
Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017

PS - Just a few words of :
" Really Nice work done on this, Clothing System" ! I like it. :p
Uniquely different, to what's already been done before.

And now for some Feed-Back:

I had been looking forward to this 'up-date', "From Nada to Prada", for quite a long time.

Saw this: " Lizzy can now get into the club with any dress ", and was quite happy . . . . till I found out most, if not all the "High-Heels", that she NEEDS to wear to get into the Club, are now, 2 to 3 times, (or even more), the cost of that "any dress" :eek:.

For some reason, after reading, "any dress", I also thought, "any Nice shoe style" would be acceptable too, as some of the "dresses" are/can, be rather 'common/and /'plain', and the low-to-mid-heels', are currently more affordable, than those "Rich Bitch", High-heels ! :oops:

Some price balancing is much needed here (PLEASE ). . . . or your going to 'force' me to CHEAT money, in this game , or give-up playing it . . . ( which would be sad, after finally getting this into the game :(:cry:) !

I know your 'familiar' with "Girl Life", and in that game , High-heels run from Cheap to fairly High-Priced, but NOT starting at a High Price . . . I'm guessing/hoping these prices will be changed/balanced eventually :rolleyes: .

I'm seriously considering, starting a new game, and using the 'rent-money' to buy her 1st pair of High-Heels, while she has that 'wad of cash' available! :LOL::ROFLMAO::oops::rolleyes: (cause, currently, she hasn't the ability to raise the cash now , 3 weeks later, when the "Nite Club", finally became available ):cry:. Sigh. Poor Lizzie.

PS#2 - The Flower Shop Job . . . . is quite boring.

My Lizzie, is at day 22 in the Job, and nothing "exciting" is happening, no sex, or romance, or anything (sexual, either) in-between.

No 'relationship' (that I read somewhere in this thread about), with Helen, (though one does/did get an inference that she has a 'sexual-interest', in Lizzie), but nothing has 'surfaced' as yet, , nothing.( Is this part still being written ?)

No requests, for any type of 'extracurricular' /sexual activities, etc. ( I'm sure you 'know' what I'm 'hinting' at . . . . )

It also seems to be the 'lowest' paying job, with no-chance, ( that I have seen as yet) or 'opportunities' of 'exposing' Lizzie, to the 'Dark-side' of this 'business'. :unsure:;) ( what-ever that may be :confused:).
Hi Highland_Hunter,
Happy to see you are still around :) Hope you are doing well. Thank you for your post and I'm happy to hear you like the wardrobe system. I tried to make it as easy and non-intrusive as possible, but at the same time offer a lot of RP etc to those who are looking for that.

To get into the club before the wardrobe system was implemented, Lizzy would need a dress and pumps; a total of 109 (dress) + 285 (pumps) = 394. Now she can get in for 95 (normal dress) + 185 (wedge) = 280. So I'm not sure why you are complaining :p

So yeah club access has gotten cheaper (and lower stats too). ALL clothes combos have gotten cheaper as well. Starting money has seen a huge bump and salary a minor tiny one. If you still want to cheat, I guess you can and will and that is fine, but I think the balance has gotten a huuuuge nudge towards the easy department, so you need way ,WAY better arguments to convince me to change prices.

Regarding the flower shop:
I know, it is the most boring job of all 4 at the start. But I think it is the most awesome one at the later stages. You need to play 2 more weeks or so I think before stuff starts to happen slowly at the flower shop.
Stuff to happen would be e.g.:
1) Deliver flowers to houses
2) Pick flowers in the wild
3) Meet the lovely romantic guy called Mo

Hang in there :D
This gets dark after meeting Mo where she can end up having to work for him in the red light district (awaiting new release) or repaying a debt by making porn videos for Donny (also awaiting new release if Lizzy keeps working the flower route).
BurningSun please see the attached screen freeze at the beach
Hi BBZ01,
There are more options :)
Lizzy can also end up becoming a plaything for Faoud and his men (Random encounters throughout the city where guys will demand all sorts of Lizzy)
Lizzy can also end up owing Faoud a lot of money which she can try and earn by walking the streets.
Lizzy can also outsmart Faoud and tell him she is an English teacher (If she is smart enough).

Regarding the screenie, can you tell me please if your Lizzy had a bikini on or not? Or send me a savegame please. I know what the cause is, but not why it is happening. The info or the save will help me a lot... I think :)



Jun 5, 2020
I would love to see Lizzie teach at a college or university. For example, English courses. A huge number of possible events. The director, teachers, students-a sea of options.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
Regarding the screenie, can you tell me please if your Lizzy had a bikini on or not? Or send me a savegame please. I know what the cause is, but not why it is happening. The info or the save will help me a lot... I think :)
BurningSun Thanks for the info and corrections in the next release. Regarding the screenshot on the beach, she was nude and having a nap, saved game attached. Hope this helps. Are there plans to allow Lizzy to phone contacts other than about her job such as dating Summer etc?

Then a request... Will there be any interaction while Lizzy works at the pub, such as customers offering to buy her drinks to get her drunk? Thanks for the additional shots in the club. Again is there any intention to expand on this? (This follows on from my wife who sometimes likes to get very drunk while out with me and has had wardrobe malfunctions, sometimes wets herself in public and can get super horney in public. I do enjoy these shows although I need to keep sober to make sure she's OK)...
Also does anyone know if there will there be or are there follow-up events with Summer, maybe a "good path" lesbian relationship?
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Jan 27, 2018
Hi @DemiArc,
That is a nasty one. Please tell me did you upgrade an old save or is this a new game? Also could you provide me with a savegame?
I've been playing this one save and upgraded along with all the patch changes through time... and it started from an ancient starting save with cheated starting money.

-- Edit: Just checked the SugarCube console, and this might be what actually went wrong:

Life choices v0.8.8.32.html:117 Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot set property 'top' of undefined
<<set $Wearing[1].top to $Wearing[0].top; $Wearing[1].topno to $Wearing[0].topno; $Wearing[1].toptype to $Wearing[0].toptype; $Wearing[1].bottom to $Wearing[0].bottom; $Wearing[1].bottomno to $Wearing[0].bottomno; $Wearing[1].shoes to $Wearing[0].shoes; $Wearing[1].shoesno to $Wearing[0].shoesno; $Wearing[1].bra to $Wearing[0].bra; $Wearing[1].brano to $Wearing[0].brano; $Wearing[1].panties to $Wearing[0].panties; $Wearing[1].pantiesno to $Wearing[0].pantiesno; $Wearing[1].stock to $Wearing[0].stock; $Wearing[1].stockno to $Wearing[0].stockno>>
n @ Life choices v0.8.8.32.html:117
Life choices v0.8.8.32.html:119 Uncaught Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot set property 'top' of undefined
at Function.value (Life choices v0.8.8.32.html:119)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (Life choices v0.8.8.32.html:121)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (Life choices v0.8.8.32.html:120)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (Life choices v0.8.8.32.html:117)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (Life choices v0.8.8.32.html:117)
at HTMLAnchorElement.dispatch (Life choices v0.8.8.32.html:67)
at HTMLAnchorElement.q.handle (Life choices v0.8.8.32.html:67)
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
BurningSun Thanks for the info and corrections in the next release. Regarding the screenshot on the beach, she was nude and having a nap, saved game attached. Hope this helps. Are there plans to allow Lizzy to phone contacts other than about her job such as dating Summer etc?

Then a request... Will there be any interaction while Lizzy works at the pub, such as customers offering to buy her drinks to get her drunk? Thanks for the additional shots in the club. Again is there any intention to expand on this? (This follows on from my wife who sometimes likes to get very drunk while out with me and has had wardrobe malfunctions, sometimes wets herself in public and can get super horney in public. I do enjoy these shows although I need to keep sober to make sure she's OK)...
Also does anyone know if there will there be or are there follow-up events with Summer, maybe a "good path" lesbian relationship?
Hi BBZ01,
Thank you for the save file! Going to check it later today.
YES, a big yes. The phone will become multifunctional at some point. Alas, I am a mere human with health issues, so it takes time, but it will come, that I promise!

Yes, there will be way more interactions in the future at the pub. The job needs to be extended to become a proper secondary job with all kinds of scenarios, of which one would be nude/underwear barmaid. Of course groping and drunk stuff as well :)

Thank you for sharing. The two of you must have an interesting and healthy relationship for it to work. Kudos (y)

Yes, another big yes. Summer will become romancable (is that a word?) in a good way soon-ish. Promise!
Here you go, hope it helps.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to post it! Will check it later today.
I've been playing this one save and upgraded along with all the patch changes through time... and it started from an ancient starting save with cheated starting money.
(Am almost sure that sth went wrong with the data in DressAV part, but not sure why...)
Thanks a lot as well for posting. Will do proper checks later today. Hopefully I can come to the conclusion that this type of bug is caused by either old saves, or cheats as that would make my life easier :D
Yeah the DressAV and equivalent variables like TopAV and UnderwearAV etc are easily at fault when updating or cheating etc.
Will see and let you know.

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Jan 27, 2018
Yeah the DressAV and equivalent variables like TopAV and UnderwearAV etc are easily at fault when updating or cheating etc.
Just in case you missed my update, I re-checked the console and found the above error codes right when you were writing your reply message... seems like the attributes in the "topAV" and "bottomAV" were doing alright when PC was wearing the default clothes ;)


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
Hi, welcome back. I hope you are getting better.

Just a couple of thoughts. Regarding the random requests for Lizzy to perform sex acts when on the bus etc. They seem to be based on a mix of low dignity and high liberal. How about using what clothes she's wearing instead? I.E. If she has slutty clothes the probability is much higher whereas if she has normal clothes they are unlikely. That way the player can when she behaves slutty or not. Just seen the drunk scene when Lizzy has to be helped to the toilet in the club; any plans to include where she doesn't make it in time? (Would being back memories)...

Also maybe a romance between Lizzy and Helen and/or James would be a good addition (or have I missed it/them)? How does the relationship work with James as in an earlier version I seem to recall Lizzy flashing James for quick access to the club but now when I go to talk to James He says "so you didn't feel like talking to me..."?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Hi Highland_Hunter,
Happy to see you are still around :) Hope you are doing well. Thank you for your post and I'm happy to hear you like the wardrobe system. I tried to make it as easy and non-intrusive as possible, but at the same time offer a lot of RP etc to those who are looking for that.

To get into the club before the wardrobe system was implemented, Lizzy would need a dress and pumps; a total of 109 (dress) + 285 (pumps) = 394. Now she can get in for 95 (normal dress) + 185 (wedge) = 280. So I'm not sure why you are complaining :p <-- Explanation below, But All's-Good !
Had started this 'play-through', with the "Nerdy_Girl" choice, (and played her as 'non-sexual, innocent'), so the RP, of her getting to the club, didn't allow her to be able to choose/afford, the higher-priced, sexier clothing, needed to enter the club, as 'early-as-I wanted-her-to' . Saved-To-Disk, that play-through, and put aside for a later continuance .
To continue 'that' play-through, I'll have to figure out how, to RP her way, into the club, clothes-wise, (didn't know then, a
'normal' dress would work, thought it had to 'match' the shoes, expense/style-wise ), where she can 'lose' some/most, of her innocence . :sneaky: PS - Had her at the Flower Shop Job, (probably should have put her to the "Library Job" , you know, being 'nerdy & Smart', etc. . . . maybe ).

So yeah club access has gotten cheaper (and lower stats too). ALL clothes combos have gotten cheaper as well. Starting money has seen a huge bump and salary a minor tiny one. If you still want to cheat, I guess you can and will and that is fine, but I think the balance has gotten a huuuuge nudge towards the easy department, so you need way ,WAY better arguments to convince me to change prices.
Actually, did what I proposed to do, started a 'new' play-through, picked the "Material_Girl" start-choice, a little more money, & not-so-innocent :p !
Picked the "Become-A-Model" job, to start, to later change, (maybe), to "Flower Shop" or "Library Job", not really sure yet. We'll see how this plays out, for the time-being .

Regarding the flower shop: Yeah, about that ? . . . How many 'paths' are there currently ? I know, at the least 2 : #1 - the "Mo, 'Romance/ Obsession' path ", and #2 - the 'Loan-Shark/Prostitution' path . . . and Maybe, a third path . . the "Helen, Relationship/Romance path" ? ( I saw it mentioned, a few times in this Post's-Thread)
Any others ? (and, yeah, I did a number of 'word' searches in this thread, didn't cull much info :confused:)

I know, it is the most boring job of all 4 at the start. But I think it is the most awesome one at the later stages. You need to play 2 more weeks or so I think before stuff starts to happen slowly at the flower shop.
Stuff to happen would be e.g.:
1) Deliver flowers to houses
2) Pick flowers in the wild
3) Meet the lovely romantic guy called Mo

Hang in there :D


Oh, and one more thought:
Since we have this NICE Wardrobe system, and some Nice clothing options . . . How much 'trouble/work' would it be to add, 'at-the-least', the "Two-Piece Outfits" as an 'alternate/addition', to the 'Dress', for Access to the Night_Club ? (Those "Two-Piece Outfits" are REALLY (y)Nice, and Would fit in a Night-Club Scene ! ( at least they did, when I was a younger man, and went to those type of places ! :sneaky: ).
Please consider it, if , it isn't too much added work ? THANKS. . . . . and THANKS again for the Nice Work on the, Great Looking Wardrobe, and it's System ! :love:


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
To anyone out here who knows about, Henry's "Alternate" Rental Payment System, and it's Progression, for His Female Tenants, specifically Lizzie .

Does he ever go as far as to FUCK Lizzie ?
If So ;
What's the procedure, as in :
Deep-throat Fuck --> Anal Fuck --> Vaginal Fuck ? or Deep-throat Fuck, then straight to Vaginal Fuck ?
(also if, Vaginal Fuck is part of procedure, is it, His or her choice, IF, a Condom is used, or NOT ? )

I haven't as yet gotten to that point , I usually get Distracted, by Something, :rolleyes: ( usually, an up-date for one of the many other games I like to play, besides this one; OR get distracted by 'Slutting her up' ! :ROFLMAO::devilish:

Thanks for any helpful, (or funny) replies ! ;)

PS - Can you NOT approach Henry any time after that initial, 'alternate-rental-payment-meeting' , for 'further' interactions ? or, is it primarily just on 'rental-payment' days ?

BurningSun :
(it should be, a chance, anytime Lizzie goes to the 'entrance area', that Henry could 'chance upon her', and give her a 'special-greeting' . . . . :p of course, advancing as their 'special-relationship' advances :devilish:)

What do you think ?
(anything like you were thinking of ? As in a way to make him more ' persistent' & 'aggresive' . . . as you had mentioned previously ? :sneaky:;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Alas, I am a mere human with health issues...
I hope you are getting better.
Not meaning to pry into your personal business too much, but are you alright now, BurningSun? It's been a few months (as far as I know) since you've discussed your health about whatever mysterious illness that was affecting you. Did the doctors at least zero'd in on it to help you combat it better? :unsure: In any event, I sincerely hope you're doing better nowadays. Stay strong and be safe, brother! (y) Thanks for being an awesome dude!
  • Angry
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
Had started this 'play-through', with the "Nerdy_Girl" choice, (and played her as 'non-sexual, innocent'), so the RP, of her getting to the club, didn't allow her to be able to choose/afford, the higher-priced, sexier clothing, needed to enter the club, as 'early-as-I wanted-her-to' . Saved-To-Disk, that play-through, and put aside for a later continuance .
To continue 'that' play-through, I'll have to figure out how, to RP her way, into the club, clothes-wise, (didn't know then, a
'normal' dress would work, thought it had to 'match' the shoes, expense/style-wise ), where she can 'lose' some/most, of her innocence . :sneaky: PS - Had her at the Flower Shop Job, (probably should have put her to the "Library Job" , you know, being 'nerdy & Smart', etc. . . . maybe ).

Actually, did what I proposed to do, started a 'new' play-through, picked the "Material_Girl" start-choice, a little more money, & not-so-innocent :p !
Picked the "Become-A-Model" job, to start, to later change, (maybe), to "Flower Shop" or "Library Job", not really sure yet. We'll see how this plays out, for the time-being .

Regarding the flower shop: Yeah, about that ? . . . How many 'paths' are there currently ? I know, at the least 2 : #1 - the "Mo, 'Romance/ Obsession' path ", and #2 - the 'Loan-Shark/Prostitution' path . . . and Maybe, a third path . . the "Helen, Relationship/Romance path" ? ( I saw it mentioned, a few times in this Post's-Thread)
Any others ? (and, yeah, I did a number of 'word' searches in this thread, didn't cull much info :confused:)

I know, it is the most boring job of all 4 at the start. But I think it is the most awesome one at the later stages. You need to play 2 more weeks or so I think before stuff starts to happen slowly at the flower shop.
Stuff to happen would be e.g.:
1) Deliver flowers to houses
2) Pick flowers in the wild
3) Meet the lovely romantic guy called Mo

Hang in there :D


Oh, and one more thought:
Since we have this NICE Wardrobe system, and some Nice clothing options . . . How much 'trouble/work' would it be to add, 'at-the-least', the "Two-Piece Outfits" as an 'alternate/addition', to the 'Dress', for Access to the Night_Club ? (Those "Two-Piece Outfits" are REALLY (y)Nice, and Would fit in a Night-Club Scene ! ( at least they did, when I was a younger man, and went to those type of places ! :sneaky: ).
Please consider it, if , it isn't too much added work ? THANKS. . . . . and THANKS again for the Nice Work on the, Great Looking Wardrobe, and it's System ! :love:
Hi Highland_Hunter,
Poor not so innocent Lizzy :)
Paths of the flowershop are:
1) Good path = just work hard, do your job, not a lot of stuff happening, but sometimes it is possible and then Helen will ask Lizzy to get drivers license. That is the end for now. No relationship with Helen like you mentioned.
2) Mo path = Get involved with Mo and 'enjoy' his 'love'. Lizzy will slowly be groomed. At the near end of this path there is an important choice which leads to several different paths:
2A) Don't stay behind at Mo's apartment and join him. He will show you his business, which is a cheap 2 window space he has rented and needs girls for at the RLD. Lizzy will be 'asked' to work here. This path is not finished. I'm working on this at this moment and it will be in the next update
2B) Stay behind at Mo's apartment and meet Faoud. Faoud is Mo's boss and Mo owns him money. More choices here!
2B1) Tell Faoud you are just a local girl having met Mo the day before - Lizzy becomes a toy for Faoud and his gang to use and abuse whenever they meet her in town.
2B2) Tell Faoud you are Mo's girlfriend - Lizzy is forced to work at Donny's as a pornstar
2B3) Tell Faoud you are just a prostitute - Faoud will force Lizzy to pay him back Mo's debt and streetwhoring is unlocked and Lizzy will need to visit Faoud once a week
2B4) Tell Faoud you are an English teacher - Lizzy gets out without any of the above and can keep working at the flowershop and will not meet Mo or Faoud again.

Happy to hear you like the 2-piece outfits :D
In principle it is not a lot of work to allow any combination into the club, however, there are all kinds of checks done inside th club that would need to be re-written. Overall not a crazy amount of work, but it kinda is 'easy' to exclude other stuff so I know that inside the club everything is dress and nothing else. It makes my life a lot easier. Maybe in the future as I do too like some of the 2-piece outfits a lot.

To anyone out here who knows about, Henry's "Alternate" Rental Payment System, and it's Progression, for His Female Tenants, specifically Lizzie .

Does he ever go as far as to FUCK Lizzie ?
If So ;
What's the procedure, as in :
Deep-throat Fuck --> Anal Fuck --> Vaginal Fuck ? or Deep-throat Fuck, then straight to Vaginal Fuck ?
(also if, Vaginal Fuck is part of procedure, is it, His or her choice, IF, a Condom is used, or NOT ? )

I haven't as yet gotten to that point , I usually get Distracted, by Something, :rolleyes: ( usually, an up-date for one of the many other games I like to play, besides this one; OR get distracted by 'Slutting her up' ! :ROFLMAO::devilish:

Thanks for any helpful, (or funny) replies ! ;)

PS - Can you NOT approach Henry any time after that initial, 'alternate-rental-payment-meeting' , for 'further' interactions ? or, is it primarily just on 'rental-payment' days ?

BurningSun :
(it should be, a chance, anytime Lizzie goes to the 'entrance area', that Henry could 'chance upon her', and give her a 'special-greeting' . . . . :p of course, advancing as their 'special-relationship' advances :devilish:)

What do you think ?
(anything like you were thinking of ? As in a way to make him more ' persistent' & 'aggresive' . . . as you had mentioned previously ? :sneaky:;)
Yes, he does. Just continue the weekly 'payment' and sooner or later it will happen. Progress is: Kiss > touch boobs > touch anywhere > handjob > lick pussy > blowjob > sex (no condom)

Once you've unlocked the above, there are no more interactions with Henry. Yes entrance area encounters as well as others will happen once I've re-written Henry which will be likely in the update after the one I'm working on now.

Not meaning to pry into your personal business too much, but are you alright now, BurningSun? It's been a few months (as far as I know) since you've discussed your health about whatever mysterious illness that was affecting you. Did the doctors at least zero'd in on it to help you combat it better? :unsure: In any event, I sincerely hope you're doing better nowadays. Stay strong and be safe, brother! (y) Thanks for being an awesome dude!
Hi Back,
Thanks for showing you care. Means a lot. I don't like talking about it as it is 24/7 already and the less I have to think about it the better. Basically my doctor has said: I don't know anymore. Good luck and learn to live with it.
I hate doctors so much. I understand it, it is just a job for them at the end of the day, but there are so many bad ones and only a handful of good ones. And it is hard to find the good ones.
So now I'm considering my options; Private clinic (Cash issue as I don't have work atm and can't get work with my condition)? Go to yet another doctor and hope (s)he is a good one (More time lost most likely)? Learn to live with this? Hell no to that last one.

So yeah, nothing much changed, it comes and goes and I have bad days and really bad ones and some good days here and there too. It sucks and it is overwhelming and controlling my life right now. Horrible. 10 months ago or so I was fine, now every day I wake up and the first thing I think about is 'Is it a good or bad day?'.:cry:

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019

Since your last reply to me, I discovered the 'return' of a BUG.
It involves the Gloryhole/Cum Craze system. My Lizzie's, current 'Cum desire is '42', & her addiction lvl is 1'
For the last several days, when 'attending' the Gloryholes, she is still in the 'requesting euro's stage', but NOT receiving any euro's, at the end of her 'service contracts' !

I remember reporting this happening once before, ( and thought you had fixed it (?), can't remember for sure.

Now, a Question, involving the 'new' wardrobe system, and some possible changes, that haven't been 'attended to yet' ?

This involves the Dance Studio's outfit requirements.

In the past, and still, Requirement for "Jazz" participation : Required; For Jazz: Sporting clothes or any type of dancing clothes are required as well as either running shoes or dancing shoes.

What clothes, will 'fit' the requirement of 'dancing clothes' now ?

There was a whole paragraph explaining the situation here, that mysteriously disappeared when I hit the "Post Reply" button. There was no reason for any 'mod' to delete it, it was an explanation, nothing derogatory about it. :oops: If you need a further explanation, just ask, and I'll try to re-write it. :(

Thanks for your time and replies !;)


Apr 15, 2019
Bug: If Lizzy showers a second time during the day and then re-applies makeup it doesnt count.
If I click the "looks" stat I can see the value of the applied makeup, however it doesnt count into the overall "hotness/looks", see down below.

Lizzy's total Looks/Hotness: 6.
This is comprised of the following elements:
Natural beauty; 3
Makeup: 19
Lipstick: 1
Nailpolish: 1
Fitness: 2
Your current makeup skill: 4.2


Apr 15, 2019
ps: not really a bug. But if you have the rent money in the piggy bank and its thursday morning, there is no possability to go take the money. So your only option is say "Im short" to Henry. If you forget a couple times its instant game over.
Very unconvinient.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
ps: not really a bug. But if you have the rent money in the piggy bank and its thursday morning, there is no possability to go take the money. So your only option is say "Im short" to Henry. If you forget a couple times its instant game over.
Very unconvinient.
A good practice, to get into, would be to take the $$ out of bank before you put her to bed, then she has it for the next morning . ( that's what I do, ;))

Now, that being said, my 'Lizzie' has a different problem, with the 'morning-pay-the-rent' scenario, she usually sleeps in the nude, so she doesn't get the chance to get some clothes on once she wakes up, thus she's paying her rent to Henry, while completely Nude !

( I'm pretty sure Henry doesn't mind at all :devilish:, though he shows no-reaction to that fact, probably cause there is nothing written for that scenario-possibility as yet (?) :p )
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Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
Does anyone know how does the relationship work with James as in an earlier version I seem to recall Lizzy flashing James for quick access to the club but now when I go to talk to James He says "so you didn't feel like talking to me..."? I've tried arriving at different times etc but the relationship stays on 1 and he always says the same thing... Thanks.
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3.20 star(s) 48 Votes