Does anybody know how the fuck do i trigger the events for Tsuneyo after 'Thomas Mato M.D' one and the events for Yumi after 'A life i never wanted'? and that one happy event after 'Kyoto'?
I feel like 50% of my playtime on this game is clicking on buttons like a regard.
Hi everyone, long time lurker here, coming just to ramble about something i've never heard discussed before.
As a DnD enthusiast, it is pretty clear that Selebus is a DnD enjoyer too, and i'm sure his narration capabilities have brought both fun and suffering to many DnD groups in real life.
What i'm here to talk about is what i percieve as the inspiration Selebus took from DnD, especially the idea of the Domains of Dread (Ravenloft), the trapped souls inside and their Darklords, for the creation of LiL.
Be warned that i'm fueled by two glasses of wine, a carnival doughnut as big as a serving platter and several birthday sweets, so i've got enough sugar in my brain to be conscious that most of what i'm saying is possibly sensless bullshit, especially since english is not my first language. I don't even remember most of what happened during the various in-game Molly's DnD sessions, so hints there were probably lost to me.
That's all from me i guess, just some ranting about how much every time i play Lil i feel like i'm playing some absolutely deranged version of a Ravenloft adventure where the writer decided nothing was off the hook.
Does anyone know how to get this game to show up in latest updated? It shows up as being done 5 years ago (when it was first posted) even though it updated on Saturday, so the only way I find out there's updates is seeking them out
Does anyone know how to get this game to show up in latest updated? It shows up as being done 5 years ago (when it was first posted) even though it updated on Saturday, so the only way I find out there's updates is seeking them out
Does anyone know how to get this game to show up in latest updated? It shows up as being done 5 years ago (when it was first posted) even though it updated on Saturday, so the only way I find out there's updates is seeking them out
Join LiL's Discord, usually at the beginning of the month there will be announcements and game release schedules. Because of the problem from Sel, the update will not appear on f95. But you just need to go to the page at the beginning of each month to have a new update.
I hereby welcome you to the prestigious club of individuals banned from lilcord. There aren't many of us... is what I would like to say, but this club grows at an astronomical rate.
I know that the checklist is right according to the story as we have seen it, but it is also hard to believe that there hasn't been at least one "Don't worry, Chinami's asleep" moment during an encounter at Chika's that would bump Chinami up to the "watched" level.
There is an implication that she has listened to them during one of their overnight sessions, based on how much stock you put into Chinami's "I can't speak for when Chinami's asleep"
can someone who's better at ren'py/coding explain this traceback error I'm getting when I load my 0.47 save in 0.48? For context the save still loads fine in 0.47
I hereby welcome you to the prestigious club of individuals banned from lilcord. There aren't many of us... is what I would like to say, but this club grows at an astronomical rate.
It's one of the things I and some other members have memed about the most in my server, including a low effort copypasta of his DDLC rant (I think this dates back to the exact day he dropped 0.39?):
Does anybody know how the fuck do i trigger the events for Tsuneyo after 'Thomas Mato M.D' one and the events for Yumi after 'A life i never wanted'? and that one happy event after 'Kyoto'?
I feel like 50% of my playtime on this game is clicking on buttons like a regard.
I'd recommend you download the guide mod, as the recent update already covers update 0.47. Otherwise you can either follow the wiki or our "event trigger" guides.
Lessons in Love updates 10 months a year (more or less), always on the first day of the month. You could check the discord, but also this thread - whichever you prefer. The next update (0.49) will be on May 1st.
Just some ranting about how much every time i play Lil i feel like i'm playing some absolutely deranged version of a Ravenloft adventure where the writer decided nothing was off the hook.
I mean, there seem to be parallels. I don't know to which extent he took inspiration from it, but it's definitely possible. Welcome to the thread, nonetheless.
Hi everyone, long time lurker here, coming just to ramble about something i've never heard discussed before.
As a DnD enthusiast, it is pretty clear that Selebus is a DnD enjoyer too, and i'm sure his narration capabilities have brought both fun and suffering to many DnD groups in real life.
What i'm here to talk about is what i percieve as the inspiration Selebus took from DnD, especially the idea of the Domains of Dread (Ravenloft), the trapped souls inside and their Darklords, for the creation of LiL.
Be warned that i'm fueled by two glasses of wine, a carnival doughnut as big as a serving platter and several birthday sweets, so i've got enough sugar in my brain to be conscious that most of what i'm saying is possibly sensless bullshit, especially since english is not my first language. I don't even remember most of what happened during the various in-game Molly's DnD sessions, so hints there were probably lost to me.
That's all from me i guess, just some ranting about how much every time i play Lil i feel like i'm playing some absolutely deranged version of a Ravenloft adventure where the writer decided nothing was off the hook.
Man, get triple the amount of sugar you've had, not sure if someone already did a DND perspective on LiL before on here (I doubt someone already did) but this was a nice read and comparison.
I know the message was not directed to me but I'd like to also say something, I wouldn't say it's evil of you, nor is it good, it is neutral and more to life, something stops and you miss it after it had stopped but understand it's allowed to/should, it's just something natural to happen, you can only embrace and continue growing.
Not calling you ungrown or anything similar to that, by the way. I just believe a person always continues to grow even in elderhood.
First: How can his characters talk about "taking our music" when so much is pulled from royalty-free sources available to anyone?
And second: Molly of all people should know the difference between a blood-sucking parasite and a sorcerer-turned-undead by unholy magic.
It's one of the things I and some other members have memed about the most in my server, including a low effort copypasta of his DDLC rant (I think this dates back to the exact day he dropped 0.39?):
I think the funniest part about the whole music thing is the fact he said I'd owe him 500 bucks if I had used Kimi to Aki no Bouken. Him. Not the artist.
Asked the guy that is guilty of sharing the triggers for every update as well as puzzle hints. I‘m pretty sure that you are right next to him on Sels shitlist
Anyways, thank you for your contributions by the way. The input saved my sanity more than just once