
Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Quick question:

I thought "attending/visiting" the Church, was supposed to reduce your Reputation ?
Are the possible results there, also "RNG" based ?

First time there got the reduction, next visit there (the next day), nope, no reduction.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Costs are per level
Cum 100
Weed 125
Alcohol 175
Coke 250
STD 50 per
Emergency Contraceptive 250 (no used yet)
Health Boost 70
Thank You ! for your detailed reply :), it was what, I was actually asking for (y):giggle:.

On further thought:

Do you have a choice of how many levels you may want to cure ?


Is the Cure, a 'complete' cure, as in, curing All levels, at one time, and just multiplying the cost per level, by how many levels are cured totally ?
Just trying to determine how much $$$$ to bring for treatments, I like to plan ahead, if possible :sneaky:!

Thanks Again !
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019

Just curious, is this a 'bug' or not, though it seems like it should be:

Lizzy enters the shower, finds the dildo attached to the wall, (as has happened rarely before), but she has NO options to use it ! :oops::mad:, even though she'd most probably/definitely would use it, (she's not that 'shy' girl anymore !:p).

Her current stats at this moment : Desire 19, Cum Desire 40, Liberal 98, Dignity 3, Reputation 99, it and what it represents, is not foreign to her, so why does she NOT have any options to use it, and only the option to ignore it , (she's not the "shy, untainted girl", she was 2 months earlier :devilish: .)

Also, it seems to 'show up' more often, (though hardly at all, totally), when her desire is low, (and she has no options, again, to use it), then when she's 'horny', and would have no thought to do other, then use it !

It just seems 'off' to me considering ALL the conditions, and it's rarity to show up, at all, though it's shown up a few times when she was on her periods, and had NO desire to even 'look' at it , (ignore option again), much less to even consider using it :unsure:, even when her Desire is 100+.

It seems it's appearance, is more to 'tease/frustrate' the player, then to 'tease' the character :oops::cautious:.

I remember, at one point, you said you'd 'increase' the chances for it to show up, a bit more, though it seems to have done the opposite :oops:, maybe due to some other recent coding changes, had effected/broke it ?


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
Does anyone know if there is more interaction with Bianca other than Lizzy getting jumped while walking in the park?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Highland_Hunter said:
Lizzy enters the shower, finds the dildo attached to the wall, (as has happened rarely before), but she has NO options to use it !
She won't be able to use it on her period..

She wasn't on her period at that time.

I just mentioned that when she was "on-her-period", it still showed up, (but I understood, that she wouldn't use it then), but I don't know if the 'game' can determine, or not, for that 'factor', and NOT have it trigger, which 'wastes' the ("RNG'd") opportunity, as it is, it cums-up/shows-up, rarely as it is . :oops:


Well-Known Karen
Apr 28, 2017
2,582 bug

1) At the moment you need no food (Day 30 and I haven`t bought any food)
2) Mall - "Superdry sport" - buy dance shoes - after buying you are by the mall shop "Nelson"
3) Henry Corruption - 4x times no paid kicked out- why I got not as player a hint to visit Henry often to reduce the rent (the problem was before the room was most emty and maybe after the 10xtimes (or after the rent rise) I saw the first time Bibi. Maybe you can improve this.
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Nov 29, 2020
Do you have a choice of how many levels you may want to cure ?


Is the Cure, a 'complete' cure, as in, curing All levels, at one time, and just multiplying the cost per level, by how many levels are cured totally ?
You can cure one at a time or all (which is multiplied by cost per level as you correctly assumed). Cure does take time as well, don't have notes on how long and wether the cure all multiplies time as well or is just straight the same length.

As an aside. Any cure also gives a health buff of +70 or +100 (not sure which, think I have seen both, maybe difficulty dependent), so if you are low on health and need cures go ahead and cure first which will save you a bit of money and/or time.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
You can cure one at a time or all (which is multiplied by cost per level as you correctly assumed). Cure does take time as well, don't have notes on how long and wether the cure all multiplies time as well or is just straight the same length.

As an aside. Any cure also gives a health buff of +70 or +100 (not sure which, think I have seen both, maybe difficulty dependent), so if you are low on health and need cures go ahead and cure first which will save you a bit of money and/or time.
Gold card membership cures all levels in 1 go (no choice) and you do get the health bonus. It takes an hour.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
BurningSun There is a bug when Lizzy uses the bus to go to the museum and is approached for sex. Whatever choice is made you get the sex screen then the following screen is "black".
Also I note from a previous post that when Lizzy meets Faoud 1 of the options is:
I'm just a prostitute (Always possible) - leads to owing Faoud money and ability to work the streets
This is available if Lizzy's stats are 70 or less (intel and moral) or higher than 100 (intel and dignity). If they don't meet either of these criteria the only option is that she's Mo's girlfriend.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
If she joins the gym on the gold membership all treatments are included in the price for a year including health boosts.
Well, at the time, she didn't have the 'spare' $$$$, to spend, on something, she wasn't using at that time (the Gym).
She was getting her exercise, in the Park, (Yoga, & Jogging), which was much cheaper, so just getting the 'cures', was economical enough, and with-in her 'budget' .

But, Thanks for the Reply anyways. ;)


Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
1) At the moment you need no food (Day 30 and I haven`t bought any food)
You don´t need food at all. That´s not a bug, but a feature, in order to avoid ten cliks a day. When you buy food and eat think of it as an "extra". Usefull to boost your heath or morale, but the regular, normal eating goes on the background with no clicks attached.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
Well, at the time, she didn't have the 'spare' $$$$, to spend, on something, she wasn't using at that time (the Gym).
She was getting her exercise, in the Park, (Yoga, & Jogging), which was much cheaper, so just getting the 'cures', was economical enough, and with-in her 'budget'
Highland_Hunter OK, if you are not on the gold membership you seem to get the health boost if you select "Cure all..." but not if you purchase a single treatment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Highland_Hunter OK, if you are not on the gold membership you seem to get the health boost if you select "Cure all..." but not if you purchase a single treatment.
Actually, when I tried the, "one-level-at-a-time" (aka "single treatment") cure, Lizzy received a "+10 Health Recovery" per level of cure.

I have/had tried both ways of curing-addictions; (had 2 addictions to cure, at that time)

1 - the "Cure-All-Levels-In-One-Shot" (for my Lizzy, it was 4.5 levels, netted her, a +70 Health Recovery, iirc)

2 - the "Cure-One-Level-of-Addiction-at-a-Time", as needed gives a "+10 Health", per level

As it turned out, the "Health Recovery" inclusion, was a Surprise Bonus, for me .
(I didn't know it was included, with the Addiction Cures :unsure:, as I had never used the Gym/Spa/Health Clinic before, just never got that far into the game, before starting a new game, due to a 'new' update.)

It was also nice to find that there was a "Health Recovery" Boost, one could acquire, on it's own. :sneaky:


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
Lizzy has been at the pub and ordering cocktails when it says something about a guy making eye-contact. I've tried letting the guy walk Lizzy home and refusing but getting his phone number instead but nothing further seems to happen.
BurningSun 1. His phone number doesn't appear as a contact? Is this an unfinished path and if so could you consider making it a "nice" one as lots of "bad" paths already?
2. When Lizzy is approached for sex on the bus she can ask 30 euros for a blowjob but 20 for sex; shouldn't the sex be higher?
3. Idea for the strip club: could Lizzy attend as a paying customer? Many thanks.
Finally does anyone know if there is further current content regarding the guy in the pub?
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017

Since your last reply to me, I discovered the 'return' of a BUG.
It involves the Gloryhole/Cum Craze system. My Lizzie's, current 'Cum desire is '42', & her addiction lvl is 1'
For the last several days, when 'attending' the Gloryholes, she is still in the 'requesting euro's stage', but NOT receiving any euro's, at the end of her 'service contracts' !

I remember reporting this happening once before, ( and thought you had fixed it (?), can't remember for sure.

Now, a Question, involving the 'new' wardrobe system, and some possible changes, that haven't been 'attended to yet' ?

This involves the Dance Studio's outfit requirements.

In the past, and still, Requirement for "Jazz" participation : Required; For Jazz: Sporting clothes or any type of dancing clothes are required as well as either running shoes or dancing shoes.

What clothes, will 'fit' the requirement of 'dancing clothes' now ?

There was a whole paragraph explaining the situation here, that mysteriously disappeared when I hit the "Post Reply" button. There was no reason for any 'mod' to delete it, it was an explanation, nothing derogatory about it. :oops: If you need a further explanation, just ask, and I'll try to re-write it. :(

Thanks for your time and replies !;)
Hi Highland_Hunter,
The gloryhole system needs to be re-done as it is not really working properly at times. I think that is what I answered to you last time, though not 100% sure either :)
There is only 1 'dancing clothes' out there which is the Pol-dancing clothes from Superdry store at the mall. Sot that would be the one.

Bug: If Lizzy showers a second time during the day and then re-applies makeup it doesnt count.
If I click the "looks" stat I can see the value of the applied makeup, however it doesnt count into the overall "hotness/looks", see down below.

Lizzy's total Looks/Hotness: 6.
This is comprised of the following elements:
Natural beauty; 3
Makeup: 19
Lipstick: 1
Nailpolish: 1
Fitness: 2
Your current makeup skill: 4.2
ps: not really a bug. But if you have the rent money in the piggy bank and its thursday morning, there is no possability to go take the money. So your only option is say "Im short" to Henry. If you forget a couple times its instant game over.
Very unconvinient.
Hi LittleCupcake,
Thank you for letting me know. The showerbug is now fixed for the next version... I hope :)
In the next version Lizzy will be able to use money from her piggy bank when going to Henry.

Does anyone know how does the relationship work with James as in an earlier version I seem to recall Lizzy flashing James for quick access to the club but now when I go to talk to James He says "so you didn't feel like talking to me..."? I've tried arriving at different times etc but the relationship stays on 1 and he always says the same thing... Thanks.
Does anyone know if a high self defence works with "fighting off" events like the kidnappings on the flower route? It did worn with Willem. Also any chance that Patricia can warn Lizzy about an imminent increase intellect being required, she's up to 40? Thanks.
Any idea who the models are on the attachment (from the kitchen)?
Does anyone know if there are there any additional advantages to studying botany such as minimising loss of health from weed etc?
On the point of getting the card to audition for pole dancing, is that a completely random event at the nightclub or does something trigger it? Does a set amount of time have to pass etc? Also can you get a job there another way. Sometimes Lizzy is handed a flyer about a "shady club" but throws it away. If her dignity and intelligence are low enough and her liberalism high enough can that be a route there as well? I'm replaying and can't seem to trigger the event in the club when Lizzy is handed the card...
Hi BBZ01,
-James is broken at the moment sorry. After your post and Highland confirming it I checked it and 1 variable was altered I think for testing purposes during the last update and I never changed it back. It is now fixed for the next version and I've updated it a little with a few more response/choice options; nothing too exciting though.
-Self defense can work in many cases, but not in all. In some cases there is no check for it, which means the kidnapping or something similar would always happen. So in the flower route, you cannot fight off the Mo endings. He is just to strong and too sneaky.
-Sorry I forgot where the 40Intel check was. At what exp level was this again? I was just searching for it and cannot seem to find it lol.
-The card for the pole dance audition is a complete random event. It can only trigger though if Lizzy is wearing a Party dress and has looks above 35 OR dance skills of 25+ (not pole dancing). If the above is met, it has the same chance of triggering on any day as the guy suddenly offering you a drink or the coke event with the couple.

Hope that helps :)
Does the strip club or modelling routes have endings yet?
Thanks. Does anyone know what the different ending numbers in the image file correspond to?
Hey PeaceToTheHuts,
As someone already mentioned, the modelling route has an ending already; get fired and replaced.
There are many different endings and each ending number refers to a specific ending in game, but in random order really. I've written the different endings in a few posts already so I'm sure if you search for it, that you can find them. :) (see below for some help)

So I didn't choose the Photoshoot job at first, met Donny at the beach and reached a dead end with that route. Later on, when I tried to find a new job I was able to choose Photoshoot and Donny didn't recognize me.

Is that a bug or intended (Maybe he is to coked out of his own mind to recognize Lizzy?!) ?
Really like this so far.
Kinda bummed that some endings get locked in weeks if not months before"ending"
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Haven't found some endings yet, so far:
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That's assuming there are 12 endings not counting variations (mostly based on
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). So I'm still missing 3 I guess. Any help would be appreciated.
Hey Norker,
-That is intended. You cannot go into the normal photoshoot route at this time when you've already been tricked by Donny through the beach or Pool route. Lizzy can be dumb, but noone cna be that dumb right? :)
-Great to hear you like it so far. Some endings are indeed locked in weeks before actually ending. If you have a nice idea for an out during Willem's path let me know. If not too hard to code it in I might think about it :)
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More replies to newer posts coming in an hour or so.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
Anyone know why I get error when i try to use the wardrobe function, can't close wardrobe or save outfit, can change the outfit but im still stuck in the wardrobe so that doesn't really matter. I just updated from 8.8.1 so assuming it has something with that to do but how can i fix this?
I had the same problem, as did others (see upthread). There's no solution - you have to restart. Not even the dev could figure out what causes this.
Hi Silas & Joe Steel,
There is something missing when updating the game. I know what it is now, but not sure how to fix it, as if I fix it, it breaks something for others. It happens when you press the update button. Depending on your settings/save moment and some other things if the update works or not. For most it works. For some it doesn't.
I believe I've been able to fix your save game though. Please find it attached.

Does anyone know if there is more interaction with Bianca other than Lizzy getting jumped while walking in the park?
Gold card membership cures all levels in 1 go (no choice) and you do get the health bonus. It takes an hour.
BurningSun There is a bug when Lizzy uses the bus to go to the museum and is approached for sex. Whatever choice is made you get the sex screen then the following screen is "black".
Also I note from a previous post that when Lizzy meets Faoud 1 of the options is:
I'm just a prostitute (Always possible) - leads to owing Faoud money and ability to work the streets
This is available if Lizzy's stats are 70 or less (intel and moral) or higher than 100 (intel and dignity). If they don't meet either of these criteria the only option is that she's Mo's girlfriend.
Lizzy has been at the pub and ordering cocktails when it says something about a guy making eye-contact. I've tried letting the guy walk Lizzy home and refusing but getting his phone number instead but nothing further seems to happen.
BurningSun 1. His phone number doesn't appear as a contact? Is this an unfinished path and if so could you consider making it a "nice" one as lots of "bad" paths already?
2. When Lizzy is approached for sex on the bus she can ask 30 euros for a blowjob but 20 for sex; shouldn't the sex be higher?
3. Idea for the strip club: could Lizzy attend as a paying customer? Many thanks.
Finally does anyone know if there is further current content regarding the guy in the pub?
Hi BBZ01,
-At the moment there are a few Bianca events and more are planned. 1) Jumped in the park 2) Golden shower event at the beach 3) library event 4)Ending abuse
-I'll change it so that you can still choose to cure only 1 level with the goldcard and include health. Also it will take a little longer to cure everything in one go from now on.
-Can you please let me know which event it is? That she is going to the museum is kinda irrelevant for me to find the bug as the scene can trigger on any bus ride:)
-What is your point in regard to the Faoud options exactly? Sorry I'm a bit daft sometimes.
-Yes this is one of the nice outcomes when being taken home by a potential creep.
-There are currently 3 possible events when she is approached. One of them is being asked for sex and another being asked for a BJ. They are seperate events and the guy is just trying :) Lizzy could get more if she has the right stats or she could say no :)
-Yeah that would be a nice addition for sure.

Quick question:

I thought "attending/visiting" the Church, was supposed to reduce your Reputation ?
Are the possible results there, also "RNG" based ?

First time there got the reduction, next visit there (the next day), nope, no reduction.
She won't be able to use it on her period..

She wasn't on her period at that time.

I just mentioned that when she was "on-her-period", it still showed up, (but I understood, that she wouldn't use it then), but I don't know if the 'game' can determine, or not, for that 'factor', and NOT have it trigger, which 'wastes' the ("RNG'd") opportunity, as it is, it cums-up/shows-up, rarely as it is . :oops: bug

1) At the moment you need no food (Day 30 and I haven`t bought any food)
2) Mall - "Superdry sport" - buy dance shoes - after buying you are by the mall shop "Nelson"
3) Henry Corruption - 4x times no paid kicked out- why I got not as player a hint to visit Henry often to reduce the rent (the problem was before the room was most emty and maybe after the 10xtimes (or after the rent rise) I saw the first time Bibi. Maybe you can improve this.
Thank You ! for your detailed reply :), it was what, I was actually asking for (y):giggle:.

On further thought:

Do you have a choice of how many levels you may want to cure ?


Is the Cure, a 'complete' cure, as in, curing All levels, at one time, and just multiplying the cost per level, by how many levels are cured totally ?
Just trying to determine how much $$$$ to bring for treatments, I like to plan ahead, if possible :sneaky:!

Thanks Again !
Actually, when I tried the, "one-level-at-a-time" (aka "single treatment") cure, Lizzy received a "+10 Health Recovery" per level of cure.

I have/had tried both ways of curing-addictions; (had 2 addictions to cure, at that time)

1 - the "Cure-All-Levels-In-One-Shot" (for my Lizzy, it was 4.5 levels, netted her, a +70 Health Recovery, iirc)

2 - the "Cure-One-Level-of-Addiction-at-a-Time", as needed gives a "+10 Health", per level

As it turned out, the "Health Recovery" inclusion, was a Surprise Bonus, for me .
(I didn't know it was included, with the Addiction Cures :unsure:, as I had never used the Gym/Spa/Health Clinic before, just never got that far into the game, before starting a new game, due to a 'new' update.)

It was also nice to find that there was a "Health Recovery" Boost, one could acquire, on it's own. :sneaky:
Hi Highland_Hunter,
-The fame reduction at the church is not RNG based. It is based on how long you are there for and how high your fame is. If your fame is really high you will see a big reduction (if you spend 3 hours there). If you only spend 10 minutes there, there likely be no reduction as it is a formula and it rounds it down.
-The game checks the Period stats in the shower. So yes the event can still trigger on Lizzy's period and then be 'wasted' as she is on her period. So my guess is that is what happened to your Lizzy when she entered the shower and could not use it. ALAS! :)
-As mentioned by someone else (Bolondro I think) there is no 'real' need to use food. It is an extra way to increase morale and Health. I don't want to make it into a chore with food and the like.
-Nelson bug found and fixed. Thanks!
-Henry is planned to be reworked. Stay tuned.
-Check my answer regarding the health club above in this post.

Cheers all

Edit: OOps forgot to attache the save file.
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Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
-Can you please let me know which event it is? That she is going to the museum is kinda irrelevant for me to find the bug as the scene can trigger on any bus ride
Umm... The "black screen" event only triggers following being approached for sex on the bus when going to the museum. She's at the bus stop and selects line 118 (the museum). If there is no approach for sex this works fine but if she is and either accepts or declines the game freezes on a black screen. If she takes the bus using this method or clicking on the link to her destination to anywhere else that also works fine if she's approached or not.
Yes this is one of the nice outcomes when being taken home by a potential creep
At the moment the "nice" ending finishes by being walked home but nothing further. I guess I'm requesting that the storyline be expanded to a b/f g/f option (dates/move in together) so probably not too much content, just random "night" scenes and reduced rent for Lizzy. The same path could be followed from a "nice" pick up at the club. You'd also have room to expand later if you introduce the ability to buy a place. It should also follow that there is a bad path to sit alongside, maybe the same as the spiked drink at the club.
Playing the flower route 1 of the events is that Lizzy has to go to have sex with Andrei, however, at the end of the path Mo says he's disappointed that she accepted; would you consider adding an option for Lizzy to refuse as this isn't available; maybe remaining as Mo's girlfriend? Love the flower path both good and bad :).
What is your point in regard to the Faoud options exactly?
Simply that if Lizzy's stats are in the middle range so doesn't qualify for the teacher option and is too high for the prostitute option the sole selection is that she's Mo's girlfriend so she doesn't have to option to try the prostitute route. This isn't an issue but maybe it should be a viable option given that it is for the high intellect?
If you have a nice idea for an out during Willem's path let me know. If not too hard to code it in I might think about it
Maybe simply that Lizzy raises her self defence over a certain level and kicks him where it hurts. Alternatively Patricia (or a library patron, perhaps an off-duty police officer) spots what's happening and intervenes.

Will await further developments on the strip club front as a customer... :)
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Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
BurningSun Please see attached with a couple of broken GIFs. Also I think that the note showing the job requirements is missing the study stat in some, example attached. Thanks.
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Jan 27, 2018
Hi Silas & Joe Steel,
There is something missing when updating the game. I know what it is now, but not sure how to fix it, as if I fix it, it breaks something for others. It happens when you press the update button. Depending on your settings/save moment and some other things if the update works or not. For most it works. For some it doesn't.
I believe I've been able to fix your save game though. Please find it attached.

Hi BBZ01,
-At the moment there are a few Bianca events and more are planned. 1) Jumped in the park 2) Golden shower event at the beach 3) library event 4)Ending abuse
-I'll change it so that you can still choose to cure only 1 level with the goldcard and include health. Also it will take a little longer to cure everything in one go from now on.
-Can you please let me know which event it is? That she is going to the museum is kinda irrelevant for me to find the bug as the scene can trigger on any bus ride:)
-What is your point in regard to the Faoud options exactly? Sorry I'm a bit daft sometimes.
-Yes this is one of the nice outcomes when being taken home by a potential creep.
-There are currently 3 possible events when she is approached. One of them is being asked for sex and another being asked for a BJ. They are seperate events and the guy is just trying :) Lizzy could get more if she has the right stats or she could say no :)
-Yeah that would be a nice addition for sure.

Hi Highland_Hunter,
-The fame reduction at the church is not RNG based. It is based on how long you are there for and how high your fame is. If your fame is really high you will see a big reduction (if you spend 3 hours there). If you only spend 10 minutes there, there likely be no reduction as it is a formula and it rounds it down.
-The game checks the Period stats in the shower. So yes the event can still trigger on Lizzy's period and then be 'wasted' as she is on her period. So my guess is that is what happened to your Lizzy when she entered the shower and could not use it. ALAS! :)
-As mentioned by someone else (Bolondro I think) there is no 'real' need to use food. It is an extra way to increase morale and Health. I don't want to make it into a chore with food and the like.
-Nelson bug found and fixed. Thanks!
-Henry is planned to be reworked. Stay tuned.
-Check my answer regarding the health club above in this post.

Cheers all

Edit: OOps forgot to attache the save file.
Do you happen to be able to rescue my save tho? :cry:
3.20 star(s) 48 Votes