If you're following the guide, then you probably triggered the "schadenfreude" event (Chika's bedroom) before the beach trip, even though the guide told you not to. This will lead to the path called "bad homie" with Rin. If you can, I suggest going back and waiting for the beach trip to trigger it, this will activate the "good homie" path - which is a must for a Rin enjoyer.
thank you for the help i didnt have the guide mod installed originally (using the wiki RIP me X0 ) i am just in front of the beach trip on my save the early "schadenfreude" trigger was a curve ball i didnt see and forze up everything. ill learn about the URM you mentioned as i rather not grind to get back the progress i have lost, lastly thanks for the heads up on the f.m.k.
update: got URM and having trouble changing the values as it reverts them to the previous values