
Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
You ever think about adding a partner system kind of thing? Like having a boyfriend or even a girlfriend and you could interact with them while in the apartment.
Yes I am thinking about it, but it is not planned any time soon. Having enough trouble as it is atm with implementing other stuff (as you may have noticed), but it is something that I would like to add.
Great game!
Thanks :D
any walkthrought? i cant reach 20 looks for work, i just walk walk walk...
Check the hints section in-game for some pointers. Have you actually checked the local store? Bought the map & checked the map as it says in the first hint?
Guys. It's end of August. So the new beta could be released any time now
Correct. I estimate coming weekend or the one thereafter. Probably the latter.
Well, this is off to a good start . . . . NOT ! Asks for "first name", and confirmed, then asks for "last name", confirmed again. First conversation,(Flower Shop Manager), and game has her give , first name as I named her, and last name as the default,(Elsworth). Is this a bug only here , and will not run trough the whole game?, or do I have to restart ? (to get the character named what I want).

PS - Using the version from the "First Post" (ver.0.8.6).

Just for the 'heck' of it, I restarted , and it happened yet again,:(.
Highland_Hunter, This is a bug. It is fixed for the next version to come out. It should be the only place in the game where it is not working correctly. Sorry!
Abaddon0 - So, your "looks" is at "0", you need "+20" to go to your First day of work, and Your saying you need to spend a few hundred $$$$ ,to go to a job that nets you $40 a Day . . . . There's something very wrong here ???!!

Then you wonder why people are having problems in the game to pay there rent o_O!

Oh, BTW, I clicked "Apply Make-up" just before leaving flat, "Looks" didn't change !, (and if you scroll over the "make-up" in inventory, it reads "Make-up +20 Looks", but it didn't add anything to "Looks", never-mind +20 !

Or, is what your really saying, is you shouldn't look for a job right away, and instead, spend all your money getting your "looks" up, for a job you don't have yet, and won't have the $$ to pay the rent for your 1st week ?! . . . . That sounds like a splendid start of your new life ! ?
The very first day, you already have some makeup in your inventory. With that you can get all 4 jobs available. Without it, you can get 1 of the jobs available as the cleaning job does not require any makeup up until week 3-4. To say you need a few hundred $$$$ is very incorrect. First of all it would be Euros not Dollars! :p Secondly, you don't need to spend anything to get any job or go to work the first day(s). And for for the cleaning job you need zero Euros for makeup as mentioned above.

If you find it strange that people or companies want their personnel to look representative and therefore have made themselves look good, RL will have it in for you :) Anyway, Lizzy needs some makeup in order to be able to do some jobs. Makeup is easy to get by and can be bought at the mall and in the next version at the local store as well.

The default for applying makeup is on. If you find that nothing is applied, you are not using the latest version of the game. Please download V0.8.6.3. Edit: Just noticed that in your previous post you are saying you are indeed using an older version. Please go to the front page and download the latest version under Update.

Good luck


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
It's been a while since I played this, so take this with a grain of salt - this loophole might not be there anymore.

I ran into the same issue for a while when playing (could not get enough money to pay bills and buy makeup, always bad end before anything interesting), but I found that if you go to a bathroom while out and about, you can "Touch up" your makeup, and add a couple of points to your beauty. The weird thing is - you can do this without owning any makeup. But, you'll need to do it a bunch of times to get the desired look. It does cost you time.

Like I said, it's been a loooong time since playing this, so no idea if this loophole is still in place, but it was the one thing I did that allowed me to get past early game bad ends.
Hmmm thanks for this. It should not be possible to touchup makeup if you do not have anything at all. I will see to adjust this. Never thought of it :D
Just curious, The French Maids Dress, is that outfit connected to the housecleaning job? If so, do you get an offer to purchase it , or is it "put" to you to wear it for a particular level/rank of the job? and does that get you into sexual interactions/encounters at the jobs ?
I found at this version(v0.8.6.3), you can get the "cleaning" job , with out needing the high level of your "looks" stat, that you need for all the other jobs, at the beginning ! The only, major, problem with it is keeping your "Moral" stat HIGH, to enable getting the Good money !

( PS - Is there any "Guide" around showing the "levels" of the different jobs, & their respective "Sexual" interactions/encounters ? )

To my previous post: Yes, I had make-up (x5) in her inventory, that's where , when I scrolled over it , it showed the "+20 to Looks stat", but every time I clicked the "Apply Make-up", nothing really happened, even though the following comment said " Make-up was applied" ! The Make-up in the Inventory didn't decrease ! I even went to the "Beauty Salon" and got the make-up applied there, got the same result, so there must be a "bug" in there somewhere ?!

This game is very similar to : Girl Life (excepting the family support) & Fresh Start(the way to "pay" your rent to landlord, among other stuff ;) ) Two really good games of this genre (really miss Fresh Start).
Aha, you've got the latest version now :D
Yes it is, you only need it for the cleaning job and you need to buy it. You do get it the first few days, but then you'll need to buy it yourself. You get informed by Sandra when yo need to buy it and she will also tell you where you can buy it. The cleaning job spirals out of control at the end if Lizzy is indeed following all the instructions and goes through with everything.

There is no guide that I know of.
Check your diary page. In the latest version is should be a green tick on the makeup icons by default. Meaning you will use it when you choose to apply any makeup.

Yeah the three games are similar but have their differences. GL was first, then mine and a wee while later Fresh Start came out. I am trying to build a game that is more slow and is more of a slippery slope then GL is. In GL I find you have to 'search' too much for certain things. My goal initially was to not have to do that. But stuff changed and there are quite a few choices now.
Hey there.

Just wanted to report a bug.
when you are clubbing, you can sometimes be assaulted right on the dance floor and get raped. then the guy saves his number into your phone and leaves. players is supposed to go to toilet to clean up but that option leads to a blank page.

some bug/glitch button to reset position, lets say to your house, would be nice :)
Hmm never had this one before. In the new version the club has been rebuild (Code wise) and this for sure should no longer happen (probably a lot of new bugs will appear though lol).
There is no real back button, but obviously the game saves at the start of any day, so you will never lose a lot if it does bug out.



Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
just wanted to provide some feedback :)

It would be nice if some kind of "reset to safe point" would exist in the game, for example if you manage to get yourself in blank page
some additional areas to go to would be nice :) (heck i dont know... hospital, police station, graveyard, football stadium, school/university, .... )
a possibility to get more then one job (you can do photoshop in the morning then go to work to strip club in the evening or something)
The mind-state where your character encourage the pasangers of the bus to have a sex with her but deffinitely do not want to get raped in the shady ally is ... strange. For example some trigger where your character will start to enjoy rape would be interesting, lets say... above 150 desire maybe?

And some idea... what about harvesting some cum from strangers on the street/bus into flasks for later use? (cum addiction character only)
or, personally, i would be interested in more events containing pissing...
or, for example, some ...stats that would display how much cum you currently got on/in your body.
Hi bukaneer, Thank you for your feedback. Much appreciated.
-There is no real safe reset point, however, the game autosaves at the start of every day, so if you should get a blank page (Which should not happen ever, but unfortunately sometimes it happens nonetheless) you will never lose a lot of progress.
-Yes those are all nice places and I am looking to add more areas to explore. But, and it is a big BUT, the areas that are to be added need to mean something right? To just add a football field with no content or only one little clip is kind of useless, so it will always mean a lot of work.
-Just you wait for the next update :D
-Hmm I'm not sure if I understand this one. The bus encounter wehre Lizzy 'jumps' on a person and demands sex is triggered only if she is addicted to cum. Perhaps that addiction should alter the rape encounters accordingly? I'll think about it.
-The cum harvesting is not something I, at this time, would like to add. It will change the mechanic a lot and will be difficult to implement correctly and additionally I also don't like the idea much.
-More pissing events are planned. The next update will have a small park event, but I am planning to add more.
-GL has that stat and it is quite nice, but I don't think I will be able to add it in my game. I've made a not abot it though and will think about it in the future. Promised!

Just curious:

1 - How far does the "studying" go for the House-cleaning job/career ? Does anyone know what all the "level/rank" goals are ? (it would be nice to know, instead of trying to cram in a bunch of studying in a short "window" of time :oops: )

2 - What really is the education you gain from the " Library Science " Studying ? ( according to somewhere I read, among all these posts, it's suppose to be "useful" for all the other "careers", as well as the Library one).

3 - Would also like to know what the "ranks" are for the Modelling career ?
Highland_Hunter, Hey there, thanks a lot for all your posts and questions. I hope I've already been able to answer some of them. here some more answers for you.
1) Exp 5 - study 5, Exp 15 - Study 15, Exp 27 - Study 20, Exp 38 - Study 25, Exp 44 - Study 30
So the biggest jump is 10 study points in a course of 10 working days.
2) Each of the studies have small hidden perks throughout the game. Fashion for example at some level will help you to increase your looks every time you apply Makeup beyond the standard amount of looks. Another example is that as a result of your high fashion sense, your hair style will last longer. Have a high Botany skill and you will be able to get more uses out of your weed purchases, or you will enjoy the park more in certain cases. These are all small perks. They are not big enough to pursue per se. Which I've done intentionally. They are just nice added little bonuses, you may notice if you play the game a few times.
3) There are no ranks. I'm guessing you mean all the different stages? Well there are a lot and I'm not going to type them all out here. Will take too much time and I don't really see the use of it. Sorry.

BurningSun In reference to this :

OddF3ll0w said:
When I am out in town and has low hygiene the game tells me to go home, by bus, walk or to find the closest toilet to freshen up.
If I chose to go to the toilet I get a dead end with no text.

Hey OddF3ll0w,
Hope you are doing well. Are you sure you are using V0.8.6.2? I fixed that issue in that version, or at least I thought I did and upon double checking I can't seem to recreate that bug you are describing any more in the latest version.


Well, I'm here to tell you, it is still happening in the latest version !
Thanks for letting me know, but I can;t seem to recreate this. You only get this option in The Bijlmer or Amsterdam North and whenever I chose to go to the toilet I end up in the toilet. Do you have some more info for me please? Happens in the weekend, or only at Amsterdam North? The more info you can give me the better.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Check your diary page. In the latest version is should be a green tick on the makeup icons by default. Meaning you will use it when you choose to apply any makeup.
Okay, found out about the Diary page from another's reply , when searching out why "Apply Make-up" wasn't doing anything. Turns out when I "clicked" the Diary, it showed all the "icons" with a big RED X on top of all ! Apparently, they were "disabled" by default. Once I enabled them , she had Make-Up to actually use . Perhaps you should check the code to be sure it wasn't "default disabled" by mistake. ;)

New possible error:

"My" Lizzie, got a chance to loose her virginity, on the bus,(on her way the her "Risque Maids" job, and her first opportunity (to loose it) in 75 days ! :p:oops: ). Before clicking the "Yes" choice, I saved, after the "event" had ended, I checked her "Character" profile, and this is what was written there :

"On Tue the 28 of June, you've lost your virginity to a rapist who grabbed you in the middle of the street and pulled you into a narrow filthy looking alley. He raped you hard and unknowingly defiled your little flower with his big cock and dirty spunk. You wonder if you were just at the wrong time at the wrong place, or if you brought it upon yourself somehow."

Ermmm . . . Not even close to what actually happened. Hopefully, this "error" will be "fixed" in the near future ?

OR perhaps this is a "random" thing, not actually representative of the actual "event" ?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Also, another "out-of-place" encounter :

"You've sat down on the bus when a guy behind you taps you on the shoulders and says; "I'll pay you 10 Euros if you give me a hand job right now!"
You look at the guy slightly startled, but then realize he must have seen some of the videos you have been making lately. "

Accept his offer, or decline it?

The "odd" text, about the " videos she has been making", Ummmm . . . . How ? Where ? When ? . . . She has no access to anything, with which to make any videos :LOL: . ( Is this a "failed check attempt" ?)


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
Okay, found out about the Diary page from another's reply , when searching out why "Apply Make-up" wasn't doing anything. Turns out when I "clicked" the Diary, it showed all the "icons" with a big RED X on top of all ! Apparently, they were "disabled" by default. Once I enabled them , she had Make-Up to actually use . Perhaps you should check the code to be sure it wasn't "default disabled" by mistake. ;)

New possible error:

"My" Lizzie, got a chance to loose her virginity, on the bus,(on her way the her "Risque Maids" job, and her first opportunity (to loose it) in 75 days ! :p:oops: ). Before clicking the "Yes" choice, I saved, after the "event" had ended, I checked her "Character" profile, and this is what was written there :

"On Tue the 28 of June, you've lost your virginity to a rapist who grabbed you in the middle of the street and pulled you into a narrow filthy looking alley. He raped you hard and unknowingly defiled your little flower with his big cock and dirty spunk. You wonder if you were just at the wrong time at the wrong place, or if you brought it upon yourself somehow."

Ermmm . . . Not even close to what actually happened. Hopefully, this "error" will be "fixed" in the near future ?

OR perhaps this is a "random" thing, not actually representative of the actual "event" ?
Hey Highland_Hunter,

Any new game started on V0.8.6.3 should have it set to a green tick by default. Perhaps you loaded an old game which then indeed could lead to the old setting.

This bug in the bus was fixed in V0.8.6.3. I would like to get the save file of yours to check what is going on. Could you open your save in game, then save again but save it to disk and then pm me that save? That would help me a lot.

Also, another "out-of-place" encounter :

"You've sat down on the bus when a guy behind you taps you on the shoulders and says; "I'll pay you 10 Euros if you give me a hand job right now!"
You look at the guy slightly startled, but then realize he must have seen some of the videos you have been making lately. "

Accept his offer, or decline it?

The "odd" text, about the " videos she has been making", Ummmm . . . . How ? Where ? When ? . . . She has no access to anything, with which to make any videos :LOL: . ( Is this a "failed check attempt" ?)
It refers to the video's Lizzy has been making either during the photo shoots, the Library cams or the pictures and video's Mo has been making. Could you tell me which job your Lizzy is doing and at what experience she is?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
BurningSun - Okay, I'm feeling pretty "dumb" right now. My apology to you. I was fairly sure I was playing the "latest" version, cause at the time I first downloaded it, it was the only version available. After a few , bad starts, I started looking through the posts trying to find answers, I hadn't noticed there were 2 versions now available (the 2nd one must have got "up-loaded" right after I had downloaded :oops: ).

When, I just looked at where I store the games "Archive" (I hold on to it in case I need to re-install), I saw which version it was , Version 0.8.6, not version as I thought I had , sorry again.

Now , I have a question:
I'm quite a ways into the game currently, and I don't really want to start all over again, yet. So, being the "up-date" is just the "Up-dated html" part, . . . . Can I just "re-place" the current games "html", with the up-dated one ? ( will it 'fuck' up the game progress too much ? ). . . . OR Do I really need to start a new game ? (In which case, I'll just " live" with the bugs, till I'm ready to start over again).

BTW - She's on the House/Office Cleaning Career(actually, now doing the "Risque Maids" part ). So, nothing to do with Photo-shoots, Library Cams, or "Mo" .


Oct 29, 2017
BurningSun - Okay, I'm feeling pretty "dumb" right now. My apology to you. I was fairly sure I was playing the "latest" version, cause at the time I first downloaded it, it was the only version available. After a few , bad starts, I started looking through the posts trying to find answers, I hadn't noticed there were 2 versions now available (the 2nd one must have got "up-loaded" right after I had downloaded :oops: ).

When, I just looked at where I store the games "Archive" (I hold on to it in case I need to re-install), I saw which version it was , Version 0.8.6, not version as I thought I had , sorry again.

Now , I have a question:
I'm quite a ways into the game currently, and I don't really want to start all over again, yet. So, being the "up-date" is just the "Up-dated html" part, . . . . Can I just "re-place" the current games "html", with the up-dated one ? ( will it 'fuck' up the game progress too much ? ). . . . OR Do I really need to start a new game ? (In which case, I'll just " live" with the bugs, till I'm ready to start over again).

BTW - She's on the House/Office Cleaning Career(actually, now doing the "Risque Maids" part ). So, nothing to do with Photo-shoots, Library Cams, or "Mo" .
You can do that. I do that all the time myself with the HTML games that I play. I think there will be an "upgrade" button on the left side of the screen that you need to click on before the changes from 0.8.6 to occur (could also be another game I am thinking about)


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
Stright up question:

Do you plan to add pets? (or a farm of some sort). You know... to have a fun with them :)
No, no pets and the like planned for Amsterdam at this point. Easy question. I Like! :D
BurningSun - Okay, I'm feeling pretty "dumb" right now. My apology to you. I was fairly sure I was playing the "latest" version, cause at the time I first downloaded it, it was the only version available. After a few , bad starts, I started looking through the posts trying to find answers, I hadn't noticed there were 2 versions now available (the 2nd one must have got "up-loaded" right after I had downloaded :oops: ).

When, I just looked at where I store the games "Archive" (I hold on to it in case I need to re-install), I saw which version it was , Version 0.8.6, not version as I thought I had , sorry again.

Now , I have a question:
I'm quite a ways into the game currently, and I don't really want to start all over again, yet. So, being the "up-date" is just the "Up-dated html" part, . . . . Can I just "re-place" the current games "html", with the up-dated one ? ( will it 'fuck' up the game progress too much ? ). . . . OR Do I really need to start a new game ? (In which case, I'll just " live" with the bugs, till I'm ready to start over again).

BTW - She's on the House/Office Cleaning Career(actually, now doing the "Risque Maids" part ). So, nothing to do with Photo-shoots, Library Cams, or "Mo" .
No need to feel dumb. Happens.

An easy way to tell what the latest version is btw, is the header of this thread. :O
Yes, you can simply replace the HTML with the new HTML. Do not forget to press the 'Update me' button on the left side of the screen as soon as you load any old version save. In the next update that button will be red in order to stand out more to help people find it.

So no need to start all over again :)

Hmm okay, I'll need to check that and change the message then, unless you've done any of the other jobs first?
There is a bug where the kitchen food option gets removed after not doing the dishes.
Not a real bug, but yeah you shold be in the kitchen still and not prompted to go back to your room. Will be fixed for the next version. Thank you for pointing it out.
You can do that. I do that all the time myself with the HTML games that I play. I think there will be an "upgrade" button on the left side of the screen that you need to click on before the changes from 0.8.6 to occur (could also be another game I am thinking about)
No you are correct. An 'Update me' button appears on the left side of the screen as soon as you try to load a save game which has an older version than the current HTML version you are using.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Was losing track of which questions "we" were replying to :oops: :

This question line :
Also, another "out-of-place" encounter :

"You've sat down on the bus when a guy behind you taps you on the shoulders and says; "I'll pay you 10 Euros if you give me a hand job right now!"
You look at the guy slightly startled, but then realize he must have seen some of the videos you have been making lately. "

Accept his offer, or decline it?

The "odd" text, about the " videos she has been making", Ummmm . . . . How ? Where ? When ? . . . She has no access to anything, with which to make any videos :LOL: . ( Is this a "failed check attempt" ?)

Your reply:

It refers to the video's Lizzy has been making either during the photo shoots, the Library cams or the pictures and video's Mo has been making. Could you tell me which job your Lizzy is doing and at what experience she is?


My reply back:

BTW - She's on the House/Office Cleaning Career(actually, now doing the "Risque Maids" part ). So, nothing to do with Photo-shoots, Library Cams, or "Mo"

Your reply back:
Hmm okay, I'll need to check that and change the message then, unless you've done any of the other jobs first?

My reply back to the above :

This was/is her only "career" as yet .
(forgot to list her "experiences" : Cleaning Experience = 75, Housekeeping = 50, and Fashion = 15).

(The reason for the Fashion Knowledge, was thinking to "move" her to "Photoshoot Career" before, getting "trapped" as a "Slave Maid " (?) to one particular "owner" ; though not sure if that's at all possible :oops::p )

Sorry for doing it this way . . Not sure how to get all the "quotes with-in quotes " to work here o_O .


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
I've noticed a couple of times, when people were comparing other similar games to this one, besides "Girl Life", there was one "Happy" ? mentioned, What's the full title to that one ?

One more quick question : Has anybody else played or know another game in the same "catagory" as this one and Girl Life, called " Student Girl " ?


Forum Fanatic
Aug 10, 2018
Not sure maybe it was the qsp game Happy End??
Nope don't believe I ever played that game, is it text based? do you have a link?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Hones - I had an old version of it . . . but can't seem to find. Just did a "Google" search for it, found out some Game Site has it , but of course they want money for it (it was free originally). While looking through the links . . . found out this site has it !, and it's a more recent version . . YEA ! Downloading Now !


Forum Fanatic
Aug 10, 2018
Hones - I had an old version of it . . . but can't seem to find. Just did a "Google" search for it, found out some Game Site has it , but of course they want money for it (it was free originally). While looking through the links . . . found out this site has it !, and it's a more recent version . . YEA ! Downloading Now !
I checked this site for Student Girl and didn't find anything.
3.20 star(s) 48 Votes