Others Completed Lewd Leaf Land - Maple Tea Ecstasy [v1.2.1] [AheGames]

3.90 star(s) 23 Votes


Active Member
May 31, 2018
We're kinda exposing some philosophical game-reviewing differences here. Should we judge a game strictly on its merits and the author's intentions, or is it inevitable that we'll need to balance that against our expectations for it?

I mean, it's a complete game in some bare sense of the word game, and it's a complete adult game experience in the sense that you play some gameplay and some porn is handed out to you. It has about the amount of content you might expect from a demo for a regular old platformer game, but there are pretty good reasons for that. We have her a new developer making a game for a game jam with a tight deadline. It's not unreasonable that the game'd be short. At the same time, I think it's a fair point that it IS a short game irrespective of how good it is in other senses. Plenty of game reviews dock points from a game if it's short, unless it's some kind of poignant experience or has some overwhelmingly good reason to be short like intended massive replayability.

I guess what I'm getting at is that you sorta need to take the "final" version number at its word: it's a complete game in the way its author intended it to be complete, but that's not necessarily going to be what every gamer considers a complete experience.

Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
That's why I think the OP should be edited to reflect that it is a game jam creation and it's only one level.
No more complaining drones with awful childish metaphors.

Eepy Poss

Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
There are no big expectations to this, even if it is just one level and only supposed to be a tech demo, there is simply nothing there that makes it interesting, let alone good.
The fact that you're just imposing your opinions as fact is the worst part about you shitting up the thread because one specific project, that literally nobody was waiting for because it wasn't hyped up and was just posted for a contest, doesn't meet your specific expectations. If anything you're doing this to yourself. You can clearly see in the screen shots that there aren't any revolutionary designs to platforming, there's nothing intense about this game implied anywhere, and it's 30 mb, how much content are you actually expecting in that?

Not to mention you're just objectively wrong with your statement, it's clearly interesting enough for many people to like it. The colors, the setting, the music, the aesthetic, they're all good things done right. I think its interesting, you clearly don't, and there's nothing wrong with that. What is wrong is that you keep coming back to shit up this thread and your only argument is "this is too short, I don't like it, nobody else should like it either cause it's too short." Nobody in this thread is denying that its short or expected to pump hours into this except you apparently. Everyone else seems to be fine that its only a few minutes long for a couple scenes except for you.

You can review and rate a game for something other than its length, especially when its free. It might be hard to comprehend this but I'm sure you'll get it one day.

Deleted member 119819

O' boy! I press right arrow button for about 2 minutes and the up arrow button a couple of times. 10/10 game, 5 stars best game I've ever played! He made that in a month?! This "platformer" where you only need two buttons? That you finish in under 5 minutes?! Even better!
Libraheart, Fullflap and Unholy Creation make way for this dev of Leaf pick up simulator to sweep away all competition! I have the feeling there is quite simply something shady going on here that it even got 5 stars from anybody in the first place.
The game is not fun, while the pixel art is nice it has been done before and much better, its just one level with no real challenge, 1 single H scene that isn't even animated. Its bad, just bad. Doesn't matter how long he worked on it, its bad and it deserves its one and only star from me.

Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
I don't think Libraheart of Fullflap ever released a single level as a hobbyist distraction, let alone for free.
Also, to wreck your points;
Technically you only need 2 buttons for most of their games, and you jump on platforms and collect things, so it's a platformer.
You don't know the definition to "complete" or "platformer" or "game" or "hobby" or "free."
You're objectively wrong from beginning to end, you're just a really angry person and I'm sorry you're so socially inept that now you're making up a conspiracy to support your silly argument. That said, please continue.

Deleted member 119819

I don't care if he did that on his free time. If its bad, no fun and for a H game not much H content its a bad game and a bad H game. I don't care if he does it professionally or not. Also if you use only two buttons in one of the libraheart games you will probably lose quite often and you won't have a lot of fun playing those either.
Its funny however how attacked you're feeling once I brought up that shady part. Funny coincidence I must say.
But anyway let me tell you officially now for what it is, that one complete game of one level and 5 minutes overall playtime is absolute garbage. Its barely a game.
I've played flashgames made for free and even mods for games that were more fun than that. Lewd or not.
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Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
I think I've got the structure for your posts down:

1. I don't care for valid arguments
2. Repeat invalid points ad nauseam
3. Assume something wrongly, in this case that I'm feeling attacked, and go off that to make an invalid argument and distract from the topic
4. Repeat invalid points again and the notion that you don't care and your opinion is the only one that matters and everyone else is wrong because conspiracy
5. Make off-topic remark about other things, usually a metaphor or reference to avoid actually making real points or sounding sane
6. I've X/Y better than this so this is bad because A/Z despite these things being totally different

Rinse, repeat. Whatever.
I think I'm done here, no one's edited the initial post yet so more idiots like you are bound to show up.
I've got better things to do, and you clearly don't. Have a nice day.


Furry Gamer
Aug 6, 2016
The OP was edited to add about it being a single level game that was in Game Jam 3.

Fullflap and Libraheart games have more in them because there are $10 each and this game was made in a jam just for fun and didn't receive a single cent for it.

Though I don't know why it's being compared to a paid game anyway.
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Eepy Poss

Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
Though I don't know why it's being compared to a paid game anyway.
Cause some people purely review games on a bias by comparing them to other games they prefer instead of, you know, reviewing the product for what it is. If it doesn't meet the qualifications of other games then apparently its pure irredeemable garbage. Some games can take like 3 hours to complete and only have 5 to 10 scenes and cost 20 bucks but apparently thats fine because its long. One scene, technically two, in five minutes is apparently not good enough.

Deleted member 119819

I gave valid arguments. You're the one that is angry over this. Until now I'm still awaiting an argument from you that is supposed to tell me that this "game" is not garbage. Doesn't matter how long he worked on it, even if he took just a day its still bad, I already pointed out the flaws.
The only thing you're saying is how little time he had to make this game, when it is completely irrelevant. If its no fun with no gameplay. Its a bad game, that's not rocket science even if you try to make it look like it.

Deleted member 119819

The OP was edited to add about it being a single level game that was in Game Jam 3.

Fullflap and Libraheart games have more in them because there are $10 each and this game was made in a jam just for fun and didn't receive a single cent for it.

Though I don't know why it's being compared to a paid game anyway.
Well it is a platformer, paid or not. Of course you compare similar games to each other. If there would be nothing to compare it to, it would be the only one of its kind which is not the case. It does clearly borrows ideas from other games and does it worse than those games. Heck, I can even take free to play platformers and compare to this game but we would still end up with the same result that leaf simulator is not a good "game."
I mean sure I guess every game made in existence is a straight 10/10 game, since you can't compare it to good games that did it right?
Seems kinda lopsided if you ask me however.
Well and I mean regarding the time, isn't that the devs fault for not further improving the game? But rather leaving it in such a state? No matter how much time you put into it if it turns out bad, its bad.

Eepy Poss

Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
I gave valid arguments. You're the one that is angry over this. Until now I'm still awaiting an argument from you that is supposed to tell me that this "game" is not garbage.
You're literally ignoring every argument because you are literally refusing to believe anything that doesn't coincide with your opinion. The fact that you continually refuse to call it a "game" shows enough that you're not coming here to be persuaded but to try and persuade everyone to stop liking what you don't like.

I mean sure I guess every game made in existence is a straight 10/10 game, since you can't compare it to good games that did it right?
Nobody is saying this deserves the same 10/10 score a triple A game gets so stop acting like your exaggerations is what everyone is saying.

On second thought, just going to ignore the guy and move on because theres clearly nothing that will change his mind and he knows this as everyone else should be aware of at this point.


Sep 11, 2017
Okay, I tried to stay out of it, but this is a dumb argument. Perhaps some were being overly harsh and unhelpful (the latter being the key issue- "it sucks" isn't exactly constructive criticism, and not acknowledging the good aspects of the game is kind of petty), but being overzealously defensive of the game is just as bad. This notion that you should give it special treatment just because of the circumstances of its creation is kind of ridiculous. The game doesn't deserve a 0 or 1, but giving it a 5 is just as silly.

If someone makes a platformer, people are right to compare it to other platformers. If someone makes an h-game, it's reasonable to compare its h-content to that of other h-games. The time spent working on it, the dev's motivation for doing so, etc. is only material to the dev. If you choose to care about those things, that's fine, it's your prerogative. But don't try and force that view on others.

You can be both supportive of the dev, and be critical of their work.

Deleted member 119819

You're literally ignoring every argument because you are literally refusing to believe anything that doesn't coincide with your opinion. The fact that you continually refuse to call it a "game" shows enough that you're not coming here to be persuaded but to try and persuade everyone to stop liking what you don't like.

Nobody is saying this deserves the same 10/10 score a triple A game gets so stop acting like your exaggerations is what everyone is saying.

On second thought, just going to ignore the guy and move on because theres clearly nothing that will change his mind and he knows this as everyone else should be aware of at this point.
I made valid criticism, but that got ignored. Also what argument am I ignoring? Okay he made that in one month. Its still boring, lifeless and a bad game. Your point being? Also I'm not comparing it to any triple A game, I'm just telling how it is and the fact of the matter is its bad. Giving it the best rating available out of sympathy for the dev only shows that those people have other motivations behind that rating, making their reviews pointless. Since its not at all the game they are reviewing.

Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
I like that I got modded for making some slightly off-colour comments but this cunt is allowed to continue this crusade.
Must be giving some good head.
Oh well~

Eepy Poss

Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
The problem really isnt direct comparison to similar games, its the lack of context used in said comparison. This game is intentionally short, its intended to be very small and quick and more so a game that represents their potential to try and kickstart their patreon. This is the kind of quality you can and should expect from us, that sort of thing. So comparing it to like, the new super mario brothers port to switch and saying its trash because mario bros you can play for hours and you can only play this for 5 minutes ignores the entire fact that its supposed to only be a few minutes. Its clearly a small and short platformer focused on collection and a little exploration with the two somewhat hidden areas purely to represent the quality they're capable of, especially for a month of development time.

You also have to look at the context of the rating because 10/10 can mean so many different things depending on the context of whats being rated. You could give a shitty pizza a 10/10 and a great pizza a 10/10 because a lot of people like low quality pizza depending on their mood when they just feel like eating shitty cheap pizza but that doesn't mean its the same 10/10 as a really high quality expensive pizza. You wouldn't rate this game on the same grade as a triple A title because honestly 90% of the games being shared on this website would have less than 2 stars if that were the case.

I'm sure most people giving this 5 stars are giving it 5 stars because they look past the length of the game since its intentionally short and grading it based on everything else it does, which is fine. Its also completely fine to dock points for the fact that it leaves more to be desired with how short it is, because it really is criminally short but that doesn't make it bad, it just makes you want more because what it has is really good. What isn't fine is having one flaw invalidate the existence of a game and going on a tirade against everyone who doesn't agree with you and aggressively claiming everyone else is wrong for that one reason. Either way, just put out your review, make your post about your opinion, and move on.

Nobody should be constantly coming back to a thread of a game they dislike just to shit on it and everyone who likes it and this applies to every thread, not just this one.


Sep 11, 2017
I generally get what you're saying, and tend to agree. And for the record I'm not defending anyone coming in and just absolutely trashing it and saying it has zero value whatsoever. Anyone coming in here just to stir the pot and cause drama is a troll and should be treated accordingly.

That said, I just don't agree with one of the things you keep mentioning. Anyone can compare this to any other game of the genre they want to. The idea that you have to consider external issues like the time put into making it, or what it was "intended" to be, is what I object to. Certainly that's a valid way to look at it if you want to, but it's also equally valid to ignore it. If someone wants to compare this game to other platformer h-games on here (like, say, Forest of the Blue Skin, for example), regardless of differences in development time and effort, that's their right. They can even compare it to mainstream games elsewhere if they so choose. I wouldn't, personally, and agree it seems a bit silly, but still, a person has that right.

Of course, nobody is saying you have to take those opinions seriously. Readers can easily ignore them. Ultimately, it's anyone's right to rate this game based on any criteria they choose, no matter how absurd. By all means disagree and point out why, but once both sides have said their piece (however silly one side might seem), it does no good going around in circles or getting into insults and personal attacks.
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Jun 7, 2017
Well kids, I liked this game! The next one is going to be about flower girls :/ ...shitty flower girls
3.90 star(s) 23 Votes