My point isn't that they are mutually exclusive, my point is the focus is not and has never been sexuality. All Selebus is doing is writing an amazing story where the sexuality takes a back seat. With the focus on the story, the only sexuality that happens is when the girls themselves decide they are ready within that story. We'll get more sexuality, but it won't be before another girl is ready to go that far with Sensei, the other girls, or both. If we get some too early, it would have to be written like that last attempt player Sensei made on Miku, which already has me pissed off at him for rushing a girl who clearly didn't want it yet and was only faltering to pressure.
Yes to both, but you'll have to fight me over best girl, I'm still firmly in the Rin camp on that one.
Ami may be worse than we've already seen, by which I mean crossing her could be deadly. Noriko has her crazy right out in the open, but has admitted to being armed, so she may also be deadly to get on the bad side of. Ayane has actually been calming down over multiple updates, so I'm not even sure she was ever a true yandere, that might have just been an act and she certainly fooled me into thinking she was a true yandere for a while. The first two, though, yeah, definite true yanderes, murderous intent included.
You call that slightly crazy? Do you not remember the stunt she pulled while Ami was distracting Maya? She is the least sane girl so far aside from maybe Yasu or potentially Ami, though the true extent of Ami's instability remains to be seen and I do think it is much worse than revealed so far.
As far as Kirin has said, what you say is true, but she may be hiding something with that side of her. Something just doesn't seem right about her acting that way and I don't mean the fact that she's pretty much throwing herself at player Sensei.
Ami's streak isn't so much a mean streak as it is a territorial streak. She is an extremely jealous girl and VERY territorial in her love interests, even if that love might have been born out of her mental instability. I've made this comparison before, but she is very much like a lioness defending her territory, that territory being player Sensei. She's not truly trying to be mean, she is just trying to keep other girls from getting too close to her territory. Otherwise she would not be so mean toward them. She has shown she can be quite peaceful in interacting with the other girls as long as they don't get too close to player Sensei.
Again, though, she is clearly unstable and that instability may have led to a relationship she may not have even considered normally. Instability doesn't always take a form that makes sense.
Same, I am still considering the possibility of a split personality and the original personality is on a long vacation at the moment.
Missed events typically don't get a second chance, so yes unless you don't mind a red mark. If it was something critical to progress, then it would be a definite yes, naturally, but this one is not.