What a cool idea for a game! So many of the games on this site have such crazy world building that it's nice to see a game set in "real life" like this one. I really like the wide range of choices and random events, and the ability to choose my character's path re: jobs. I like the imagery and gifs used too. Here are the things i don't like:
Thanks a lot for the positive feedback. Great to hear the things you like are exactly the things I like to achieve.
-The sex scenes (or lack thereof). I've been playing a while, and have only unlocked two scenes so maybe there are more that I haven't found. (I've unlocked the gross non-consensual alleyway scene, and the going home with someone from the Club). Both scenes are pretty brief and underwhelming as erotic scenes, especially considering how hard my character had to work to get into that frikkin Club.
Lack thereof is incorrect. There are hundreds of different scenes that are triggered in all kinds of different ways. Perhaps though you mean that it somehow can be difficult/long-winding to unlock scenes? After a while you should have been able to unlock more scenes than you are saying. Perhaps though you chose the flower job to begin with, which is really a slow burn job regarding progress.
In all jobs I've tried (likely failed) to keep it as 'normal' as possible, but to have Lizzy slowly slide down a slippery slope of which at a certain point there is no point of return. In some cases this happens slower than in other. And I can imagine that sometimes for some it may be too slow, but that is the way I like the MC to progress through the game.
I'm not a great writer, I just started to make this game out of interest and because I thought I could do it better lol. It has proven hard and time consuming, but I try
So yeah I can imagine that some scenes are not all that fantastic. My apologies!
-It seems like there's a huge divide between non-sexual prudish actions (which your character forced to take early on), and *super* degrading/slutty actions that just seem completely out of character later. It's like going from 0 to 100. For a game with a lot of grinding and stat building, there should be degrees of scenes. Like, maybe before your character is ready to go home with a random person you met at the club, you might try making out with them first?
Hmmm as mentioned above I tried to make it a slow slippery slope. Is it really from 0 to 100? Okay the point you make in the club is a good. In RL one night stands are quite common obviously, but I think you are right that Lizzy needs to hit a treshhold first perhaps before 'simply' going home with someone. I'll see what I can do.
-I wish there weren't so many random events that set stats backward. For instance, I get why choosing to wash a strangers back in the communal showers would increase your "liberal" stat, but I don't get why turning them down makes you *less* liberal. Maybe my character just doesn't feel like doing that right at that second? These scenes make it feel like I'm constantly taking 2 steps forward but one step back.
Hmmm I get what you are saying. There needs to be 'normal' was to reduce/increase stats at any time which is why I made many events and many of those events have more than one choice of action. Maybe a few more options for Lizzy in how to respond here and there would help?
Washing back example options:
1) wash her back = + liberty
2) politely decline = just say no without libery(currently - liberty)
3) say no cuz need to shave = no liberty loss
4) cover up and tell her to leave you alone = - liberty (new option)
Something like that to give more options should work I guess. In general I never thought it was a problem, but I can see what you are saying, or at least think I do
-Why doesn't studying the map unlock all public locations? I get that it wouldn't unlock, say, the loanshark's office. But it should unlock the mall, church, club, museum, health club or any other publicly listed location.
Well because a few things need to be locked behind time-gates as they call it. Not everything should be reachable at the start in my opinion. It is an old map from a shitty shop, what do you expect?
Mall has been added to it though, so that is unlocked now as well when buying it, but other stuff needs to be 'discovered normally'.
-I wish we got more warning when my character is approaching a learning gap. You'll need more library science skill or botany or fashion skill depending on your job, but I always miss it and have to reload to an earlier save file. There should be a calendar reminder like with the dishes. E.g. "Donny needs me to get Fashion to level 10 by next Friday"
I agree. This will change in the next update (V0.8.8.0) after the one that is close to release (Shouldn't take as long as this one!!)