If Endgame was worth anything teaching us, then it is that you can come up with some time fuckery that makes no sense and get away with it.
Not saying that Sel won't come up with something meaningful, the way how kumonmi is, anythings possible.
At the same time, we have never seen a character aged up or down in the span of time that the game has gone through, which is not a good sign for the content in question using aged up versions of those characters. Pretty sure the term wizard was also used more than once in reference to their future content, wizard being the term used to describe characters like Chinami, who herself mentions being one in existing free version content, hence where the term came from.
This would still be trivial to bypass. The only real means that would be legitimately difficult to crack would require server side stuff and that would require him to setup infrastructure that is not trivial or cheap to procure or maintain.
I'm sure the guy's pissed off and screaming bloody murder on his discord (btw now that he's all but admitted to distributing **, how on earth is his discord not banned?), but just like his silly threats to sue this website not too long ago, it won't go anywhere. It's little more than a child's tantrum at this point.
Server side stuff is exactly the kind of thing I am talking about, this would make it cost prohibitive at best and impossible at worst to try and get around it. There's another game on here by Russian? developers, School Game, which uses Renpy and has its patron codes verified online. This server would verify the code used with the email it was sent to and block attempts to use it by anyone else, flagging the associated email as a potential supplier for Sel to deal with as he sees fit.
He's actually been rather calm on Discord, I haven't seen him officially go off like that at any point in this specific instance of leaks. The Discord isn't banned because he is doing nothing illegal or against the rules on it, everything is on a secondary resource and any of that content being posted on the Discord is grounds for an instant ban without exception or mercy.
so what you are saying is.... report his discord... just like how this place got reported for rule 7...its funny how this hill to die on was really badly chosen.

ya know
considering if you compare discords likelihood of banning his discord group compared to the other way around because of the CarePackages he created
but no these are just jests, even though its far easier to destroy his little club house of yes men and personal army, i'd rather he go lick his wounds and maybe try to learn a little humility. maybe he can try to extend an olive branch in the future. he has a lot more at stake to lose than this place does
How do you have about the info update, I check on discord of sel and don't see he upload any image?
Is there any sever of discord about this game i didn't know :V
It's subscriber locked last I checked, so you wouldn't see it without being a subscriber. There are actually quite a few that are subscriber only.
I'm not saying to do that though I'm not saying not to do that either lol.
Their community guidelines are quite clear and pretty strict on the matter.
You must be registered to see the links
He had been hiding behind the "age indeterminate" nonsense, but that's out the window.
They wouldn't see any violation since there's no such content on it, the Discord was scrubbed a long time ago now. No links of that variety are shared or are allowed to be shared on the Discord, instant ban is the punishment that awaits anyone who tries.
You have made plenty of plots in the past and I don't know who you mean by "you guys" since I have never participated in ANY plot, either way you're no better than those you complain so much about.
Neither have I, the most I've done is lurk where discussion about this thread occurs, watching from the shadows. I may be on their side of the issue at this point, but I won't engage in anything more than talking things out.
U mad bro?
So, how much are you guys seething in anger over on the Discord about me continuing to leak everything?
Actually, the discussion shifted away from the thread entirely a while ago, before I left for some IRL stuff last night at the latest. It occasionally comes back, but it isn't a constant thing like you might be thinking.
And before that "war" even happened we had countless leaks here, constant trash talking of Sel and in the very same breath you beg for more game updates, can't say I fully agree with the discord raid but I can say this place hasn't changed, you're no better than the Discord raiders infact you're worse.
I wouldn't say it was constant, but it was there to a degree.
I'm honestly surprised you poor fucks haven't tried leaking the character cards yet though I suppose only people who care about the game have those.
They literally can't, it would take a long time subscriber who was here when that perk was active, like me, and I can tell you right now I would never give them away, even to fellow subscribers. Not even if I was paid for it unless Sel himself said to do it since he alone is who I gave my word to about never giving them away, making him the only one who I can authorize to override that promise.
The cards stopped being given out because of someone not adhering to the guidelines people who got them were expected to follow, at least to my understanding, so they are not being circulated by Sel himself.
Koikatsu characters cards so you can play with LiL's girls models in Koikatsu. Used to be given as a patron perk but they got leaked so it stopped.
Yep, really wish I could get the remaining cards, but it just wasn't meant to be I guess. The leaks happened some time after Molly and Tsuneyo were added as those are the latest cards that were available at the time I got my set.
That's all I have, for now.
Or we're not interested in using the studio ourselves, and those who do often recreate the characters themselves, having the cards has nothing to do with caring about the game.
Also, you're income shaming people? That's just vile, shame on you.
We're worse because we want everyone to have fun, instead of only people who have the excess money for it?
I'm pretty sure he was talking about using the free release, the one that requires zero income, which eliminates the possibility of income shaming since the free release gives everything the game has to offer without restriction. He also said nothing about using the studio yourselves, but there are people who are into that like me.
Bingoogus leaked or asked for leaks? Vehmental leaked or asked for leaks? And again, define "trash-talking", please. And perhaps some examples of their behaviour pre-shitstorm, if you will. Not sure about Bingoogus, but I definetely don't remember that about Vehmental.
Huh?! Which side is silenced?
Nor do I, to be quite honest.
Exactly, so the people on Discord should stop trying to silence us, I'm glad you agree.
I have seen no effort to silence anyone on either side, the effort from the Discord was to stop the subscriber content, not stop discussion. They just so happened to resort to a form of nuclear option with the report spam campaign to get rid of the thread where the leaks were happening, an effort that obviously failed given it is still here. It was never about stopping discussion, which is what silencing entails.
There have been dozens of requests for them, but they got yanked as an offering so long ago that I doubt anyone still here has them to leak.
I have them to answer that part about people not having them because of the length of time since they were last offered, but I don't think I count as "having them to leak" since my having them is irrelevant if I won't leak.
This is highly unlikely due to the break in development currently underway, which means not much new to discuss on the game itself that hasn't already been discussed into the ground, through the planet's core, and out the other side.
Damn, so basically he poked the beehive and now hes getting swarmed. Im still confused though because when i first joined this site a while ago he was in this thread regularly talking to people and now suddenly he wants nothing to do with it.
He left to distance himself from watching the leaks happen right in front of him, sometimes in less than a day. He also offers a free release on a two week delay, no restrictions to content, which is likely part of why he is so upset by said leaks since, to him, people are ignoring that two week delayed free release entirely in favor of going straight for the paid release right out of the gate.