Hi all,
Hop you had a lovely Xmas. NY is next and then the long horrible dark January... brrrr
Thanks for replying
BurningSun , sorry if it does come off as overly negative. My main goal was to bring some light on the amount of grind in the game in it's current state. I hope you might address this for the future. Showering constantly being one of the overly tedious grind issues. Possibly tone down the need a bit?
Overall all it's a good game so far. Just leans on the grind heavy side.
Huntarr, No problem. Everyone has different views so that is fine. You find it super grindy, I don't. Someone else will find it too slow, and another too fast. I do appreciate all feedback though as I constantly try and balance everything which takes time obviously.
I will (and have) try to remove/adjust certain aspects that are way too grindy. However, having to shower once a day in my opinion is not grindy. Maybe certain actions lower the hygiene too much, which is something that can be adjusted. Please let me know what you feel is out of proportion.
Thanks for replying ^^ first, "stupidly" isn't the word I'd have used to describe the encounter system.
Scenes I've tried to see where either at places like the bus, the pub (meeting the stranger when drinking), the beach, while walking the street or other I might not remember.
Main thing I've been confused about is the whole hintless "stats + random" layered system. I might be wrong but I see it working that way : if period = false and day = x and time = x and stat 1 <= x and stat 2 >= x and random = x then you get scene 1. And if stat 3 = x then you get the option to continue with this scene.
I'm probably overdoing it right now but that's the feeling I get.
As for the hintless part it would actually help if there where some hints, even if hidden, like for example Lizzie saying or thinking things like "It might have happened differently if I was stronger/smarter/less tired/more excited" etc.
I'm a simple human and the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Please don't get me wrong as I love this game and all the possible variations in scenes and events and this freedom the player has when playing but giving a small hint on how to get these variations or that they even exist could help a bit ^^
Thanks a lot for your work.
Yeah it was just a word
It kinda works the way you are describing for certain scenes. Most scenes can occur any day at any time and will have different outcomes depending on stats.
In the pub or club for example it will always first check if Lizzy is drunk or not. If she is, she generally only gets one option, which is to go ahead with whatever it is. If she is not drunk it may check other variables like dignity, intellect or morale.
Generally the game checks a lot variables. Not all are checked in every single case, but generally depends on the situation and where it occurs. Like at home for example the drunk stat is not checked often as being drunk generally happens in the pub and at the club. Same goes for work.
Some examples of what is checked in certain cases:
-Intel; if too low generally Lizzy will respond stupidly and most often do whatever the other person tells her to do.
-Dignity; if too low generally Lizzy doesn't care much and will either respond rudely or will do whatever, just to get people out of her hair
-Cash; if low enough, she may get options to either go along for some money or expose herself for some money
There are many more checks done and I guess it can be a little confusing from time to time, but I've tried to keep them consistent throughout the game. Hope this helps a little bit, and that it doesn't confuse you even more
If your in the shower and another couple (M/F) is there. You decide to stay for a quick shower instead of waiting, wouldn't that INCREASE your liberal not decrease it?
Like Skyfire mentioned, Lizzy decides not to take a normal proper shower because she doesn't like the other people being there. The text that appears should be something like this;"You do not want to have a shower with some guy being able to look at you, but you feel a bit dirty, so you just have a quick shower instead."
That is why the liberty stat decreases a little.
How do you trigger the Public bathroom and Pool scenes?
Which ones? There are many lol
Bug report
Leads to Black blank screen
Huntarr, Don't cheat

That scene can only be triggered if you've cheated, I hope to implement it in the next version.