This is from the file KaoriEvents.rpy in game folder. kaoridate25 is the name of Kaori's last event.
if ((totaldays >= 480) and (chap1point + chap2point >= 203) and (happypoint + happymiss >= 13) and (chikapoint + chikamiss >= 24) and
(yumipoint >= 20) and (ayanepoint + ayanemiss >= 24) and (sanapoint + sanamiss >= 22) and (makotopoint + makotomiss >= 21) and (mikupoint >= 21) and
(rinpoint + rinmiss >= 24) and (futabapoint + futabamiss == 25) and (amipoint + amimiss == 22) and (nikipoint >= 6) and
(mayapoint + mayamiss >= 20) and (mollypoint >= 14) and (tsuneyopoint >= 14) and (utapoint >= 9) and (iopoint >= 9) and (otohapoint >= 9) and (nodokapoint >= 5)
and (toukapoint >= 9) and (yasupoint >= 5) and (norikopoint >= 11) and (kirinpoint + kirinmiss >= 19) and (wakanapoint >= 2) and (osakopoint >= 2) and (yukipoint >= 4) and (tsubasapoint >= 2)
and (sarapoint + saramiss >= 10) and (harukapoint + harukamiss >= 10) and (karinpoint + karinmiss >= 7) and (kaoripoint >= 7) and (makipoint + makimiss >= 7) and (chinamipoint >= 5) and (day == 6)):
jump kaoridate25
It basically means you need all events (main events, character events and happy events), save for Ami's last four and obviously Kaori's last. Also total days played have to be 480+
OK so I've checked and got more than enough points on all girls. only thing I'm missing besides the ami and last kaori event is the last 3 main events that I can't seem to trigger. any clues?
She only shows up to sell melons in the Maya event chain if you're a bad uncle.
She only shows up in the Sara event chain if you're boning Sara, even if you're a good uncle.
I'm not aware of any conditions set for her appearance at the dance party (they could well exist, though)
Can someone help me on the puzzle. I've done everything else and am on Book 9, but I haven't been able to figure it out. A hint would be nice. I've clicked on practically everything.
Can someone help me on the puzzle. I've done everything else and am on Book 9, but I haven't been able to figure it out. A hint would be nice. I've clicked on practically everything.
Thats the one for the secret ingredient question. The one I'm stuck on is book 9 where it says that I need black ink, but I've pressed on everything and I haven't found anything.
Thats the one for the secret ingredient question. The one I'm stuck on is book 9 where it says that I need black ink, but I've pressed on everything and I haven't found anything.
I've solved all the Magazines/got all keys in the Chapter 2 Reset Event and still don't know what to do next / how to get out of the room. What am I missing?
Is the beach trip supposed to cut off after you take Makoto to the hotel? It skipped to a sex scene in an office then it was back to normal day routine.
It went from yet another boring fingerbang scene in the hotel - affection hit 40 - sex scene in the office so is it just badly coded to automatically play at that threshold and forget the rest of the event that was meant to happen?
Yeah that is one thing i'm not looking forward to. The inevitable reveal to all the girls that sensei is playing the field. When that does finally happen i'll probably start a new game where I dedicate to as few girls as the game allows and see how much that changes.
Aside from events like with Karin or Rin or the choice not to do things with Ami or Sara, this is a general route, so most are necessary in the web of requirements that this game has for its events. Basically anything that is not missable. The purity routes will be where things start to take that more individualized path, but those aren't starting for a while, we still have the rest of this route and the dark route, another general route, to do.
The other party, whoever it is, would just be dead. If there's one thing I know about that situation, it's don't mess with a mother when it's her daughter on the line.
Is the beach trip supposed to cut off after you take Makoto to the hotel? It skipped to a sex scene in an office then it was back to normal day routine.
It went from yet another boring fingerbang scene in the hotel - affection hit 40 - sex scene in the office so is it just badly coded to automatically play at that threshold and forget the rest of the event that was meant to happen?
The compressed version was either compressed off of the no sex version without putting the patch in or it was compressed with the patch or using the sex version and for some reason the patch is not working or the sexual content is not triggering. No idea which, but it is up to date for the version of the game it is. Unfortunately, compression does have the chance for side effects in cases like this.
I can't tell if I'm missing something or my save is bugged but I can't seem to progress the main story.
I triggered the beach event and completed up to "My Heart is Full". I completed "My Heart is Full" and the game abruptly transitioned into Makoto's "Semblance of a Soul" which I had not experienced yet.
When "Semblance of a Soul" finished, the beach event did not pick up with the next part in the quest chain. Instead I'm back to the normal day cycle of the game. The wiki says "Extra French Fries" is not skippable and is next in the chain, but I cannot get it to trigger. I'm assuming this is a bug because the beach event states the quest chain plays in succession across 2 in game days, but Mokoto's lust event seems to have interrupted the chain? Or maybe I'm just dumb and am missing something.
I think this is the same bug that someone experienced a little while ago, where the Content Restored patch of the censored version doesn't have jump statements at the end of the scene. You can fix this by playing on the .21.0 version instead of patching the .21.5 version.
Did you apply the patch the patch over the sex version? That can mess things up from what I understand. The patch is to make the no sex version into the sex version.
Did you apply the patch the patch over the sex version? That can mess things up from what I understand. The patch is to make the no sex version into the sex version.