@BurningSun just found a really annoying bug...
came home from work at about 18:00 on a Tuesday and it said:
The rent is due today and it is something you'd like to get out of the way as quick as possible so you go to Henry.
And then I had the whole conversation with bibi and Henry and so on but it doesn't matter what I do...
I always get the same Massage to go to Henry when I'm in my room ALWAYS havn't found a way out at all...
Not even, after I tried using Twin Hacks and changing the date...
I can't even say what exactly happened to be able to replicate it... but yea... its really annoying, because now I have to redo a lot of things and its duobly annoying because now I have to wait again to get the trigger with bibi...
I attached the Save File for this Problem...
Hope it helps a bit...