Maki's Husband would disagree.
Haruka's Husband would agree.
Sekai and Nozomu would disagree.
My mental health would absolutely disagree.
Maki's Husband was not in Kumon-Mi
Haruka's Husband is still alive (theoretically), but also not in Kumon-Mi
Sekai and Nozomu died before the divine fuckery kicked off, and are thus not applicable to the present state of affairs
Further -- Maki's husband may or may not be dead. Whether he is or not is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things -- what is important is that Maki and Makoto are led to believe he is dead by a robocall (red flag #1) that also told them to "remember to smile" (red flags 2-infinity). The call itself is divine fuckery, which leaves open the very real possibility that he's still very much alive and boning the triple-breatest whore from Eroticon V as we speak. There's a third possibility that is far more likely -- that the time loop has been going on for so long that both husbands died LOOOOONG ago. But again, they died OUTSIDE of Kumon-Mi.
Want verifiable proof of my statement? Bluejay. Or the fact that Makoto has admitted to REPEATEDLY trying to self-delete to no avail. People inside the Divine Fuckery Bubble that Kumon-Mi is today cannot die. The closest we get is Tsuneyo's old man, whom we are led to believe dies -- about five seconds before a reset starts.
Incidentally, he's alive again.
There is no death in Kumon-Mi.