It will never be abandoned unless I have explicitly told you all I stop

More is coming!
Nymphonomicon, Just set your alarm a little earlier and all is good.
Degeneracy, I removed it as many people complained that it did not do anything, so not sure if I should re-enable it.
Ashley young,
I got this fixed for next bug release version. Thanks for letting me know.
The flyer is available at the message board on most days after 30-ish days depending on the difficulty setting. Just keep checking the message board.
It is not bugged, it is designed to loop so it is always possible to open up his content even if 'wrong' choices were made. Once you talk to Bibi, make sure to have low enough dignity to tell her you want to know everything. If Dignity is too low, this option is not available.
You should always be able to go to the entrance are during the week. There is no restriction to get there, no variable or anything. Are you sure that you do not have this option during the week?
You should actually rename PDress11 to PDress11Y. It is a typo on my side so for the next update I will remove this dress temporarily.
1) I understand. There will always be people who do not like certain parts of the game, but I tried to make sure that if you did not like clothes and wardrobes that there would hardly be any impact. I'm glad to hear you feel like I succeeded in that. That is important to me!
2) Yeah there is an issue with the panties. I fixed it for the upcoming bug release.
3) There will be some overlap here and there. Tough titties!

4) Not implemented yet sorry.
Forca, Panties issue is fixed for the upcoming bug release. Ty for letting me know.
You are completely right. There is a weird bug with the dresses not related to that one typo. I've tried to fix it, but been unsuccessful so far. It seems like it is only triggered when sneakers are put on in the wardrobe and then pressing the dresses link.
Working on it!
Degeneracy, Hot Topic says when it opens up. First of May.
Go to the Healthclub (find a flyer for it on the street or in the entrance area message board).
I'm relieved to hear a complete new version got rid of all the bugs!
Thank you for your kind words. I hope to be rid of these dizzy feelings soon, but I fear they are here for a while longer

Happy that you are happy

I am planning to release Paris as the next city. My illness has delayed stuff though, so not sure if summer this year will be the time for its first release.
Cheers all