Guys, alpha v0.02 is out~
(Probably uploader should update main page?

-now game starts faster, like, MUCH faster. No more 2 minutes loading, it starts in 5-6 seconds.
-eats less memory
-working window resize, yay
-full win10 / win8 support now, shouldn't have problems. If still have, go discord and some details.
-may run even on 32 bit version Java (not 100% sure, needs more testing)
-Linux support
-no more random shops on dialogue click
-now you need defeat boss to finish Dwarf quest, not just random mob
-cant use healing and items on empty party slots anymore (can waste them on fullhp chaarcter though)
-Quit game in town menu now quits to main menu, not closing game instantly
-autosave on location change and fights
-mobs now have KO pictures
-Catgirl x goblins and Centaur x Elf scenes have proper cumming stage added~
Still public, if you need linux version, its on main page.
Please consider supporting us, if you like it