
Jan 25, 2021
I think you just have to get lucky there and find the flyer. I think its random but I'm not sure if that was changed in any recent updates.
I think the loan shark appears after a while... Don't think I got any flyer before I was able to visit him...


Jan 25, 2021
Are there indications of when you've gotten to the end of a route, or that there'snomore content there yet?
No i don't think so... I you for example choose the wrong path after having the cleaning job, and refuse to have sex with the clients you just go to the end of the game...


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
I think the loan shark appears after a while... Don't think I got any flyer before I was able to visit him...
Just played through the part where it appeared on the noticeboard & previously got a flyer.


New Member
Jun 22, 2019
1. Why does this not open on twine?
2. Any cheat codes/mods?
3. I unlocked the prostitution job, but don't know how to unlock the beach.
Thanx in advance


Forum Fanatic
Aug 12, 2017
1. Why does this not open on twine?
2. Any cheat codes/mods?
3. I unlocked the prostitution job, but don't know how to unlock the beach.
Thanx in advance
1. it's a browser game with twine you build the game
2. i use sugarcube hacker
3. if i recall beach are only a viable on weekends through the busstation


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2017
Do I get it correctly from the changelog that the job at the club you might get if you convince Raul (was that the name of the owner?) to give it to you? Meaning the grind for pole dancing skills will not lead to new content yet?


New Member
Aug 18, 2019
I think I found a bug in the wellness centre. If you go in, and go to the sauna naked. The first one you pick, the Dignity will always go up 5-8 points, even though it should be dropping by 1-2.
Sauna Dignity bug.gif


Jan 27, 2018
Could anyone help me with this wardrobe error? I have all the stuff dressed on, but this same error pops up whenver I try to save to outfit or exit the wardrobe.

Tried to copy & paste the codes but the Chrome pop-up screen didnt allow that o_O


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
BurningSun Playing through starting with cleaning then swapping to working at the flower shop with a balanced mixture of good and bad choices and really enjoying the game, many thanks. I've got to the point where Lizzy needs a driving licence so looking forward to the next release as I guess I can't progress at this stage.

Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
Could anyone help me with this wardrobe error? I have all the stuff dressed on, but this same error pops up whenver I try to save to outfit or exit the wardrobe.

Tried to copy & paste the codes but the Chrome pop-up screen didnt allow that o_O
I have the same game-breaking error.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019

PS - Just a few words of :
" Really Nice work done on this, Clothing System" ! I like it. :p
Uniquely different, to what's already been done before.

And now for some Feed-Back:

I had been looking forward to this 'up-date', "From Nada to Prada", for quite a long time.

Saw this: " Lizzy can now get into the club with any dress ", and was quite happy . . . . till I found out most, if not all the "High-Heels", that she NEEDS to wear to get into the Club, are now, 2 to 3 times, (or even more), the cost of that "any dress" :eek:.

For some reason, after reading, "any dress", I also thought, "any Nice shoe style" would be acceptable too, as some of the "dresses" are/can, be rather 'common/and /'plain', and the low-to-mid-heels', are currently more affordable, than those "Rich Bitch", High-heels ! :oops:

Some price balancing is much needed here (PLEASE ). . . . or your going to 'force' me to CHEAT money, in this game , or give-up playing it . . . ( which would be sad, after finally getting this into the game :(:cry:) !

I know your 'familiar' with "Girl Life", and in that game , High-heels run from Cheap to fairly High-Priced, but NOT starting at a High Price . . . I'm guessing/hoping these prices will be changed/balanced eventually :rolleyes: .

I'm seriously considering, starting a new game, and using the 'rent-money' to buy her 1st pair of High-Heels, while she has that 'wad of cash' available! :LOL::ROFLMAO::oops::rolleyes: (cause, currently, she hasn't the ability to raise the cash now , 3 weeks later, when the "Nite Club", finally became available ):cry:. Sigh. Poor Lizzie.

PS#2 - The Flower Shop Job . . . . is quite boring.

My Lizzie, is at day 22 in the Job, and nothing "exciting" is happening, no sex, or romance, or anything (sexual, either) in-between.

No 'relationship' (that I read somewhere in this thread about), with Helen, (though one does/did get an inference that she has a 'sexual-interest', in Lizzie), but nothing has 'surfaced' as yet, , nothing.( Is this part still being written ?)

No requests, for any type of 'extracurricular' /sexual activities, etc. ( I'm sure you 'know' what I'm 'hinting' at . . . . )

It also seems to be the 'lowest' paying job, with no-chance, ( that I have seen as yet) or 'opportunities' of 'exposing' Lizzie, to the 'Dark-side' of this 'business'. :unsure:;) ( what-ever that may be :confused:).
Last edited:


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021

PS#2 - The Flower Shop Job . . . . is quite boring.

My Lizzie, is at day 22 in the Job, and nothing "exciting" is happening, no sex, or romance, or anything (sexual, either) in-between.

No 'relationship' (that I read somewhere in this thread about), with Helen, (though one does/did get an inference that she has a 'sexual-interest', in Lizzie), but nothing has 'surfaced' as yet, , nothing.( Is this part still being written ?)

No requests, for any type of 'extracurricular' /sexual activities, etc. ( I'm sure you 'know' what I'm 'hinting' at . . . . )

It also seems to be the 'lowest' paying job, with no-chance, ( that I have seen as yet) or 'opportunities' of 'exposing' Lizzie, to the 'Dark-side' of this 'business'. :unsure:;) ( what-ever that may be :confused:).
This gets dark after meeting Mo where she can end up having to work for him in the red light district (awaiting new release) or repaying a debt by making porn videos for Donny (also awaiting new release if Lizzy keeps working the flower route).


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
Hi all,

Thank you for all of your posts and my apologies for the delayed replies. I've had two bad weeks with my head, but doing somewhat better this week, so here are my replies to all of your posts!

It seems that some time ago Lizzie managed to get into the sauna, but I'm not sure if this is the version. I haven't been able to do it once recently. Applying sunscreen in the pool seems strange. Oh, you seem to have misunderstood. From the wellness center, you try to go to the sauna, but you end up in the pool.
Thanks for the demonstration of the stats required for the Faud event, but the meaning of "total" is not clear.
Hi Forca,
I always apply sunscreen at the pool as I have burned too many times in the past. :S

The 'total' means that the two stats combined (add them up) need to be matching the total number or more. So if Intel is 20 and Morale is 72, the total number is 92. That simple :)
Sorry, that was meant for another game.
CboyC95, pfew! :D
I don't know if this is intentional or if I'm doing something wrong, but it seems weird that if you have Liberal 100 and Dignity 0 and walk in naked into the men's sauna you just end up flirting and having some conversation. Talk about guys not taking a hint.
Hi Sammie,
There is no content in the saunas yet. Sorry!
BurningSun Thanks for the update .32.
1. I've updated but her number still doesn't appear in Lizzy's phone?
2. Also Marvin's icon doesn't appear in the Diary.
3. There's a new issue I spotted when dancing in the club; 1 of the GIFs gets stuck with no text.
4. Noticed what appears to be a timing error when Lizzy returns home from the club drunk. The text states she needs sleep but she immediately wakes up with a hangover. If you then select sleep again she wakes up normal time with no hangover?
5. When leaving the strip club you are in the city centre, whereas it's located in the red light district.
6. The issue with the high from the absinthe drink not reducing until Lizzy smokes a joint still exists.
7. There also a bug with Lizzy being asked to hand over her panties in the club as she has a choice of proving she's not wearing any when she is.
8. When approaching James at the club he states Lizzy didn't want to talk to him. There was an option previously for her to flash her boobs for quick entry.
9. A random breezer appears in Lizzy's inventory.
10. At the beach party if Lizzy uses the toilet to freshen up before going to the bar she automatically applies makeup.
Screen shots attached to assist. Thanks.
Hi BBZ01,
Thank you for all of this list of issues and screenies! Helps a lot to quickly find some of the bugs.
1) I forgot one part of the phone listing. It is now fixed for the next version. Fo realz yo!
2) Icon added for the next version.
3) Found the issue and fixed it.
4) Fixed this issue as well.
5) All stripclub exits are now fixed to the RLD.
6) Working on this one – read; trying to recreate it to fix it.
7) Found this one and fixed it.
8) That option is still there. You can gain and lose relationship points with James. Do you know how many points you had with him when it hapened?
9) Errm what? There are events when Lizzy is handed a Breezer, so maybe you had one and not remember?
10) This one should be fixed now.
Seems to be a bug (?) When Lizzie is told by Patricia she has two weeks to fix her work status, when the two weeks are up, if Lizzie goes to work, either directly from home or at the library, the game just crashes. This is Day 180. Patricia gives her the talk on Day 162.

There are steps that Lizzie needs to accomplish which are not provided for in the game, the BVN, opening a bank account, etc., to continue to work at the library.

Also, when does Lizzie tell Henry to take a hike with the rent? With what she's paying she should be able to find a decent place for a €1,000/mo.
Hi yoyodyne,
I'll try and see if I can recreate this bug. It is the end of the path for now by the way. No more content and there should be a message saying so.

Also Lizzy is naive and comes from a tiny little town from some island without proper knowledge of anything happening outside of it ;)
It will change in the future.
BurningSun I agree with the above:
For that she'd be able to afford a mortgage... Are there plans for her to be able to buy once the estate agent and bank are added? Alternatively is there a top rent that Henry will charge without going down the Bibi favours for rent route?
Hi BBZ01,
Yes there are plans for here to:
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Can you work as a prostitute in the RDL? And what do you have to do to get there?
And where do I find the loan shark? ;-)
Hi Victor069,
Not yet. Working on 'working in the RLD' for the next version. Oops spoiler!

The loanshark is opened up by finding the flyer. You can either find it by chance on the streets (random event), or find the flyer on the message board. ALL flyers will appear on this board. Sometimes though the flyer will disappear as some other people may take them. In any case they will reappear. ALL flyers will appear after a set number of days, depending on the difficulty setting. This ranges approximately from day 16 to day 80 or so, where the 80 is on hardest for one of the flyers only.
How can i start to work in the rld? (and i dont mean the strip club )
Hi Blackbrizzel,
Please see my answer to Victor above.
Been playing around with this game, a couple of weeks in. I fiddled around with the wardrobe/clothing settings and have found some bugs and inconsistent behaviour as a result:

When you go into your wardrobe and use the "undress" function, the game correctly registers you as naked and it refuses for my character to leave the wardrobe. If I put an article of clothing on, say a bikini, and undress that through the individual "take it off" action (thus leaving me naked once again) the game seems to not register whatever stat is used to determine if my character can walk around naked.

Now, in this state I still cannot leave the apartment, but I can go to the kitchen for example, where no one seems to mind my supposed nakedness. I assume the other tenants aren't programmed to take note of my character's clothes.

However, while I can't leave the apartment getting naked in this fashion normally, I can if I click the button that makes my character go to her job. She travels quite easily to her modelling job, no note of her nudity was made by anyone in the street or her employer, then after finishing the shot my character resumes control out in the street.

Naked. My first action was of course to see if I could walk around, this proved no issue. After reloading to test random events a stranger even came up to me and dragged my skirt down and saw my panties!
Well, I suppose they were the panties my poor guinea-pig character wished she'd have worn.

So I suppose the real friends are the ethereal panties and scene-spawning skirts, that the magic perverts could rip off along the way
Hi BlandChili,
Thank you for letting me know about this bug. I thought I had covered all of these things, but apparently not :) This will be fixed for the next version.

Also, so far there is no commenting regarding clothes. That is an insane amount of work, so I wonder if it will ever happen, but small instances will happen.
Are there indications of when you've gotten to the end of a route, or that there'snomore content there yet?
Hi PeaceToTheHuts,
They are there for quite a few routes, but I may have missed some. If so let me know!
1. Why does this not open on twine?
2. Any cheat codes/mods?
3. I unlocked the prostitution job, but don't know how to unlock the beach.
Thanx in advance
Hi 1naughtybabe,
I open it in twine. Twine 1.4, not 2.0, maybe that will help?
The beach is open from the start, go to the bus station :)
I think I found a bug in the wellness centre. If you go in, and go to the sauna naked. The first one you pick, the Dignity will always go up 5-8 points, even though it should be dropping by 1-2.
Thanks for the gif ElWatcher, unfortunately I cannot recreate this bug. If I go in and out of the sauna, the dignity does not change.
Do you perhaps have a savegame?
Could anyone help me with this wardrobe error? I have all the stuff dressed on, but this same error pops up whenver I try to save to outfit or exit the wardrobe.

Tried to copy & paste the codes but the Chrome pop-up screen didnt allow that
Hi DemiArc,
That is a nasty one. Please tell me did you upgrade an old save or is this a new game? Also could you provide me with a savegame?
BurningSun Playing through starting with cleaning then swapping to working at the flower shop with a balanced mixture of good and bad choices and really enjoying the game, many thanks. I've got to the point where Lizzy needs a driving licence so looking forward to the next release as I guess I can't progress at this stage.
Thanks! Nice to hear that you like the variety!
You are indeed at the end of the route at this moment I'm afraid.
I have the same game-breaking error.
Hi Joe Steel,
Same questions to you as to DemiArc above.

Thanks all for your input, comments and remarks!

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