Sorry if this has been asked, I'm catching up since I waited for a few updates to go by and I can't find anything with the search bar.
Are all of Haruka's events locked out if you decide to be a gentleman? I noticed that the Bad Kitty event doesn't get crossed off, but I don't think you can get 10 lust without obviously having a sexual relationship with her. Is the event still open or will it just get crossed off when I get to that specific event?
Sorry if this has been asked, I'm catching up since I waited for a few updates to go by and I can't find anything with the search bar.
Are all of Haruka's events locked out if you decide to be a gentleman? I noticed that the Bad Kitty event doesn't get crossed off, but I don't think you can get 10 lust without obviously having a sexual relationship with her. Is the event still open or will it just get crossed off when I get to that specific event?
If you chose to be a gentleman, that event will get crossed off after Halloween. With the way the tracker recognizes the variables, it won’t close anything off until after the period in time where the event is supposed to take place.
Reason for this is to allow people to pre-grind lust since the missable lust events are typically during holiday events.
They're 100% like that intentionally, lmao.
I'm unhappy with a lot of the earlier CGs since I had no idea how to use Koikatsu back then and will be reworking many in January.
Glad you like the game! Thanks a lot, man.
They're 100% like that intentionally, lmao.
I'm unhappy with a lot of the earlier CGs since I had no idea how to use Koikatsu back then and will be reworking many in January.
Glad you like the game! Thanks a lot, man.
Just my two cents, but the childish/sketchy art made the psychosomatic elements more effective for me- sort of like it was Impressionistic art: Is it Real or is it all in My head? More realistic art might dispel that ambiguity.
One thing that occurred to me during my latest play is the possibility that the original Sensei (Ami's actual uncle), if he ever actually existed, might be our MC remembering his original life and he's trying to fit that in with his "changes"- whether he's in a Matrix-sort of situation or has mental/physical issues. (I seem to recall that at some point early on, MC mentions having been in an "accident" of some sort.)
Just my two cents, but the childish/sketchy art made the psychosomatic elements more effective for me- sort of like it was Impressionistic art: Is it Real or is it all in My head? More realistic art might dispel that ambiguity.
One thing that occurred to me during my latest play is the possibility that the original Sensei (Ami's actual uncle), if he ever actually existed, might be our MC remembering his original life and he's trying to fit that in with his "changes"- whether he's in a Matrix-sort of situation or has mental/physical issues. (I seem to recall that at some point early on, MC mentions having been in an "accident" of some sort.)
Same here on that first part. As for Sensei, everything so far points to some sort of transfer via divine/demonic intervention of some sort, by which I mean intervention from something on a totally different plane of existence that is either good and doing this as punishment, divine beings, or evil and is doing this just to screw with him, demonic beings. I mean what is HOPE-Sama? What is Maya assuming she is more than a mere human given her events? Maybe both divine and demonic forces are at play with all these events being the tug of war going on between the two trying to get Sensei to turn fully to their side. Maybe this 'accident' was yet more intervention by one of the two sides taking drastic measures.
They're 100% like that intentionally, lmao.
I'm unhappy with a lot of the earlier CGs since I had no idea how to use Koikatsu back then and will be reworking many in January.
Glad you like the game! Thanks a lot, man.
I mean it would have to be intentional right?
If it was lack of time or skill that are things like asset packs and such for like 99% of everything (how many games end up made by people who can't art without being terrible to look at) and anything there isn't you could probably cobble together from various asset packs.
I don't think the generic horror shiz of the normal games characters with a bit of gore and a twisted expression would really be as unsettling as some of the stuff that is used here though so Selebus seems to have a grasp on what they're doing.
Thank you very much for taking the time to both play and critique my game! I completely agree with basically everything you said, and kind of expected to hear this sort of feedback when I was first thinking up LiL. The greatest worry I always have when looking at my writing from a critical perspective is that it's sort of like this formulaic chaos where, just as you mentioned, it becomes a cycle of dramatic mood shifts that start in similar places and end in similar places. Indulgent is a good word, but I feel that there's a bit more to it than that- and all of it comes from the challenges I knew would arise when creating something of this scale.
The key worry for me has been not moving anything drastically forward until everyone has reached a certain...plateau, I guess- as I very much want this to be a story where the class progresses as a whole in tandem with individual character progression. But having so many fucking characters makes that an interesting challenge. I want everyone to progress together, but progressing so many people at once is quite a laborious and lengthy undertaking. And that's not me making an excuse or anything, just trying to explain where I am and where I want to go.
The coming update is easily the biggest in terms of actual main story beats, so I think you'll start seeing some of that indulgence begin to slip away as the direction the game is heading in becomes more apparent. It is, however, important to note that those incessant cycles of good-to bad-to very bad-to very good-to normal-to weird religious philosophy-to sex-back to good will likely never fully go away. One thing I picked up from SCA-DI (Who I'm very excited to see name-dropped in a discussion about my game as he is probably my biggest influence) is that sort of weird, unfiltered/borderline-nonsensical rambling type of prose. It wasn't until I played Subarashiki Hibi that I thought, "You know what? Fuck it. I'm just going to write for myself and if people like it, they like it." So, while I've completely embraced the fact that I just write whatever comes to my mind rather than sitting down and specifically plotting out who is going to dynamically change and when, I completely understand that that exact quality of my work may be a turn-off for some people. I always know where I want to go, but I admittedly might take a little too long to get there at times.
Last thing to note, as I feel it ties directly back into how the horror aspects are circling around to the same ideas is that, to some extent, that's exactly what they're doing. And while it won't be clear or obvious now, each one of them provides a different sort of hint or tidbit of information that will be vital to "connecting the dots" in the future. We're still only in the first part of the game and there are many gigantic reveals that have yet to even almost-surface- but I'm in this for the long-haul. Hopefully, this next update will be enough to show you that I'm capable of slipping away from that comfortable sort of "formula" I've been writing in but, again, I don't think that style will ever fully fade.
Thank you very much for taking the time to both play and critique my game! I completely agree with basically everything you said, and kind of expected to hear this sort of feedback when I was first thinking up LiL. The greatest worry I always have when looking at my writing from a critical perspective is that it's sort of like this formulaic chaos where, just as you mentioned, it becomes a cycle of dramatic mood shifts that start in similar places and end in similar places. Indulgent is a good word, but I feel that there's a bit more to it than that- and all of it comes from the challenges I knew would arise when creating something of this scale.
The key worry for me has been not moving anything drastically forward until everyone has reached a certain...plateau, I guess- as I very much want this to be a story where the class progresses as a whole in tandem with individual character progression. But having so many fucking characters makes that an interesting challenge. I want everyone to progress together, but progressing so many people at once is quite a laborious and lengthy undertaking. And that's not me making an excuse or anything, just trying to explain where I am and where I want to go.
The coming update is easily the biggest in terms of actual main story beats, so I think you'll start seeing some of that indulgence begin to slip away as the direction the game is heading in becomes more apparent. It is, however, important to note that those incessant cycles of good-to bad-to very bad-to very good-to normal-to weird religious philosophy-to sex-back to good will likely never fully go away. One thing I picked up from SCA-DI (Who I'm very excited to see name-dropped in a discussion about my game as he is probably my biggest influence) is that sort of weird, unfiltered/borderline-nonsensical rambling type of prose. It wasn't until I played Subarashiki Hibi that I thought, "You know what? Fuck it. I'm just going to write for myself and if people like it, they like it." So, while I've completely embraced the fact that I just write whatever comes to my mind rather than sitting down and specifically plotting out who is going to dynamically change and when, I completely understand that that exact quality of my work may be a turn-off for some people. I always know where I want to go, but I admittedly might take a little too long to get there at times.
Last thing to note, as I feel it ties directly back into how the horror aspects are circling around to the same ideas is that, to some extent, that's exactly what they're doing. And while it won't be clear or obvious now, each one of them provides a different sort of hint or tidbit of information that will be vital to "connecting the dots" in the future. We're still only in the first part of the game and there are many gigantic reveals that have yet to even almost-surface- but I'm in this for the long-haul. Hopefully, this next update will be enough to show you that I'm capable of slipping away from that comfortable sort of "formula" I've been writing in but, again, I don't think that style will ever fully fade.
Anyone else getting rather worried for the characters with all this hype about the next update? Congratulations, you've managed the near-impossible task of making a horror game where I'm actually scared for the character's sake. Bravo.
Anyone else getting rather worried for the characters with all this hype about the next update? Congratulations, you've managed the near-impossible task of making a horror game where I'm actually scared for the character's sake. Bravo.
Selebus I'm a bit curious, but I haven't played the game yet, and want to play the one you might be updating this week (tomorrow, I think?), when should we expect you to update it on here man?
Also, thanks for the game! I'm sure there are a lot of people who appreciate your hard work at creating an enjoyable and compelling story.
Selebus I'm a bit curious, but I haven't played the game yet, and want to play the one you might be updating this week (tomorrow, I think?), when should we expect you to update it on here man?
Also, thanks for the game! I'm sure there are a lot of people who appreciate your hard work at creating an enjoyable and compelling story.
Free versions of the game come out when the new paid version comes out. So the version releasing tomorrow should be available for free on January 1st I believe.
However, there are people that leak the paid version here earlier. No telling when exactly, but the last one took 4 or 5 days I think? I wouldn't be surprised if it takes longer.
Either way, your save always carries over and there's quite a bit of content currently, so you can start with the version currently on here to see if you like it, then consider possibly paying if you finish it and want more before the new version is out for free.