It's like meeting a new friend starting a new game again. This time my progress stopped pretty early - can't seem to make her go jogging in the ark? I got running shoes and gym clothing, what am I missing? Found nothing at the mall that seemed to be the missing thing, so for the very first time in all those years I am STUCK ON DAY FOUR! Oh, shit...
ray3dave, For the library job you don’t need the jogging But yeah jogging is not working at the moment. Fix is coming soon!
So how do you start the Wilhelm path? Every time he makes a move security comes running.
Please see two post up for a somewhat extensive piece of info regarding the library.
Your relationship with Patricia is too good - it needs to be under 35. I guess you must avoid doing too many overtimes for her to keep it low enough, but I actually don't know it for sure, I lowered the relationship by cheating.
cooljanka, Correct
Ok that's it.
I'm giving up with this... I've waited soooo long for a pregnancy update and instead the game have all kinds of new mechanics and so little new events. So much potential ...
IntiJWC11, Sorry to hear that and I’m sorry to have disappointed you. It is coming, but yeah takes a lot of time unfortunately. I cannot simply focus one update on the pregnancy as it effects the whole game, so I am fixing part by part.
i think the library job is buggy. in the later games i allways loose the job because game telling me ive skipped working. i didnt.
Amazeroth, Please tell me at what level you are when it happens (library EXP). Also please let me know what path you are on? Are you camming for Zack, having ‘fun’ with Willem or neither one of those?
I think you are on the good path right?
The club event taking "a taxi" to a hotel after being picked on on the dance floor is still broken, takes you to an empty page, forcing a save load.
its referencing "Pickup2"
Content_Consumer, The hotel and taxi are not in the game yet, so I think you’ve cheated to get this?
I was donating to the patreon, stopped that when forward progress ground to a halt. I get creativity comes in spurts, but like your thinking the well may be running a little dry win this one.
cniht, Yeah very dry indeed. Nothing added ever right?

Anyway it is a shame you’ve lost interest in the game whatever the reason is. Good luck!
EDIT: Thank you for having supported me on Patreon!
I found a bug:
After reaching Libaryexpierience of 71 it stops tracking if you went to work the day before or not. So in the end you get fired from the libary in the end, save file is attatched
airapsI, Thanks for letting me know. I found the issue and believe I have fixed it. Keep your save game as the bug release fix should come soon (tomorrow I think).
Edit: TY for adding the save game btw. Made me find the issue instantly!
same here, as i said, buggy
Well, I guess you and I call things buggy at a different moment
The changelog mentions the 3 paths are easier now in terms of requirements. Are those 3 paths the Zack, Willem or neither?
Also I have no idea which endings I do and don't have. Any chance you could tell me what they are? I think I only found one ending per job.
Terakahn, Yes correct. See 2 posts above this one a more detailed overview of the library paths.
There are quite a few posts in this thread about the endings. Please do a search and I’m sure you’ll find the answers.
Thanks all for your feedback/thoughts and bugreports!