Game seems to have bugged out. The auto, skip, etc buttons are gone. The event tracker says that I am missing events despite having them unlocked and being able to replay them. I have the guide mod installed. Any solutions besides restarting?
Unfortunately, I believe you are correct. I do not believe it to be the game itself, but an interaction between the game and your save that bugged the save. I don't remember if the mod was updated for the part 2 release or not and, while that sounds minor in theory, that isn't a minor issue in practice if the mod interacts the way I'm starting to think it does under the hood. This MIGHT be a case of wrong mod version for the game version in that case (while the part 1 and part 2 releases are really two halves of the same release, there is content not accounted for in the part 1 release version of the mod that the part 2 release of the game would have, this may or may not be the issue depending on if the mod was updated for part 2. I don't know, I only saw a part 1 update comment for the mod, but it is possible I missed the announcement of the mod for part 2).
Rip patreon page I guess. Thankfully it does kinda seem like selebus recovered a good amount of his subscribers on subscribestar.
I read something about a rework on the last few pages, is that what's coming in the next patch?
Definitely, he is well on his way to complete Patreon independence, which is not something most games in this situation can say since the majority that get struck down by Patreon just stop production entirely. A tiny sliver remains until the 75% mark and not even 25% of the bar for the 100% mark remains as far as the goals on SubscribeStar that allow us to get a rough estimate to track progress from.
In the next patch, yes, it will be a MASSIVE rework, something like 158 existing events getting some kind of update. I don't know if there will be ANY new content, but I would neither expect any nor be surprised if there isn't, this rework is an insane workload already.