Hi Highland_Hunter,BurningSun
PS - Just a few words of :
" Really Nice work done on this, Clothing System" ! I like it.
Uniquely different, to what's already been done before.
And now for some Feed-Back:
I had been looking forward to this 'up-date', "From Nada to Prada", for quite a long time.
Saw this: " Lizzy can now get into the club with any dress ", and was quite happy . . . . till I found out most, if not all the "High-Heels", that she NEEDS to wear to get into the Club, are now, 2 to 3 times, (or even more), the cost of that "any dress".
For some reason, after reading, "any dress", I also thought, "any Nice shoe style" would be acceptable too, as some of the "dresses" are/can, be rather 'common/and /'plain', and the low-to-mid-heels', are currently more affordable, than those "Rich Bitch", High-heels !
Some price balancing is much needed here (PLEASE ). . . . or your going to 'force' me to CHEAT money, in this game , or give-up playing it . . . ( which would be sad, after finally getting this into the game) !
I know your 'familiar' with "Girl Life", and in that game , High-heels run from Cheap to fairly High-Priced, but NOT starting at a High Price . . . I'm guessing/hoping these prices will be changed/balanced eventually.
I'm seriously considering, starting a new game, and using the 'rent-money' to buy her 1st pair of High-Heels, while she has that 'wad of cash' available!(cause, currently, she hasn't the ability to raise the cash now , 3 weeks later, when the "Nite Club", finally became available )
. Sigh. Poor Lizzie.
PS#2 - The Flower Shop Job . . . . is quite boring.
My Lizzie, is at day 22 in the Job, and nothing "exciting" is happening, no sex, or romance, or anything (sexual, either) in-between.
No 'relationship' (that I read somewhere in this thread about), with Helen, (though one does/did get an inference that she has a 'sexual-interest', in Lizzie), but nothing has 'surfaced' as yet, , nothing.( Is this part still being written ?)
No requests, for any type of 'extracurricular' /sexual activities, etc. ( I'm sure you 'know' what I'm 'hinting' at . . . . )
It also seems to be the 'lowest' paying job, with no-chance, ( that I have seen as yet) or 'opportunities' of 'exposing' Lizzie, to the 'Dark-side' of this 'business'.( what-ever that may be
Happy to see you are still around
To get into the club before the wardrobe system was implemented, Lizzy would need a dress and pumps; a total of 109 (dress) + 285 (pumps) = 394. Now she can get in for 95 (normal dress) + 185 (wedge) = 280. So I'm not sure why you are complaining
So yeah club access has gotten cheaper (and lower stats too). ALL clothes combos have gotten cheaper as well. Starting money has seen a huge bump and salary a minor tiny one. If you still want to cheat, I guess you can and will and that is fine, but I think the balance has gotten a huuuuge nudge towards the easy department, so you need way ,WAY better arguments to convince me to change prices.
Regarding the flower shop:
I know, it is the most boring job of all 4 at the start. But I think it is the most awesome one at the later stages. You need to play 2 more weeks or so I think before stuff starts to happen slowly at the flower shop.
Stuff to happen would be e.g.:
1) Deliver flowers to houses
2) Pick flowers in the wild
3) Meet the lovely romantic guy called Mo
Hang in there
This gets dark after meeting Mo where she can end up having to work for him in the red light district (awaiting new release) or repaying a debt by making porn videos for Donny (also awaiting new release if Lizzy keeps working the flower route).
Hi BBZ01,BurningSun please see the attached screen freeze at the beach
There are more options
Lizzy can also end up becoming a plaything for Faoud and his men (Random encounters throughout the city where guys will demand all sorts of Lizzy)
Lizzy can also end up owing Faoud a lot of money which she can try and earn by walking the streets.
Lizzy can also outsmart Faoud and tell him she is an English teacher (If she is smart enough).
Regarding the screenie, can you tell me please if your Lizzy had a bikini on or not? Or send me a savegame please. I know what the cause is, but not why it is happening. The info or the save will help me a lot... I think