Wait how do you get that screen? Did i download the wrong version? i'm so sillyHas the maximum sun tan level been raised
I've noticed a couple of issues with the tanning system.
a) I'm now tanning while going to the pool at the wellness centre.
b) Is this supposed to happen?
View attachment 922165
I had the value go up to 18 at one stage.
Go to Stats and then click on LooksWait how do you get that screen? Did i download the wrong version? i'm so silly
Hi Whambalam, Thanks for letting me know. This is fixed for the next version.the Yoga mat price seems wrong i can buy it with 31€ while it shows costs of 39€
afc2112I just tried the library path for the first time and followed the Zack route all the way past the fox tail scene and then I just get fired. When is Willem supposed to show up?
Wait how do you get that screen? Did i download the wrong version? i'm so silly
Hi RagnarBloodbane,How often are events really supposed to happen, and is there any way to edit the variables or certain variables to edit that won't mess up the save? Thanks, sorry for the bother.
Hi DashaTaran,Try the job at the flower shop.
Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read property 'includes' of undefined
afc2112,If I'm ignoring Zack, I'm assuming I'm not going to prank him or am I going to string him along and then turn him down?
nvm. I found the answer.
Hi DashaTaran,I clicked Go find a job.
and clicked Try the job at the flower shop.
then got an error.
Thanks Whambalam, fixed for the next version (V0.8.8.22).stumbled upon that line : "Wakey, wakey. You can't just fall asleep like that without any sun tan lotion you know. Should I quickly rput some on for you?"
Whambalam,None of the girls is drunk
Hi Dragonmarisa,I can't go Madiba's house.
Same here, load the game and update but get error when clicking get job to flower shop.Hi DashaTaran,
Thank you for getting back to me. I think I know the issue. I'll PM you a new HTML file. Please download it, and try and load your game, update it by pressing the update button and let me know if it works.
Thank you
-Yes I should have zipped it better. My bad.
-The other two jobs don't need an alarm. Only the library job and the flower job do. Choices choices.
-The Button needs work I agree. I'll fix it in the next (main) release, to always show a button as soon as a working day starts.
-The work button not showing up at all? Please let me know when this happens.
-Yes you MUST return the flowers the same day. Helen tells you that. Success on finding flowers depends on Luck. Though it sounds like that there is a bug if you do not return them you get penalized too harshly. Will look into it.
-The go home pop up is gone. It is now only triggered by Energy. More freedom is good right?
Hi Degeneracy,
As I asked vasua, did you actually go back and deliver the flowers? I mean that same day?
The 2 should be 20. Will change that going forward. The next release will be called .21
Hi Kelsirion,
Make sure to wake up on time by buying the alarm and setting it (In the bedroom).
Yeah i've press the top right menu bar i can see all the things there like if you want to go to work by walking or not But supposedly when you pick the Nerd Character you get a free alarm but that alarm doesnt work it does not pop up on top of my top right menu bar i need to buy it to the mall then i get the sign that i can use the alarm. I dont know if im the only one experiencing this it was my first time playing this game and i choose the nerd girl and i cant use her alarm.There is a clear picture with a red cross through it. And a text that says "Your alarm is not turned on".
I guess I would need to add a big arrow in screen like your screenshot to make it clear?
Any way, setting the alarm will be a little easier next update as you can simply click the alarm icon in your inventory. Also changed the text and wording around so that it is hopefully a little easier to see that the alarm is not yet turned on.
Hi CaptDonuts,
Have you noticed the right side menu bar? You know the one with all the stats? There is a bar at the right side of your screen with 5 menu choices: Phone, Character, Inventory, Stats & Diary. Click them and check out what they do. There are a lot of options and a lot of info in those screens. In the Diary screen you will see the alarm icon with a red cross on it if it is not set. Just click it and it will change.
If you already knew that, please disregard the aboveJust trying to help.
Yes, it needs to be visible as soon as it is a working day, up until it is too late to go to work, or up until Lizzy is at work.
I'm working on it
Hi korko,Same here, load the game and update but get error when clicking get job to flower shop.
Hi Dragonmarisa,Invite only. I meet him on the beach normally.
Hi CaptDonuts,Yeah i've press the top right menu bar i can see all the things there like if you want to go to work by walking or not But supposedly when you pick the Nerd Character you get a free alarm but that alarm doesnt work it does not pop up on top of my top right menu bar i need to buy it to the mall then i get the sign that i can use the alarm. I dont know if im the only one experiencing this it was my first time playing this game and i choose the nerd girl and i cant use her alarm.