Yes I am thinking about it, but it is not planned any time soon. Having enough trouble as it is atm with implementing other stuff (as you may have noticed), but it is something that I would like to add.You ever think about adding a partner system kind of thing? Like having a boyfriend or even a girlfriend and you could interact with them while in the apartment.
ThanksGreat game!
Check the hints section in-game for some pointers. Have you actually checked the local store? Bought the map & checked the map as it says in the first hint?any walkthrought? i cant reach 20 looks for work, i just walk walk walk...
Correct. I estimate coming weekend or the one thereafter. Probably the latter.Guys. It's end of August. So the new beta could be released any time now
Highland_Hunter, This is a bug. It is fixed for the next version to come out. It should be the only place in the game where it is not working correctly. Sorry!Well, this is off to a good start . . . . NOT ! Asks for "first name", and confirmed, then asks for "last name", confirmed again. First conversation,(Flower Shop Manager), and game has her give , first name as I named her, and last name as the default,(Elsworth). Is this a bug only here , and will not run trough the whole game?, or do I have to restart ? (to get the character named what I want).
PS - Using the version from the "First Post" (ver.0.8.6).
Just for the 'heck' of it, I restarted , and it happened yet again,.
The very first day, you already have some makeup in your inventory. With that you can get all 4 jobs available. Without it, you can get 1 of the jobs available as the cleaning job does not require any makeup up until week 3-4. To say you need a few hundred $$$$ is very incorrect. First of all it would be Euros not Dollars!Abaddon0 - So, your "looks" is at "0", you need "+20" to go to your First day of work, and Your saying you need to spend a few hundred $$$$ ,to go to a job that nets you $40 a Day . . . . There's something very wrong here ???!!
Then you wonder why people are having problems in the game to pay there rent!
Oh, BTW, I clicked "Apply Make-up" just before leaving flat, "Looks" didn't change !, (and if you scroll over the "make-up" in inventory, it reads "Make-up +20 Looks", but it didn't add anything to "Looks", never-mind +20 !
Or, is what your really saying, is you shouldn't look for a job right away, and instead, spend all your money getting your "looks" up, for a job you don't have yet, and won't have the $$ to pay the rent for your 1st week ?! . . . . That sounds like a splendid start of your new life ! ?
If you find it strange that people or companies want their personnel to look representative and therefore have made themselves look good, RL will have it in for you
The default for applying makeup is on. If you find that nothing is applied, you are not using the latest version of the game. Please download V0.8.6.3. Edit: Just noticed that in your previous post you are saying you are indeed using an older version. Please go to the front page and download the latest version under Update.
Good luck