second to consider rating it to boost visibility and help the game appear in the popular games section. If you're logged in, you should see a button on the top right (Right under "Add to collection") that will allow you to rate the game.

3) Rating the game on VNDB ( ) Have a VNDB account? (If not, you totally should. It's the single best archive/database for visual novels on the Internet.) If so, please consider rating the game on there! The amount of people who already have has far surpassed my expectations, given that the site focuses on primarily Japanese games, but even further increasing the rating and boosting visibility will help it stand out among players searching for new content.

Deleted member 1697433

Lessons in Love
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2019
Very good game but i wish you can turn the pyscho horror off, because I feel really uncomfortable with this. Almost got a panic attack from this cause it comes out of nowhere... It would be cool to add this for people who cant really handle psycho-horror or have a fear of death (like me)
I'm sure my fear of death is just as crippling. That's one of the reasons I write things like this- to combat that. You are supposed to feel uncomfortable, and those moments can not be turned off because they're what the game is all about. Everything and everyone revolves around those moments. I can't just turn the story off.

I got a feeling that writer suffers from graphomania.
That's actually possible, not going to lie. Never been diagnosed or anything but I looked it up and it would definitely make sense.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2018
On the side note, is there any "marks" if you came or not came inside someone, dear coders?
Just quickly looked at the code for 2 scenes which involve cumming inside a girl. As far as I can tell, there's nothing keeping track of this. However, I only checked for some variable around where sensei cums inside. Though I doubt it, it's possible it's being tracked in some other way I don't feel like spending 30+ mins looking through code for.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Let's support our dev! Taken from Discord, content by Selebus:

Want to support Lessons in Love but don't have any money? Here are several ways to do that, and any one of them would be greatly appreciated! The more people see the game, the quicker it will grow so I start creating things like official merch and original music.

1) Reviewing/Liking the game on F95 Zone (https://f95zone.to/threads/lessons-in-love-v0-13-0-part2-selebus.48158/#post-3174763) Being a pirate site, F95 generates more traffic for LiL than all of the other sites the game is hosted on. But despite having over 1.5 million views, the game only has around 120 reviews. Reviews on F95 help boost a game's visibility by a lot, and anything you have to say about it would be greatly appreciated! To review a game, simply visit the link above and click on the stars in the top right corner. Just make sure the review meets the minimum character limit of 200.

2) Rating the game on Itchio ( ) Despite having significantly less views than F95, Itchio generates just as many (If not more) patrons for the game and is a great way for me to track statistics like where views are coming from. If you downloaded the game off of Itchio, please take a second to consider rating it to boost visibility and help the game appear in the popular games section. If you're logged in, you should see a button on the top right (Right under "Add to collection") that will allow you to rate the game.

3) Rating the game on VNDB ( ) Have a VNDB account? (If not, you totally should. It's the single best archive/database for visual novels on the Internet.) If so, please consider rating the game on there! The amount of people who already have has far surpassed my expectations, given that the site focuses on primarily Japanese games, but even further increasing the rating and boosting visibility will help it stand out among players searching for new content.
I'm surprised by two things. 1. We are the number one source of traffic for the game, way to go F95. 2. That this game has a VNDB page. I didn't even know about that one and I use VNDB pretty often, usually to quote their definitions of terms.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an Itch.io and a VNDB rating to write, though I will probably just copy and paste unless I decide to add more to my rating here. I can do that last I checked.

I'm sure my fear of death is just as crippling. That's one of the reasons I write things like this- to combat that. You are supposed to feel uncomfortable, and those moments can not be turned off because they're what the game is all about. Everything and everyone revolves around those moments. I can't just turn the story off.

That's actually possible, not going to lie. Never been diagnosed or anything but I looked it up and it would definitely make sense.
A sort of exposure therapy, I guess. Hey, if it works, it works.

I usually don't laugh at jokes in games but Molly events changed that. Please keep that one tag Molly hates away from this game because this is already a 10/10 i'm recommending to friends and if that was added it would lead to some pretty uncomfortable conversations. :ROFLMAO:
Her events can get pretty funny, especially the later ones.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
The gift shop misunderstanding and Raid: Shadow Legends bit had me laughing uncontrollably.

Molly's a goddamned national treasure.
Definitely Raid, that was completely unexpected. I take it Selebus likes that game. I don't do a lot of mobile games and it is one, so I haven't played it. It does mention it has a PC version, but if it is anything like Genshin Impact, my PC will shut itself off in five minutes because of how hard the game works my hardware.

Never change, Molly, never change.

I wasn't expecting that other event to happen though, the one where she was busy with...something else. Not this soon, at least. Then again, I wasn't expecting the last Rin event to go how it did, either. I was expecting that one to go like it does for bad homies regardless of previous events. It was worth it, though. Seeing that happen is the best moment in the game to date and I might be bold enough to make it my background somewhere. It is innocent enough not to have to worry, just have to worry about explaining the source is all.


Active Member
Mar 7, 2018
Definitely Raid, that was completely unexpected. I take it Selebus likes that game. I don't do a lot of mobile games and it is one, so I haven't played it. It does mention it has a PC version, but if it is anything like Genshin Impact, my PC will shut itself off in five minutes because of how hard the game works my hardware.
The company behind Raid basically went on an advertising blitz using several medium-to-fairly large YouTube channels to basically spam the advert on every video.

If you ever watched MXR Mods Weekly/MXR Plays, you'd understand.

That part the really made me laugh was about playing it on multiple devices simultaneously, got me thinking back to those die hard Pokemon Go players.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Nah, he's making fun of them because they advertise so much that everyone is sick of hearing about it.
I see, I have heard of it, but I don't see that many ads, probably due to the adblockers I use. It does make sense given what this game sometimes does to things like that, making fun of things, I mean.

The company behind Raid basically went on an advertising blitz using several medium-to-fairly large YouTube channels to basically spam the advert on every video.

If you ever watched MXR Mods Weekly/MXR Plays, you'd understand.

That part the really made me laugh was about playing it on multiple devices simultaneously, got me thinking back to those die hard Pokemon Go players.
I'm a subscriber to MXR, but I may not have seen that. I tend to run an adblocker, so I wouldn't see ads separate from the video, and tend to skip over their advertising segment when they talk about that stuff.

Oh yeah, the multiple devices part and the whole fingers exchange are what got me and I couldn't stop laughing after until the event was done.


Engaged Member
Jun 8, 2020
I'm sure my fear of death is just as crippling. That's one of the reasons I write things like this- to combat that. You are supposed to feel uncomfortable, and those moments can not be turned off because they're what the game is all about. Everything and everyone revolves around those moments. I can't just turn the story off.

That's actually possible, not going to lie. Never been diagnosed or anything but I looked it up and it would definitely make sense.
I suffer from severe depression which makes parts of this game extremely difficult to "live" through - but also very cathartic in a way. It's a little too close to the scenery in my head, but sometimes helps it get out.
4.10 star(s) 324 Votes