Sorry, that was meant for another game.hi CboyC95,
Really? Well let me know what and where and I'll fix it.
Sorry, that was meant for another game.hi CboyC95,
Really? Well let me know what and where and I'll fix it.
1. I've updated but her number still doesn't appear in Lizzy's phone?2) Hmm Summer should be added. I'll check and fix this in the next version.
For that she'd be able to afford a mortgage... Are there plans for her to be able to buy once the estate agent and bank are added? Alternatively is there a top rent that Henry will charge without going down the Bibi favours for rent route?Also, when does Lizzie tell Henry to take a hike with the rent? With what she's paying she should be able to find a decent place for a €1,000/mo.
If you take out a loan from the loanshark and then don't pay him back that should unlock prostitution.Can you work as a prostitute in the RDL? And what do you have to do to get there?
I think you just have to get lucky there and find the flyer. I think its random but I'm not sure if that was changed in any recent updates.And where do I find the loan shark? ;-)
if you mean Prostitution you only need to wait that you get the flyer for the Loan shark.After that go to him lent Money wait the 14 Days pass go again to him say him you don't have the Money to pay him back (even you have it) then he say to you to find a way to find the Money and pay him back after you can Work near everywhere on the streets,Beach,Park as Prostitute.To Avoid that he come after to Rape you Random Pay him direct after the first time you say you dont have the Money back for that leave his Office and go again inside and chose to pay the debt.After the Story with him Finish and you can go on to Work as Prostitute and he let you in peace.How can i start to work in the rld? (and i dont mean the strip club )
thx for your answer, i meant in the rld only tho. there is a folder with rld work which is not strip club so ithought you can work as a window lady or sthif you mean Prostitution you only need to wait that you get the flyer for the Loan shark.After that go to him lent Money wait the 14 Days pass go again to him say him you don't have the Money to pay him back (even you have it) then he say to you to find a way to find the Money and pay him back after you can Work near everywhere on the streets,Beach,Park as Prostitute.To Avoid that he come after to Rape you Random Pay him direct after the first time you say you dont have the Money back for that leave his Office and go again inside and chose to pay the debt.After the Story with him Finish and you can go on to Work as Prostitute and he let you in peace.
Not sure but i think the Flower shop Path lead to that work in the RLD.I Remember that if you do the Love Path with the Guy you meet there he have later Money Problems or something like that and ask you to help him (or he force you not surethx for your answer, i meant in the rld only tho. there is a folder with rld work which is not strip club so ithought you can work as a window lady or sth
aight im gonna try that , ty!Not sure but i think the Flower shop Path lead to that work in the RLD.I Remember that if you do the Love Path with the Guy you meet there he have later Money Problems or something like that and ask you to help him (or he force you not sure) to get that Money and you start to work in the RLD