"I'm okay with him doing sketchy shit and being a borderline rapist, but fucking fat chicks, no, that's too far." I get it, really do, poor wording, but, by God, that made me laugh.
Well, most of my posts are not dead serious, quite the opposite, but there was some truth in this one.

A quick lesson in twisted logic:
I do have some mental block when it comes to fat chicks. I'm a fan of porn, and every time some naked one unexpectedly jumps at me from screen, I get a real physical reaction, some kind of chilling, shivering, unpleasant something. If they are clothed and non-sexual, I have no problem with them whatsoever, they don't disgust me or anything. But fat and sexual is terrifying for some reason.
Since it's me making (some) decisions for Sensei, I'm always projecting myself into him at least a little bit. It's more enjoyable, and it goes both ways. I'm trying to understand him, get into his shoes, find my inner asshole and let it come out, all that he does and which isn't natural for me. At the same time, I don't want him to go too much against my real self, so I'd like him to be basically good, or at least not truly evil. That could be difficult, but it depends...
If you take the game too seriously and apply real world rules, then sure, he's horrible person, and I don't think I could enjoy it that way. But if you take it more like (sometimes black) comedy (which it really is, look at everything that's happening there), you get very different feeling. Especially if you also expect the game world to have some skewed reality, which is quite common for adult games, and it's what makes them fun, pushing limits, what-if scenarios, being ridiculous in different ways, etc. On top of that, no matter how well the author writes it, how many information and inner monologues are given, there's always some room for own interpretation.
And it works, I can get into the role as Sensei. I'm a selfish asshole in slightly more permissive world, I think with my dick, and want to get most of it, while also not trying to intentionally hurt anyone. Some examples, should I go after Ayane? Of course, she throws herself at me. Ones like Ami, Kirin, ...? No doubt. Makoto was somehow different even before she snapped, but Sensei's actions weren't really too far beyond the usual mischief that happens in similar games. Same with being a bit too pushy with Miku. Again, don't use real world rules, it doesn't work. But with 'usual game world rules' there's no problem, it's not really evil, it's a process that often ends well.
But then comes Futaba and [fatal error, does not compute]. If I'm such pervert, why would I go after her sexually, if I could go after 20+ other girls or women who are hot? The conclusion is that Sensei can't be serious with her, and it's not fair, especially when she's portrayed as nice and sensitive. I have similar problem with Chika. She's hot, that's not it. But it seems that she expects too much from Sensei, and he doesn't say no. I don't believe him that he's ready for it, so it also won't be fair if he ends up disappointing her. It's slightly different from Ayane, she also seems to expect too much from him, but there I'm not sure how much I believe her, with her being all theatrical about it.
If it doesn't make sense at all, or if it's too fucked up, I'll blame game's "happy" scenes for messing up my poor innocent brain.

Also, I didn't yet get to play last few updates, so I may be missing some important developments.