I'm also failing to understand that now that I know he had a different view elsewhere. There is no 'proper' way to make a game and the only time a 'proper' way to do any part of development comes up is when the developer digs themselves into either a technical or narrative hole that can only be gotten out of in one way.You know I was actually on your side with whole "I don't care what the creator thinks I'll interact with art however I please!" thing you were doing earlier, but I don't understand how you can think that and switch to wishing his ruin because you didn't like a part of what he made and then trying to dictate the "Proper Way" to make a game.
I'm starting to believe that you actually care *too much* about what he thinks. Just bypass everything like you said you would instead of coming in here and complaining about it.
I, at least, would not fault you for that, even if I think you get more value from meeting art on it's own terms.
I won't fault anyone for using a bypass, I am of the 'you do you' mindset, but I won't be a part of that 'you do you' if it means not experiencing the game as intended as my own version of 'you do you' is to play as intended. This is essentially what my strict rules regarding my assistance are enforcing (really need to put those rules down somewhere they can be seen). I won't violate my own play style to assist with a different one.
That is adorable and hilarious, never change Tsukasa.Tsukasa loves poop! Time to add a scat tag!
See, if they made THAT a puzzle answer all would be forgiven.
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It happens, at this point it is just an inevitability and the only real question is when it will happen next.Nah I know, It's just this hasn't happened lately cause everyone was busy sharing their theories about the game and game updates topics
It can, but the expectations thrust upon users of this site already vastly differ from what this game delivers.Only if yout are actually aware of what you are getting yourself into.
Pathologic 1 stretched the mentality of artificial difficulty as a "means to and end" to a breaking point, all the while not indicating that it's full of so much pointless walking without knowing where you actually had to walk to more often than not. It is one of the reasons - together with the poor state of release outside of Russia - why the game remained so obscure in the first place. Pathologic 2 at the very least clearly states (begrudgingly added after a patch I might add) that the high difficulty of the game is the intended experience while also providing you with information on what you potentially have missed with the simple press of a button. This sets your expectations right from the word go.
If you get thrust into a situation that feels vastly different from your set expectations it can quickly feel like an unfair shift with barely any room to adapt in, then people will inevitably feel like their experience took a turn to the worse.
On a note regarding the game, I did certainly enjoy the update and surprisingly hunting for clues, with the exception of a single riddle which left me utterly stumped and I'm absolutely not a fan of solving riddles in the first place, so if even someone like me can get gratification out of hunting for clues despite not being an inate fan of it, that should be considered some praise.
Take the story vs porn issue. There have been several cases where people have said there isn't enough or they complain about why it is only animated when there is no need to focus on the story. This is because, while F95 is technically a general use game pirating forum, it mainly contains porn games and most of those thrust the player into sex scenes quickly and very often if sex scenes are not the only thing the game has to offer at all. Meanwhile, this game focuses largely on the story with porn taking a back seat to the point where it could have been easily stripped away with almost zero actual issue. It would have changed the story in several areas, but not much.
Then there's the way the actual story goes, some people go into this game expecting another of the usual Koikatsu VNs, not expecting the Denpa element, and then get scared off when it hits hard and fast. Not everyone can take Denpa style horror and those who can't typically nope right out of the game within the first couple of scenes of that nature.
Those are vast expectation vs reality checks for anyone coming into this game.
The wiki, which should be in the first post if I remember correctly and is also linked in game.Also, how where do you look up triggers for events?
Ableist?Book 9 depends on what you picked for calm/callous/concerned during some past event that I can't remember off the top of my head. If you picked calm like me, you won't be able to use the "unlock all puzzle answers" option. But eating 10 live squids works.
Either way, done with that trash. Ridiculous to have to study a porn game like a text book to progress. See you all next time there's a reset or maya event (who the fuck knows what that'll look like now). I'll be back to bitch about how the writing is interesting, but the game design is god awful and the creator is able-ist.
WAY overdone, seriosuly, I laughed at the guy above this comment, but it is getting old FAST. If they don't like puzzles, it is not 'ableist,' the game just isn't to their taste, it's that simple. I absolutely HATE the trash tier puzzles in some games that my little sister could have figured out at age three, this game offers a challenge and I am loving it.the whole "it's ableist to make a game the way you want instead of making it accessible to lowest possible denominator" schtick is so overdone.
It's fine not to like the puzzles but I don't really get why you go on insane rambling rants about why you don't like them. Especially when you can just look up the answers fairly easily.
Better to have puzzles that might stump a few people and admit you can't do them than to have skyirm tier puzzles where a literal crow could figure them out.
Sound is part of the game experience anyway, if you don't like using the sound, that's tough. Selebus has already said no every single time this issue comes up. The requirement has been mentioned multiple times throughout this thread, by the way, because people keep bringing it up and will not let the dead, rotting horse they have already beaten rest in peace.The more ableist thing is requiring sound to get past a "puzzle", making no mention of this requirement, and then telling your fanbase not to give answers to anyone who can't progress because of said disability. Bit of a dick
Ideally the game shouldn't have puzzles at all. They really add nothing of value (and take this from a great VN to an okay one). And if it has to have them, there should be a means to solve them without having to lookup answers. Infodumping random factoids at random points of the game and then requiring those answers in the future without the context is just trash tier design.
Thankgodhe doesn't know how to code since it's easy to make it impossible to lookup the answers.
As a person who literally cannot walk and could not from birth, a physical disability in other words, if a person cannot play this game as intended because of their disability, there are plenty of other games. People with disabilities do have things that are just not possible, that's just how our lives are and we have to live with that either until we pass or medicine advances so far that a cure for our disability is found.
Hell, if Selebus were ever to implement a walking mechanic, good luck with that in Renpy, I would try my hardest to at least get through it using whatever means I can. I am not a quitter, I never have been and the word quit is not even in my vocabulary (okay, yes, I know I used it, I was not being literal). I wouldn't complain just because he did, I would try to overcome and, if I failed, I would find another game without complaint, though maybe a goodbye out of respect.
Ideally, a developer should be making whatever they want, it is THEIR project, and nobody, not even their patrons, should be given any power over actual game development like some of the other developers do as patron perks. Ideally, if Selebus wants puzzles, let puzzles rain from the skies until he is satisfied. No, there shouldn't be a means to solve the puzzles without looking up answers, I mean there technically already is, but if you miss it, tough luck. That method is paying extreme attention to the text at all times and writing anything that jumps out at you down. For example, his computer password was mentioned in a comment by a character and is used as an answer to the puzzle in "There Is Nothing." Also, this is why the replay function was added, or at least one reason why, so that people who miss information can replay scenes without having to go back to an old save or start over.
Funny thing about him not knowing how to code things so that you can't look up answers, it would defeat one of the purposes of the replay function not to mention he isn't the only developer associated with the game in some way. He is the only developer working on it, but there are other people who know exactly how to do what he does not or at least has not shown he knows how to do. If I were so inclined, I'm not because again it defeats one of the purposes of the replay function, I could offer exactly what he would need to make it impossible or to even do other things that would deter it that are much worse. I've been a programmer longer than this game has existed by quite a large margin, the early 2000s with my actual learning starting in the late 90s.