I can't recall what every god was responsible for but hasn't wires been good so far? He's fixes things when they break and he was the one who gave Sensei his memory with Niki. Maybe hes done some bad stuff that I don't remember? I really have no idea, I had no clue what I was reading the first time around.
I do know that HOPE fucking sucks though. It's not clear why the gods want what they want but one moment that sticks out in my mind is when he called Yasu retarded. It sticks out because there is no way it was necessary and it's such a hateful thing to say about someone who has only been a loyal follower to him. Then he taunted Senei and made Yasu soil herself. That whole event just made me feel really bad for Yasu. How do you convince a fanatic to ditch their abusive god?
Thank god for Touka though. Seeing Yasu smile when Touka shows up always warms my heart.
The Wire god/USER2 seemed to be implied to be responsible for the Scary Room that Maya went through, and Molly being raped, but Pareidolia may have been impersonating it, since it can apparently copy the others. It also seems to hate Maya, so, trying to traumatize her, seems up it's alley. (May also be The World Itself, as if it's meant to be Sekai, then Sekai seems to hate Maya as well:
Or at least one does. Probably the one in Kaori considering Kaori ignored Maya.)
Besides that, it doesn't seem all that bad. More of
a just doing it's job kind of thing.
I also don't think it was HOPE who called Yasu retarded. This is what HOPE possessing Yasu seems to look like and act:
HOPE isn't exactly nice to Yasu, but doesn't seem hateful of her or judgemental of Sensei for wanting to fuck her etc.
On the other hand:
My bets are on this Sekai thing influencing Yasu. Might also be the World Itself that's been mentioned, most notably in Yasu's Chapter 3 Event:
Which happened to be when Yasu couldn't hear HOPE/her god.