I glanced at it thinking of it as a variable, not as a passage. Instead of a blue text leading to the next passage after, there is red text that says "ClubPickup" and after clicking it, it leads to a page that says "The passage ClubPickup does not exist"
Hey thotwheelz,
yeah got it thanks. Is fixed for the next version.
First of all thank you for a very nice game. Spent hour on diff paths. Flower Girl, cleaning, Photoshoot.
But don't know if it is just me. I use an old save game v and I can't unluck the Raul after the update. Passed the Photoshoot and Danny ended it and when he had found a new girl after x video's so no job. Got the cleaning job, as the Flower shop didn't want to hire me do to high reputation/fame. I had made my first encounter with Raul doing the photojob.. But as you have told you reset the Raul encounter with v08.7.0 but now after weeks at the cleaning job - moved on to Sandra's company (quit the job just be for the last ending) and a ton of visit to the club all the possible days I have still not found him.? Do i need to have weed desider, alv desider or...? They are at the moment at most lvl 2. Don't like the bad mornings so tend to get it reduced at the Healthclinc if I pass lvl 3. Also Cum not higher than lvl 2.
At the moment I have around 25k money need something to buy so new shops (I have it all..) would be cool.
Even that I don't have a "job" - have walk the streets but want my Lizzy to be a dancer. So Raul would be nice
Which leads me to my next problem. With hair, nails, no more tan (Max). fuld makeup, nail polish, lipstick etc. all the cloths it seems the Looks is stock at 70ish. I can at toilets get it to 100 with Touch up hair and Makeup... But it doesn't seems to be anyways to get looks higher without the toilet..
It would be nice with a tattoo and piercing shop. And would fit the environment that Lizzy are in - the tats and piercing could add to Looks. Perhaps a Plastic surgery to get bigger boobs, ass whatever. As we can have a Lizzy at 0 Intellect - so Bimboslut! or at 100 Intellect where we could get a with the "right persons/friends" from a brothel worker to -mother eg through the red light district.
Hey Kcaamkarma,
Thank you for you post. I'll try and reply to your points below.
Nothing changed in how to meet Raul. It has the same chance as it did in the previous version. All I did was reset it. Actually it is reset the moment you press the Update me button. When you press it, all the new variables are loaded into the game and all new events can then actually trigger without an issue. Anyway, it had to be reset in order to make everything work properly. Sorry for that, but there was no other way really.
If you are having issues triggering the event, check your Looks. It needs to be above 35, otherwise it won't trigger. This check was present in the previous version as well. This is the ONLY stat that is checked for the encounter, apart from the RAUL-check.
I've had several savegames sent to me of people claiming they could not get it triggered, but I was able to trigger all of them within 10-20 tries max. If you still can't trigger it, please send me your save game and I will check it for you.
Yeah.. some more stuff to buy... but what? What can Lizzy buy, that is actually having an impact on the game? It is not easy to come up with stuff, without making it too tedious. More is coming, like a laptop, webcam and more, but if you have any ideas, let me know
All the jewelry + scrubs, tan, nails and hair etc. should get Lizzy up to 53 BaseLooks. 25 Makeup makes a total of 78. Tats and piercings could be argued that they make a girl look less pretty, but apart from that, I got other plans for those. I'm not too keen on implementing plastic surgery, but it could be an idea at a later stage sure.
Most stuff is playable when Lizzy has 50 Looks in total. There are a few instances however where Looks are checked and 70 or more is needed in a few events, or I should say to trigger certain options in a few events.
The workings of Makeup needs to be tweaked still. But it is a work in progress... meh
this game cant cheat? work but alway lack of money
When working try and make sure to have Morale of 70 or more. If you have Morale of 90 or higher, the pay is increased.
Well thank you for this post. This is exactly what I was expecting from the creator after SO many people had trouble with it. Reason I had so much trouble is that I only worked thursdays and always finished up before 22.
Interesting enough, I did some serious work to get it triggered. The event is super RARE. Note I was expecting the event to be with Marko, it's not, It's just a random dude. Saying that, if its not with Marko then why does his happiness with you matter? Last I checked it was common for dudes to ask for a BJ, and not common to ask to eat the stripper out. Saying that the get cunnilingus scene is really common but the BJ scene is probably a 1/40 if not more that only happen one day a week really late at night when generally your shift should be over with. This scene needs work IMO.
BurningSun if it were me this is what I would do. I like the progression that Marko's forces on you, so at some point he should force a BJ and then eventually sex if the player uses their coke, or gives a customer a BJ. At some point Markos might even try to pimp you out. Saying that what about this random BJ event? I would change it. I would use it as a triggar to a progression for Markos corruption over you. I would remove the day and timer limiter and increase it's frequency. Also give it a unique text so that the player knows that this is a special event the first time and that there will be consequences. I think that makes in interesting progression and corruption. Obviously do whatever feels right to you, if you wanted to mark Markos not a bad guy that's fine too, this is just an option.
There were I dunno about 10 people having trouble triggering a specific scene, or at least that I know about. There are hundreds of scenes in the game and this particular scene is imo not game breaking if a few were having issues triggering it. Besides, the new version had been out for like 2 days. If you expect me to reveal how to get all new content in a detailed description within 2 or 3 days of release, you've got another thing coming
I don't like to do that. In a months time, sure. But not so quick. Sorry.
Moving on... I like what you are saying in your second part. And the reason is that I've got this planned already just the way you are suggesting it haha. The BJ scene will be repeatable in the future, but the first time will indeed be a trigger to unlock more naughty content and it will be a unique event.
You may not have noticed it, but I did the exact same thing with the requests. ONLY if Lizzy encounters the request where people ask her to take off her panties and only if she does so, the job progresses and Marko will demand from her to always take off her panties.
The event can only trigger on Thursday and only before 23h. I guess it triggers a little easier then the BJ scene lol.
Anyway, when In Da Club part 2 gets released this event will be the trigger to unlock a lot more content and cocaine and shit! :O
I cant download

All server says "error" when the download start
Seems to work now, for me at least.