VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Lewd Island [S2 Day 13 v1.00] [xRed Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 1.00

    Visuals: ***
    I hope you like the looks of D from a game where you date your "tenant".
    I'd say overally above average renders and scenes are animated.

    Gameplay: **
    It's mostly a KN until it isn't. Results are often more based on luck than knowledge or common sense.

    Writing: **
    It's a pretty cute KN until you take a wrong turn, and then the game describes in detail how MC/ LI die a slow and agonizing death. The game doesn't know if it wants to be cute or edgy and dark. The main LI is also severly unlikable and the MC acts out of character often. We don't get to move in with our landlady after our father dies in this game, but sometimes while playing I'd have preffered that.

    Final verdict:
    It's good for a quick fap. I recommend using walkthrough and skipping through unseen text.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    After thinking about for a while, the game itself could have been real good, and it was in beginning and while the Dev improved over time and you could see it.

    The dialogue is good, renders are above average, the story is ok, but I feel like the Dev wrote himself into a corner and that hurt the games potential, mostly due to the setting being what it is. I loved the characters, but that can only help so much. The scenes in the beginning were real good, but I feel like they got worse with season 2.

    But over time it just seemed more rushed and certain aspects weren't as good as time went on, while others did get better.

    This game is a 4/5 without season 2 included.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The development for this game has been all over the place from day 1. In fact I had long since thought this game to be abandoned since I hadn't seen it for some time on the front page.

    It has clearly been overhauled for the most part. The writing, the characters, and the endings don't make much sense even with the walkthrough. The renders and animations are solid so we at least have that.

    The endings are rushed and the lack of a "Golden Ending" with the MC getting with both available women doesn't feel right as far as the story goes. Worse still a gallery option is missing so unless you want to replay from a well placed save you aren't able to see any different end scenes without a full replay of the game.

    Overall I am glad to see a complete game which is something of a oddity on this site but I have to stress that this game is a "one and done" and is also probably the thinnest 3 star game I have ever reviewed.

    I really hope that if this developer continues to make games they will take some lessons away from this game. The biggest of which is: Write at your level.

    If you can't write at Tolkien's level don't try to write at his level. Keep the plot simpler and focus on making that work instead of what I feel like we see here where we try to get a secret society plot in the middle of a Daddy/Daughter survival game. These things can work but its a lot harder to wire them together than what you might think.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Version 1.00 The Final release
    This game is absolutely terrible. It has everything I hate about games on this site, the garbage writing, the awful characters and the dreadfully bland story. There is no reason for you to play this game, the reward or reason for doing so isn't justifiable. What you do get after many boring hours of trash tier writing is an insanely rushed ending that makes no sense at all, and insults everyone of the very few people who still played this game. It's like the cherry on top of a cake made from shit, dreadful. I don't need to break down the strange and stupid tacked on NTR that accrued in season 2 that achieved nothing but anger and confusion from the player base, random NTR in never a good thing. The characters are paper thin nutjobs that make psychopaths seem friendly and approachable, the MC just may be the contender for the worst protag I've ever seen, he makes you wanna bash your head into an oncoming train. The actual porn in the game is underwhelming and not sexy in the slightest it fails compared to most games on this site, so no redeeming quality here either. End rating 2/10
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Only thing good are renders
    Story is bad
    Ending is rushed
    Suddenly dev added avoidable ntr to the game
    Instead of ending with your daugher you fuck another woman proof again rushed ending
    Name changer is buggy in settings
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This happens to be a bang average game at best.
    I left this game like almost a year ago, when Seasson 2 started.. The point where it all went to shit. You simply don't call a game Lewd Island and then get them trapped on a Yatch.
    S1,...The Island story seemed okay, but forced. The Dev clearly has no experience playing survival games.. You take to survival aspects and turn them into spicy situations and build a relationship from there, but it seems like fishing and making fire is all he knows.
    S2... Absolutely Garbage, Nobody gives a fuck about a Yatch, and the cheap whores on it. 90% of the people in this game wants to see the Protagonist trapped on the island with his LI.
    Instead we got a rushed montage of events leading to them escaping the island in what like 10 days ?? That could put Robinson Crusoe to shame.
    I came here today, thinking Season 2 might have improved in the past months, but reading the reviews says otherwise.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    S1 Review - 3 Stars
    Warning there no AUTO so have fun clicking or pressing spacebar/enter!
    Force plot is what I can say. MC is a retard for real.
    This story doesnt make sense if its Friends, its a father/daughter incest game. Just thought I should throw that out there.
    Starting a fire and building shelter should've been the #1 priority. MC Finds pamphlet and it explains the thingy-ma-jig and DOESNT use it at all. Finds gun and doesnt test it out if it works. Hides pamphlet instead of burying it or better yet burn it. Hell There wasnt even an option to play stupid, lie or tell the truth. Everything is foreshadowed and predicable. There was an option to tell her about the gun but not the pamphlet? It didnt even matter because of Forced Plot
    Who the fuck hands over the gun over a flimsy excuse? There wasnt even an option to refuse handling over the gun but thats if you took the gun from her, talk about forcing a plot. The story could have been way better just hope S2 is better. Theres really no reason for a Narrator.

    S2 - 2 Stars
    Why is Desmond saying Brotha? Why does the MC explain about the liquor laced with drugs to Des mond? Forced Plot Hey Dev, did you not know the Father/Daughter only had sex 1 time. Why is there a Narrator again? Why is the MC explaining what happen on the island to a stranger like shes the fucking police? Forced Plot!
    Dont understand why theres no option to confront desmond with his hostility. Dude saying stop yelling or else and other shit. Surprise no one heard the gun shot but they heard MC yell? Doe any of this make fucking sense?
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    To be honest this game makes zero sense. It is not even a game, more like kinetic novel and still a bad one. Half of tags are nonexistent and plot is just ridiculous and extremely boring
    Some random game overs out of nowhere only make it worse, like if you are cought peeking than it is game over, don't know how can it possibly matter when you two are surviving on a small island
    And why do i have to follow stupid walkthrough to progress through the game, there is no worse games than games that force you to follow walkthrough

    "Should I go for the glimmering object, or one of the other things: -If you choose to go for the other thing, that will eventually lead you to females character dying and eventually a game over, so it’s important to go for the glimmering object"

    This is literally part of the official walkthrough, and this is called "choice"
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    In Part 1 (completed) the MC and a love interest (you can set the relationship) are stranded on a tropical island. With the aid of a big-pharma aphrodisiac, things become very steamy. In Part 2 (ongoing) the two are trapped on board a yacht with an ersatz James Bond villain, and the mystery unravels.
    So does the story. Part 1 is quite good, easily worth 4 stars imho (but use a walkthru - there's a non-intuitive game-ending choice). Part 2 is a a train wreck. Maybe there'll be a last-minute rescue, but I can't see it happening.

    First of all, what's good? Okay, the renders are verywell-composed, with nice variation of camera angle, wide-shot and close-up, so the story (Pt 1) moves at a really nice pace. The love interest is beautiful. If you take the daddy-daughter route, the dialogue accommodates it well, making things nice and piquant. There's skill in building the sexual tension, better than most games on this site, and when things happen they happen with vigour. Narration is always bad, but in this case it's minimal so I'll allow it. Dialogue is good, spare and naturalistic. If I were to teach a course on how to structure and pace an erotic VN, I'd use Pt1 as an exemplar.

    Now let's talk about the trainwreck. Hindsight's 20/20, but you can see the seeds of disaster in Part 1.
    First, the MC becomes steadily hornier and less competent as the story progresses. The LI becomes more independent. This is all kinds of weird, because it means that the drug-indced sex becomes increasingly ickier. The MC's change from adult male using all his ingenuity to keep them alive, to Mr Cringe wondering how a successful career in Big Pharma led to this, is a real turn-off. The Dev makes you identify with the MC, so as the game progresses, you end up disliking yourself more and more.

    In Pt1, there's a kind of dream/memory thing going on that implies a mystery. It kicks into high gear in Pt2, but it feels very forced. There's an expression, Chekhov's Gun - if you show a gun in Act 1, you'd better fire it in Act 3. This actually happens here, but not only that, every character who pops up in the Pt1 dreams turns out to be important in Pt2. Everything is significant and every possible loose end must be tied. This just makes the world very, very small. It's paradoxical: the MC and LI alone on the island possess all sorts of possibilities, but adding the villain and his babes on the yacht induces claustrophobia.

    The mcguffin is the aphrodisiac, and there's a problem here, too. See, they add the aphrodisiac to alcohol. Think about that. That's like, hey, let's add a stimulant to Redbull. It doesn't really make sense. It should be added to something innocuous and, frankly, more likely to be consumed by castaways on a desert island. Dasani.

    Finally, it is my sad duty to say that the narration increases in Pt2. Nobody here watch Cinema Sins?

    But Pt1 is nice.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    As of v1.25 season 2 day 12
    I used to love this game in the early versions of season 1 not that the story was great , it had nice relationship building between father and daughter and loved the romance between them when they were on the island and after that when they board the yacht the story moves all around with new characters introduced and casual sex with no story or romance between them . Even though the renders and models are great and have improved from the early versions , the story and romance take a huge dip in season 2 and with no interest to further play the game .
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This rating is for the completed first season only.

    I'm happy to have waited before trying this game a second time. The first time was a frustrating blue-baller, but it turned out to be a good fap experience after all.


    The female daughter character is really fucking hot, a combo of Mia of the game Summer with Mia and Dee from Dating my daughter. I don't know how this game achieved it, since the Mia character is not available publicly. I've played her wearing the hotter red bikini (obviously) and she'll get you hard real fast.

    Good sex scenes, good poses, good camera angles, and the daughter's boobs are fantastic, just how I like them.


    The sex scenes follow exclusive branched paths, which is really annoying. Since it's only about different sex poses with no impact on the general story, it should be easier to simply have them all available without going back up the branched storyline.

    I hate it when porn games turn into emotional drama. So what if the father used a little help... Anyway, I hope there isn't too much of that in S2 and that the daughter won't be bitching about it for too long.


    That Camila character is seemingly the same 3D model as the daughter character. I wonder if it's a coincidence or not. If it isn't, that would be a very interesting twist to the story. I hope there will be a lot of sex scenes with her, she is even hotter than the daughter!
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Season 1 was good, actually had romance and a relationship build up. Once it gets to the yacht, it is complete garbage. The romance tag needs to be removed, because it's completely gone.

    I would no longer even call this a game. A game is where you have choices, instead I was forced to watch the horror unfold in front of me with no control over it whatsoever.

    The dialogue and storyline have degenerated into complete garbage. It's senseless drivel, clearly written by simpletons.

    If anything, this game is now a guide for other devs on what NOT to do in a game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I have no expectation concerning is game. To me, that would just be a dead end of disappointment. But I AM full of expectancy... I can't wait to see what happens next... Suffice it to say, I am caught up in the story, and waiting with anticipation. Nice work and imagination from the DEV. ;-)
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Review of version S2 Day 12 v1.25

    It has ok graphics, a few ok sex scenes.
    The story is far fetched, convoluted and has a lot of unnecessary bad ends which include your primary love interest committing suicide or killing the player character (not something I want to ever see in a porn game).

    The characters seem to suffer from schizophrenia, acting wildly different from scene to scene.

    This update put the nail in the proverbial coffin for me, as the game kills off a secondary love interests for share shock value...
    In short, as far as my opinion goes, Fuck this game, not worth your time.
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Prancing Pony

    First the good news. The visual quality of Lewd Island is great throughout. For any DMD fan, the girl scores 11/10.

    Now the bad news, namely the way the game quality changed from Season 1 (MC and girl on island) to Season 2 (MC, girl and other characters on boat).

    Season 1 works very well in terms of dialogue and plot. It seems the writer at that time had an affinity for two people interacting and managed to present the slow plot build surprisingly well.

    So Season 2 came as a real shock. My beef is not NTR-related, it is with the dialogue and the plot. They have changed dramatically and IMO it is definitely a change for the worse. In spite of the continued high quality of the visuals, I find the writing in Season 2 so contrived, cold and dull that the game is simply not worth playing. For the sake of the dev I hope others enjoy it, but as for me I cancelled my Patronage.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    I started this game for the same reason many others did I assume. I wanted to give it a shot first and played through the first chapter from time to time. The story started promising and I was interested in how it would turn out for both MC and D.

    The renders aren't bad and everything looks nice at the end. I've seen a few with different qualities but since most of them are good it wasn't that bothersome.

    I'm unsure what happened to make the dev a complete turn regarding the story but it's horrible. The story which started quite interesting at the beginning got scrapped pretty fast. I'm not a huge NTR fan but that doesn't mean I wouldn't accept it if it's good. The MC turns into a pitiful existence here and the more I read the more I thought that the dev wants to make an NTR fetish thing of it. The choices don't really matter and you are forced to accept the writer's decision at the end.

    I wouldn't even recommend this game to NTR fans since there isn't any dynamic. It goes straight to the already made decisions and makes itself real by forcing you to read them.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    I remember when this game first showed up. Was using a similar model from another game, so figured I would check it out, curious on how they would use said model in their own story. Looked promising at first, but alas, 'twas not meant to be. I might have rated higher, had it not been such a drastic turn around in the story.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Stay away from this game, everything there was is now gone.

    This game has fallen so low in both quality and soul it's not even funny.
    An utter dissapointment to play, and to have followed for several years, at a glacial pace mind you.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Kinky Bully

    Writing review for S2 Day 12 v1.25 . Season 1 was great.
    Story & Narrative: Pretty interesting at the moment.
    Contents and render: Pretty good in my opinion.
    Graphics quality: Top notch
    Sex scenes: Hoo Lee Shet!
    Overall, pretty great for fap!
    NTR does not bug me. But if it is unavoidable, then it is a problem. I hope the dev fixes this problem.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Game took a sharp, sharp NTR nosedive in the 2nd season that also pretty much ruins all the good aspects of the 1st, of which there were few.
    You spend years of updates trying to get 1 scene with D and then, immediately after meeting another guy, you get a full-on sex NTR scene with almost no buildup. Oh and there's a flashback NTR scene which is entirely unavoidable. To say nothing of the fact that S2 seems designed to make the MC into as much of a Beta-pansy as possible. This isn't kink-shaming, btw, no dude immediately starts to lose all sense of choice/strength of willpower and even has internal dialogue about what a manly-man said NTR guy is 2 seconds after meeting him. Oh and even if you don't go with the NTR path, which isn't as clearly marked as it should be, D gets drugged and if you have sex with her(how you avoid NTR) she both blames you and starts to fantasize about having sex with people while under the influence/unconscious. This is doubly shitty BC the whole premise, the main reason most people got into the game, is that you're spending all this time in a beautiful, isolated location building up a romance with D only to see her become an insta-slut while you're forced to watch the new guy bang a bunch of other girls even if he doesn't bang her. And did I mention dude's penis notably shrinks between S1 and S2 for no reason at the same time other dicks enter the equation?
    I could go on about how many other, related issues there are with the plot dramatically changing in tenor throughout the game but it's all similar to the above. I can't even give it two stars because there are so few sex scenes even the decent graphics lose their appeal. Even if you put all that aside much of the plot you have absolutely no control over whatsoever-your decisions are often pointless and you're forced to watch the MC essentially sabotage himself and his relationship with D and do foolish, weak, often quite dickish things, which again goes against the stated premise with no real explained motivation/reasons much of the time. So even the good decisions you make are often invalidated by the shite turns of the plot. And as with many similar games the dialogue is painful, and does nothing worthy of note
    Not worth it in any aspect. So bad it's making me reconsider several other reviews because this set a new low.