It is very spread throughout the game, perhaps Deskel has the information of where and each of his information, is mainly in the reset, but each god has certain characteristics and they are all associated with a certain season that is why, for example, hope/ nozomu/callous, angels sekai is stronger in summer, and calm is more related to winter/tojoramen/noddles, taking things out of happy events and reset almost mostly.
and how paraleidolla could be connected to himawari/shapeshifter, plus the theories of sana being nozomu's daughter.
each god in theory would also be associated with a user
But until now I have not seen that there is any relatively good god. As far as girls' or Akira's interests are concerned, the closest thing it could be would be Hiwamari. At the end of the day, I suppose her goal is for her to exist. and for that he must force the way between ayane/akira in his own means and alliances. Who I still don't understand well is from the entity Nao and Nao-chan has many doubts about that. // also the library, but I have to look at that happy event that I forgot the name xd
trying to remember the only thing I see that seems to be an amalgamation of all those that were in the reset, and the strange connection with Ami, making people believe that it is good.