
Dec 8, 2017
The last update was July 26th, saying he was on the mend and work was limited on the game. He's replied on patreon and here to game queries and ideas but no update on him or the game since then.

I really like this game as well but I know what you mean.
Hello guys

Does someone now how BurningSun Ist doing?
Has he continued to work on this game or is he still recovering?
I really really want to see what's next on this game after more than six months since the last update. But I don't want to push the dev too hard
This is my favorite game by far here


Dec 8, 2017
I'm getting the following message when I try to open some HTML games -

'No valid storage adapters found'.

Recently HTML games would give me an error message when I tried to save in one of the slots so had to save to the drive. Now I just get the above message for them.

I've gone through settings but can't figure out what I've done and how to fix it.


May 14, 2017
The last update was July 26th, saying he was on the mend and work was limited on the game. He's replied on patreon and here to game queries and ideas but no update on him or the game since then.

I really like this game as well but I know what you mean.
The last update on the game was in January. 7 months ago lol.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
Hello guys

Does someone now how BurningSun Ist doing?
Has he continued to work on this game or is he still recovering?
I really really want to see what's next on this game after more than six months since the last update. But I don't want to push the dev too hard
This is my favorite game by far here
Hey Doktor7007,

I'm alive! :) Kidding aside, I'm doing well. My arm is at about 80% I'd say. Can't lift heavy stuff yet or stretch it too far (learned that yet again yesterday), but other then that doing well and I can use it again for gaming and for working on the game as well. Been doing just that a few times already since last week, so progress has finally been made again.

End of August, 1st week of September the next Beta must be released. That is my goal now. You all have been waiting way too long, so yeah that is my current release target.


The last update was July 26th, saying he was on the mend and work was limited on the game. He's replied on patreon and here to game queries and ideas but no update on him or the game since then.

I really like this game as well but I know what you mean.
See above :D

The last update on the game was in January. 7 months ago lol.
I know :( and I'm sorry, but it has been out of my hands. RL you know.

I'll try and make it up to you all!


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
I am not sure if it is a bug or feature but shower at home has influence on dignity, but in gym not. In that case it is more efficient to take shower in gym or pool only.
Hmm thanks for letting me know. Will fix it so that showering wherever, will increase dignity when it is lower than 75.

And I still failed to pay rent... on easy. by 9 euros....... :/

Edit: okay I am out. Restarted again, this time it wasnt the rent but the morale that killed me. no matter what I did it fell to nothing. on "easy" mode.
and I had my period twice within 10 days.
this is clearly not for me if I have to save/load everything a bazillion times just to end up accepting that it was all in vain and I have to restart for the ... what is it now... 14th time? I like challenges but this is beyond.
Grinding this hard (and still failing) makes me go on click-rampage instead of focusing on a game (or any story in it). In its current state I sadly have to pass.
I still wish nothing but the best for the dev. Good luck :)
BruceLee73, that is a shame to hear. Not sure why you are failing to make the rent on easy mode. I personally play on normal mode most of the time and do not struggle at all. I know it helps knowing what to do, but didn't think easy was that hard. Will do some tests to check this and adjust accordingly.

In any case thank you for the feedback and sorry you lost some time trying the game. GL next time and with any other game you will try. Hopefully you'll find something else that suits you better!

Hi and thanks again for this great game. are we expecting an update anytime soon ?
Hey Kourosh_sd, Please post above this one :D


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
What a cool idea for a game! So many of the games on this site have such crazy world building that it's nice to see a game set in "real life" like this one. I really like the wide range of choices and random events, and the ability to choose my character's path re: jobs. I like the imagery and gifs used too. Here are the things i don't like:

Thanks a lot for the positive feedback. Great to hear the things you like are exactly the things I like to achieve.

-The sex scenes (or lack thereof). I've been playing a while, and have only unlocked two scenes so maybe there are more that I haven't found. (I've unlocked the gross non-consensual alleyway scene, and the going home with someone from the Club). Both scenes are pretty brief and underwhelming as erotic scenes, especially considering how hard my character had to work to get into that frikkin Club.

Lack thereof is incorrect. There are hundreds of different scenes that are triggered in all kinds of different ways. Perhaps though you mean that it somehow can be difficult/long-winding to unlock scenes? After a while you should have been able to unlock more scenes than you are saying. Perhaps though you chose the flower job to begin with, which is really a slow burn job regarding progress.
In all jobs I've tried (likely failed) to keep it as 'normal' as possible, but to have Lizzy slowly slide down a slippery slope of which at a certain point there is no point of return. In some cases this happens slower than in other. And I can imagine that sometimes for some it may be too slow, but that is the way I like the MC to progress through the game.

I'm not a great writer, I just started to make this game out of interest and because I thought I could do it better lol. It has proven hard and time consuming, but I try :) So yeah I can imagine that some scenes are not all that fantastic. My apologies!

-It seems like there's a huge divide between non-sexual prudish actions (which your character forced to take early on), and *super* degrading/slutty actions that just seem completely out of character later. It's like going from 0 to 100. For a game with a lot of grinding and stat building, there should be degrees of scenes. Like, maybe before your character is ready to go home with a random person you met at the club, you might try making out with them first?

Hmmm as mentioned above I tried to make it a slow slippery slope. Is it really from 0 to 100? Okay the point you make in the club is a good. In RL one night stands are quite common obviously, but I think you are right that Lizzy needs to hit a treshhold first perhaps before 'simply' going home with someone. I'll see what I can do.

-I wish there weren't so many random events that set stats backward. For instance, I get why choosing to wash a strangers back in the communal showers would increase your "liberal" stat, but I don't get why turning them down makes you *less* liberal. Maybe my character just doesn't feel like doing that right at that second? These scenes make it feel like I'm constantly taking 2 steps forward but one step back.

Hmmm I get what you are saying. There needs to be 'normal' was to reduce/increase stats at any time which is why I made many events and many of those events have more than one choice of action. Maybe a few more options for Lizzy in how to respond here and there would help?
Washing back example options:
1) wash her back = + liberty
2) politely decline = just say no without libery(currently - liberty)
3) say no cuz need to shave = no liberty loss
4) cover up and tell her to leave you alone = - liberty (new option)

Something like that to give more options should work I guess. In general I never thought it was a problem, but I can see what you are saying, or at least think I do

-Why doesn't studying the map unlock all public locations? I get that it wouldn't unlock, say, the loanshark's office. But it should unlock the mall, church, club, museum, health club or any other publicly listed location.

Well because a few things need to be locked behind time-gates as they call it. Not everything should be reachable at the start in my opinion. It is an old map from a shitty shop, what do you expect? :) Mall has been added to it though, so that is unlocked now as well when buying it, but other stuff needs to be 'discovered normally'.

-I wish we got more warning when my character is approaching a learning gap. You'll need more library science skill or botany or fashion skill depending on your job, but I always miss it and have to reload to an earlier save file. There should be a calendar reminder like with the dishes. E.g. "Donny needs me to get Fashion to level 10 by next Friday"

I agree. This will change in the next update (V0.8.8.0) after the one that is close to release (Shouldn't take as long as this one!!)
Thanks a lot for taking the time to write about the stuff and issues that are bothering you. I hope the above answers show I really do appreciate it and I always try to adjust the game accordingly if I can.

Take care


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
Really fun game, keep it coming!
Will do :D

Oooh that's awesome man thanks! One last question : Is there like a "good girl" path in the game?
Not yet, but that is something that will be added to the game. I want to add a good path to each of the jobs, or at least to 3 of them. Meaning you can do the whole job without falling into some kind of trap or anything like that. There should still be some form of smut, but all in a good way, with consent and feeling normal when it does happen.

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Oct 9, 2016
Will do :D

Not yet, but that is something that will be added to the game. I want to add a good path to each of the jobs, or at least to 3 of them. Meaning you can do the whole job without falling into some kind of trap or anything like that. There should still be some form of smut, but all in a good way, with consent and feeling normal when it does happen.

could you give us a time frame for the next update? :p


Jan 27, 2018
Thanks a lot for taking the time to write about the stuff and issues that are bothering you. I hope the above answers show I really do appreciate it and I always try to adjust the game accordingly if I can.

Take care
I'd say it's not that ppl don't like the random events, it more like that they do not like the unwanted stats change brought by those events (cuz it can really mess things up particularly when involving energy & morale).

SO may I respectively suggest you adding a bit more options to those events so that we'll have a better management ability over the stats? For example, walking around city can trigger a random event where MC gets tailed and sexually-harassed, resulting in different stats changes depending on options, with the "best" outcome being no change at all. Then statistically, this particular event has a negative "value of expectation", apparently making players intending to avoid it. If, on the other hand, we players are able to turn it to a "good thing" when certain criteria are met, I think that might make ppl save-spam a lot less and feel free to try out different options as we'd know they can be made up easily.

Say, if the MC has desire, look, and liberal stats high enough and intel, self-defense, and dignity stats low enough, maybe she can feel totally ok (or even happy) about being groped/ganged anywhere on the street and so she can choose to "welcome" (embrace? strip herself at?) the strangers and get rep & morale at the cost of health/hygiene/energy; on the contrary, if the MC has fitness, dignity, and self-defense stats high-enough while desire and liberal stats low enough, she should be able to not only get away, but even beat the heck out of all of the strangers and win more dignity & morale at the cost of energy (good girl path?).

In all, what I was trying to say is that with the highly-built stats system this game has, I can really see a huge potential with these random events in game -- more than side-dishes as they are now. Hope this can be a little bit useful to you. :p


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2016
I'm getting the following message when I try to open some HTML games -

'No valid storage adapters found'.
Twine based games like this one use your web-browser's Local Storage area to save your progress and Saves into.
Some things that can cause the above warning to show are:
1. You are using an older web-browser that doesn't include Local Storage support. Use a newer web-browser.
2. Your web-browser restricts access to Local Storage when viewing local HTML files. Use a different web-browser.
3. You are running your web-browser in a privacy mode like Chrome's Incognero. Don't do that for these games.
4. You have disable Cookies, which can effect accessing Local Storage. Don't do that for these games.


Apr 22, 2018
@BruceLee73, that is a shame to hear. Not sure why you are failing to make the rent on easy mode. I personally play on normal mode most of the time and do not struggle at all. I know it helps knowing what to do, but didn't think easy was that hard. Will do some tests to check this and adjust accordingly.

In any case thank you for the feedback and sorry you lost some time trying the game. GL next time and with any other game you will try. Hopefully you'll find something else that suits you better!
The good thing is, the game hooked me enough to try it again. After a few days I did restart on easy... and still ended the same way.
I honestly have no idea whats going on. I am grinding so freaking hard. Its not like I am waisting money, I actually dont spend money on anything else but food and make-up(+nail n stuff).
While I managed to get somehow along with paying rent, the morale is what I constantly focus on now, caus its constantly between 15 and 60. And no matter what I freaking do, it doesnt ever get better than that, anytime I reach this 60 the period comes (which comes every other week ?!!?!?!?) and crushes it down again.
I am constantly doing stuff like going to the park/pub to boost morale, that is ALL I do. I constantly save and reload to make sure it actually just boosts morale. And still in the end I d call it a fail.
And then comes the knock out. Caus Henry constantly raises the rent and as I cant focus on anything else or afford to buy items... I always end up in a truck.
I seriously dont know what to do anymore, or what to change. Especially considering that the most "lewd" thing I encounter in this whole thing is giving panties away or showing boobs. in now 19 restarts.
So yesterday I gave up. I restarted on "laugh"/ very easy. But having to click on that makes me feel like shit so I did not proceed.
I seriously have no idea how to get around any of this. And the massive grinding combined with the lack of sexual stuff is just causing frustration. Which is sad as I ve already pointed out the game is hooking.
Is there a way for you to give a walkthrough or a description how to get certain events, maybe a guide of how to stablilise your basics ?! As for now I dont stand a chance against this game without that, it seems.

regards ;)


Jan 27, 2018
The good thing is, the game hooked me enough to try it again. After a few days I did restart on easy... and still ended the same way.
I honestly have no idea whats going on. I am grinding so freaking hard. Its not like I am waisting money, I actually dont spend money on anything else but food and make-up(+nail n stuff).
While I managed to get somehow along with paying rent, the morale is what I constantly focus on now, caus its constantly between 15 and 60. And no matter what I freaking do, it doesnt ever get better than that, anytime I reach this 60 the period comes (which comes every other week ?!!?!?!?) and crushes it down again.
I am constantly doing stuff like going to the park/pub to boost morale, that is ALL I do. I constantly save and reload to make sure it actually just boosts morale. And still in the end I d call it a fail.
And then comes the knock out. Caus Henry constantly raises the rent and as I cant focus on anything else or afford to buy items... I always end up in a truck.
I seriously dont know what to do anymore, or what to change. Especially considering that the most "lewd" thing I encounter in this whole thing is giving panties away or showing boobs. in now 19 restarts.
So yesterday I gave up. I restarted on "laugh"/ very easy. But having to click on that makes me feel like shit so I did not proceed.
I seriously have no idea how to get around any of this. And the massive grinding combined with the lack of sexual stuff is just causing frustration. Which is sad as I ve already pointed out the game is hooking.
Is there a way for you to give a walkthrough or a description how to get certain events, maybe a guide of how to stablilise your basics ?! As for now I dont stand a chance against this game without that, it seems.

regards ;)
U know what? The lack of morale is just the phenomena of your prob. The REAL reason that you felt it impossible to keep morale high is because you lack money. Yes it's all about resource management: money and time (and luck/save-spamming of course).

Let me explain it. You mentioned your morale always decreases during period. That is true until you manage to buy that best bed in the mall. With that you get +7 morale during normal days and +2 during periods. Also, with enough money you can spend your time at the pool in the wellness center. Walking around the pool give you +5 morale every time you do it (takes around 1 hr I think). And with enough investment on jewelry you basically never need to buy make-ups (freshing up in restrooms will do all the rest), thereby saving you even more money in the long-run.

So yeah it's pretty straightforward. If you lack money, you lack everything else. SO REAL LIFE isn't it lol.

How to get that much money? If you ask me, two things are what you have to do: 1. take the modeling job from the 1st day. 2. save-spam every time you walk between city districts for one event: the purse event (+4 energy + 5 morale -1 dignity +1 luck + 96 Euros!!). I know it's boring, but I personally am boring (and unlucky) enough to persist spam-loading saves 50-70 times in order to get it at least once every game day.

Mathematically, I don't think it is absolutely necessary for you to get that 96 Euro every day in order to survive till the loan shark event (by the time my Liz finally got raped by him I've already accumulated enough money, together with his loan, to buy both the best bed and the annual gym pass); but at least I think you should have it more than 3 times every week.

Last note, I play on easy mode as well. I do not like to challenge myself, at all. Especially in a porn game.


Dec 8, 2017
Before you leave your flat, click on 'Apply your makeup', you will need to keep buying makeup, lipstick and nail polish to maximize the Look boost. Also buying and using razors during a shower will boost your Looks as well.

Go to the mall:

> Store 'Rob Peetoom'. You can get
Haircut & Styling for € 59 (+6 Looks for 15 days)
Nail treatment € 42 (+4 Looks for 20days)

These are tempory boosts but are reuseable.

> Store 'Schaap+Citroen'
Necklace € 249 (+6 Looks)

They sell jewelry that permanently increases your Look but don't have a list of all items sorry.

> Store 'Victoria Secret'

Clothes store that will boost Looks as well.

> Store 'Ici Paris' (first floor)
You can get perfume, makeup from here.

Hope that helps.

any walkthrought? i cant reach 20 looks for work, i just walk walk walk...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Well, this is off to a good start . . . . NOT ! Asks for "first name", and confirmed, then asks for "last name", confirmed again. First conversation,(Flower Shop Manager), and game has her give , first name as I named her, and last name as the default,(Elsworth). Is this a bug only here , and will not run trough the whole game?, or do I have to restart ? (to get the character named what I want).

PS - Using the version from the "First Post" (ver.0.8.6).

Just for the 'heck' of it, I restarted , and it happened yet again,:(.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Abaddon0 - So, your "looks" is at "0", you need "+20" to go to your First day of work, and Your saying you need to spend a few hundred $$$$ ,to go to a job that nets you $40 a Day . . . . There's something very wrong here ???!!

Then you wonder why people are having problems in the game to pay there rent o_O!

Oh, BTW, I clicked "Apply Make-up" just before leaving flat, "Looks" didn't change !, (and if you scroll over the "make-up" in inventory, it reads "Make-up +20 Looks", but it didn't add anything to "Looks", never-mind +20 !

Or, is what your really saying, is you shouldn't look for a job right away, and instead, spend all your money getting your "looks" up, for a job you don't have yet, and won't have the $$ to pay the rent for your 1st week ?! . . . . That sounds like a splendid start of your new life ! ?
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3.20 star(s) 48 Votes