VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Lewd Story [v0.149a] [HornyMonster]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    sadly, not worth playing in it's current form.

    There is no character development at all. None. You're plopped down, there's the scenario, that is it.

    There is minimal dialog, which not only makes things move along too quickly without much sense of completion in a scene, but also goes back to the first point of no character development.

    What dialog there is, and narration, needs editing. It isn't a dry, stilted, lifeless translation, but there is enough that is worded or phrased awkwardly that it would benefit from a clean up.

    Also, the game does not take note of what choices you make, in some instances. For example, if you call mom and don't ask her about a job, the next time you call her, it will reference the job you ould have asked her about, as if you had. This is just one example.

    Now, I played the romance path with Jesse, knowing it is incomplete, but because there is no character development and very little in the way of dialog or scenes together, the sex at the culmination of the week seemed more like it came out of nowhere (or, worse, like taking advantage of a drunk person) than like any kind of romance.
    Without dialog, backstory, character development, and meaningful interaction that we are there to see, trying to write a romance is senseless.
    And then there is the follow up interaction. You don't talk to her the next day, and the day after that you run into her on the way to the bathroom, and she implies the two of you are a couple now and you should have just come in?

    No. Dude, you NEED to write dialog. There needs to be interaction scenes and character development.

    OK. Get a native english speaker to look at what is written and make the small, minor edits needed to clean it up. Fix dialog inconsistencies. Add in just a few lines of dialog each day and one or two interaction scenes to develop the character's closeness to each other...
    Simple changes like that, and even in the game's limited available content, it could be 4 stars instead of 2.

    But as things stand, I can not recommend this game, especially if someone is interested in an actual romance story.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    For 0.1 But 5 stars as advance.
    And so I finally decided to write my review of the game. The game, of course, is still very far from completion, have a lot problems, but is already looking very promising. The main thing is not to give up on it.

    What we've got here is a visual novel with a branching system, and it is difficult to tell how much the routes will differ (I don't think that there will be major differences, the stories are still pretty short), but I really like the ones that already came out.

    The general message of the game.

    You've got two weeks to strike up a relationship with one or more girls (whether there will be a harem or not is still unclear, for now we are told that there’ll be 2 girls at most), and you have 4 approaches that you can use (they are called Ethos in the game). Depending on the selected option, it will be possible to get different results with the same girl.

    Current version. 0.1

    Honestly, I do not understand some people's groaning that nothing is clear before you actually pass the game, and there's no way to figure it out otherwise. Of course, if you simply skip the entire text, it is not going to be very clear. The game has got an extremely simple and logical structure. Basically, in the first half you form the hero's Ethos and choose a character with whom you'll build a relationship, and in the second part you develop that relationship. I wouldn't say that all the choices are transparent, but it's extremely easy to get the desired personality, you just need to choose the options with the corresponding icon. As for the characters, the more events with them you open up, the more chances you've got for a successful ending, and the main thing is not to spread yourself too thin.

    Just keep in mind that you need to take the content that’s available in the game into consideration. The author provided information signs at the start of the game and at the end of each route, and the list of changes is available inside the game, so we're grateful for that.

    Available content:

    - Romantic route with Kira.
    - Dominant route with Jesse (although there are actually two, they do intersect a lot).

    And a whole six endings.

    Not much? Well, that depends on how you look at it. If you scroll through all the text, then it'll take 15-20 minutes. But if you look from a different perspective, then there are two finished stories here already. And there's more hot content here than in many other games.


    - Nice-looking renderings.
    - Very good animation, and sometimes even great animation. I think the quality will only get better.
    - A non-linear plot (branching system). For example, there are two options along the Jesse route already - either to leave her only for yourself or to get pervy and use for your own purposes. In general, we are promised a lot of short routes (if you read through, each is about 30-60 minutes long).
    - Not a bad story, which consists of a multitude of short stories.
    - Custom character models, and a non-standard set of them. Many players get off on Jesse, but I personally am more excited about Jeanine and Molly. Basically, there's something for every taste - blonde, redhead, brunette, different shapes and ages.
    - The gallery is finally in place, it was much needed. Can't have a visual novel without a gallery, ha-ha.
    - The author has been working on the game for a whole year, and obviously not going to give up on it.
    - Some story connection errors.
    - The author is fixing bugs and constantly improving the game, which is getting better slowly, but surely. Were you complaining about the translation? Here’s a better one. A broken-down structure? Here's a new version. Where do I look for content? Here are the game info messages and the gallery.

    Cons (if you are really picky):

    - The branching system. Many are so used to the episode system popular on Patreon that this system can plunge them into a total stupor. I'm fine with it, but others may not be.
    - Routes are short, so don't expect deep and detailed stories.
    - Development is slow, but it’s not surprising, since the author is working in his spare time. But this issue can be solved – if you like the game, support the author. He can stop working a day job, and create more and higher-quality content.
    - This is a remake of the old game (Live with elder sister), not an original idea, if that matters to anyone. I did not play the original, but according to the review, about half of the story coincides with it.

    There's a chance that after Jessy, you won't have any other options. :ROFLMAO:
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It's not a bad game it just really needs some more work. The game is very fast paced. There are only a couple of events every week so you go through the story very quickly. As of now there is only 1 ending that is considered good so pretty much any relationship building you do throughout the whole game currently is meaningless.

    The game also seems not to consider your previous choices in future dialogues. So you can do something pretty relationship changing and then the characters don't mention it afterwards. That combined with the frustratingly quick-pace and the lack of multiple endings make this game feel very impersonal. I understand it is a work in progress but I'm simply rating the game as it currently is.

    I think with a lot of work this game can become a really good one but for now I'd say it's a 3 or a 3.5 although I'd say it is worth trying.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Best graphics and good content and as the game is still in development and I am not that kind of person who goes and thinks for the worst so considering that the new update will fill al the gaps in the story and will provide more conent with jessi I prefer to give it 5 star.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This would be a mediocre but still playable and occasionally pleasant game (but nothing that stands out among the masses of games that are just like it) if weren't for the fact that it's one of those games with "bad endings"...

    Who plays a porn game to get a bad ending? Wow, thanks for wasting my time. It's either that or play with a walkthrough open all the time, at which point WHAT IS EVEN THE POINT of even having bad ends if the game pretty much forces me to alt-tab to a walkthrough all the time (which is a terrible design choice to begin with and takes away from the experience)?

    It's just one of those things that some developers just assume they should have in their game without even thinking about how it affects the playability of their game. It's bad.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    As of Build 3:

    This game has a lot of potential. Kinda reminds me of older VNs like Bible Black in that there are a ton of choices to make over a short period of time that will dramatically change the content.

    Not gonna lie, mostly interested in the sister and mother at this point, but all of the characters have their attractive qualities. Looking forward to more content in the future.

    My one recommendation is that they could 'flesh' out the time a little more. There are only 2 playable days or so per week, which isn't much since there are only 3 weeks currently. Also, it would be nice if each choice had some content available. For example, while on the romance route with sis, seems like only 30% of the interactions with her actually have any romantic qualities.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    **** First off. Many people who play the game at this point [build 3] might be confused when the game abruptly ends. The dev has "completed" the game all the way to the final day for the bad ending. More specifically, its the ending you would get if you ignore all the girls. That is the skeleton of the game and it looks like the dev will go back and add routes on the existing days as he develops the game. When you start noticing that you only get 1 choice and nothing is happening with any girl, you've pretty much reached the end of the current build. ****

    Reviews of earlier builds will complain about Engrish, because it was quite horrible. The dev spent some money on getting someone to proofread the script. Those who played the earlier builds will notice the difference is night and day. I wouldn't say the writing is super incredible, but the English is definitely fine now.

    The renders and models are quite good. Sis is a damn hottie. Animations are a bit choppy, but I never watch animations for more than 2 seconds so it doesn't matter to me.

    The gameplay mechanics have come a long way too. It's streamlined so you can play without the walkthrough. There is a stats tracker and the choices are labeled to show which ethos it belongs to. Speaking of ethos, its choices that will alter the MC's personality after you reach a threshold. There is romantic, pervert, dominant, and neutral. I really like being able to shape the MC's disposition in these games.

    This game looks like it will be a short one. The focus is on the width, not the length of the game. The game length is limited to 3 weeks, 2 of which are mostly skipped over. The dev will go back and add things for the routes that get voted on to those existing 3 weeks. Once completed, the game should have a fairly high replay value with many routes and MC personality type.

    The story is your typical "magical thing accelerates your relationship" kind of game. Its not breaking any new grounds, but that's fine. It's not trying to be an epic or original story. It's like a nice and quick romp through familiar territory. Not too bad. Dominating mom and sis is always fun for me, so I'm looking forward to that route.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Review as of Build 2 v2.
    Beyond being confused by both the English and the branches there's plenty to like about this game.

    Let me talk a bit about the choices: before seeing the walkthrough I was completely in the dark regarding them, it was pure and barebones trial and error. The walkthrough is helpful not only to inform you about the fact that there are stats :rolleyes: but to reduce the amount of playthroughs we have to go through to ensure that we have seen all scenes.

    Also it is so very annoying to call Jessy 'roommate' instead of Jessy :rolleyes:×∞

    Nonetheless, and despite some early reluctance I've found myself wanting this game to be updated. I'm looking forward to more Jessy, and Kira's family content.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    My Rating for (Build 2 v2 ) is:

    + Nice Renders
    +Nice Sex Scenes
    + Easy Playing

    -Some Language Errors
    -Confusing Game Play

    Love the renders,Mom and Sister are Hot...
    my rating is only based on the Renders and the that I think are damn good..
    lets see what the future brings us here....
    also liked the Sex scene with the Sister.
    what I don't like, is that the story changes Scenes so quick that you think you are missing out on something,like all of a sudden you see her holding hands with some guy.
    Still worth the download----
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I understand that not all game makers are fluent in English, but this has to be the roughest time I've ever had reading a story (aside from machine translations).
    The branching paths mechanic does not do this game any favours, either.
    You are completely in the dark if you don't read the walkthrough.