From stats perpective, we are missing a patch
BTW, lets go deeper. What else I do if we got almost confirmed end of chapter and ~12 hours before release
Evidence #1: abmormal grinds.
Some girls have to grind too much points for their first events.
Kaori require 35 love while her previous event required only 20
Nodoka require 30 love for [Amoeba] while her first event [Beyond the Reach of God] required only 15
Osako & Tsubasa, who requrie 15 love for second date
Wakana & Yuki have gaps as well, but they weren't this big so I think they could be ignored.
We possibly miss some events with Kaori, Nodoka, Osako and Tsubasa which were initialy planed
Evidence #2: Hook and Mason Jar
Sel does not forget to reference [Hook], but forgets to make proper dependencies. He might have in-head memo that it was required by something global, but it havent. I.e. it might initialy be pre-reset. Same goes for Ami line, if it was initialy pre-reset, it might have ended initialy by reset and when Sel realised it is not an option he just finished it in anticlimatic way.
Also, why the hell [The Maltese Falcon] and [Yellow Cactus Flower] require [From the Desk of the Ninth God]? Isn't it just an "old reset" milestone
PS Amy might initialy be 5th reset draft, at least it look coherent
I already wrote about this after 0.32.0 release
During last two patches, Selebus released some stuff which looks a bit out of place. Specificaly Psyco Ami-related events, which ended with nothing. This is first outside-of-reset puzzle, which could actualy be used during reset, especialy considering that next reset should move us to a new phase and question-style resets already exhausted themselves.
Also there is a bunch of completly forgoten side events like "Second Sun" or "Hook".
I think, Sel is rewriting chapter plot right now and we are going through old reset stuff. It's interesting, because new plot should be different frow what we seen before
However, inital explanation with 6th reset rework wasn't that good. Now, with a clue that something has been reworked around 0.26.0-0.29.0, it looks more coherent for me. Actualy, have Sel said what was he doing during Feb-March?