I had a save at the start of the 'Broken World' event, when asked about the artists. The first time I went in I got stuck in a weeks loop with well over 20 affection with God, and no 'school' option ever appeared. Used the search function here, only for the first dozen or so results to be other player stuck in the same loop, but with no answer. The first time I went in, I did however trigger the soccer field event. Thinking that might have bugged out the game, I re-loaded the artist check point and passed days until I had 5 God affection, but purposely avoided triggering the soccer field event. This time I did eventually see an option for 'school', but it was Sunday morning, so even the answers that said 'wait until a weekday' were off in my case.
So I don't know what the hell is going on, other than I absolutely fucking hate these 'Happy Scenes' and their nonsensical bullshit. They're hot-boxing yourself with your own fats levels of obnoxious pretentiousness. I strongly recommend that everyone just skips them, and play the game muted against the dev's recommendation, cause you're not missing anything of value (a recording of random words punched into a late 90's text-to-speech program is not 'value').
I enjoy the 'normal' dialogue and the characters, and I don't mind the mystery behind Sensei, but there has to be a better way the deliver that mystery than with a sledgehammer to the temples hijacking currently employed. It's not cool, or fun, or high-minded, let alone enjoyable. It's obnoxious, and ultimately a wasted effort, once you've frustrated people so much that they're literally skipping the neurotic fever dreams precisely cause they're such a meaningless cluster-fuck. I put up with the first dozen or so instances, waiting for them to get better to reveal something of worth or meaning. They never did, and now I just skip them all. If there is eventually some great revelation hidden in them, then again, I blame the dev for having their head too far up their own ass to realize just how awful these 'Happy Event' sequences are in the first place; and would strongly recommend they quit hot-boxing themselves with their own farts.