Excellent, I'll keep an eye out for grammatical issues, but yeah, for as much text as there is the spelling issues are pretty minimal which is a nice change of pace, ha.
Yeah, I saw all the orange text under the difficulty, I was just curious because it says "a few examples" so I thought I'd ask, thank you.
I completely zoned out about needing shampoo, body wash, so that does make some sense. I get you about the difference between quick and normal showers but haven't really encountered a scenario where the saved time was necessary, even using the crappy default bed, but thank you for the change!
Ok great, yeah keep the typos coming please. The fewer there are the better

The difficulty setting has a lot of influence on all kinds of stuff. Yeah so those are some examples. They are the biggest ones though. The rest is more small stuff, like finding cash amounts could change or things like that.
BurningSun a small request about the clubbing now. Because Clubbing is not in the center sometimes when I go there after a day of work and events, I get there after 23 and miss out. I wondered if it were possibly to get a Direct link from your home "Party night" where you go to the club
And then three questions
1. Will you ever be able to chose your clothes more directly? So if I wanted to go around in a short shirt and a tank-top all the time or just leggings and a hoodie I could?
2. Sometimes when I enter the club I get a dancing or drinking event without going to the bar/dance floor. Sometimes these string together. So once I entered the club pretty late and I didn't get to choose to do something it stringed a lot of dancing and drinking events together until Lizzy went home. Is that a bug or intended?
3. Would it be possible to buy a ten-pack (or more) of panties. After I give it away I need to go back to the mall to get them back.
Also a small bug report: When I give the panties to the guy on the bus they disapear from my inventory. But when I give them to the Bachelor-party they stay in my inventory.
Hey Oddf3ll0w,
I'm not sure if I will add this as it will defeat the purpose of having to travel and manage time better. BUT I will make it so that the club is accessible when arriving at the Bijlmer at 23 or later, rather then always sending you home.
1) I wouldn't mind adding this. It is a small thing, BUT it could become very big very quickly so it is dangerous to start with this coding wise. If it is just cosmetic, it is very doable. But is that fun? If it were to have implications, then the amount of coding explodes.
2) The chance that something happens in the club not related to dancing or the bar is 5 on 50. So 10%. For them to string together you must be pretty lucky. I've seen three in a row ever as a max and only once I think. So in principle it is intended. Obviously if you have it multiple times, it is not. There was a bug though in V0.8.6.2 where I changed the chance to 95% for testing purposes. So perhaps you still using that version? Could that be the case?
3) Hmm.. not from the nice panties. They usually don't come in tens, but in two's or something like that. May just let the counter increase. Will think about it
Would be funny if you could get the option of not paying the rent and being thrown out on the street and have to beg for money and sleep rough and avoid being molested/arrested at night and do more illegal 'jobs' like pickpocketing and shoplifting.
Please make it happen

Also it's a little bit strange you can play the entire game without eating, maybe there should be an added stat for weight which affects you max energy if you are too thin, also let you become a big girl where you use more energy to walk.
Would love to add that. There may even be some code left come to think of it of a test I did a loooong time ago. But it proved to be a big job and at the time I decided to kill the idea and instead focus on stuff that was more easy to implement. I promise you though, that something like that will be implemented in Paris.
Yeah, the eating is a difficult one. See the response of deluges. He is kinda right. It is a slippery slope of stuff that could become very tedious rather than enjoyable. Something needs to happen with it though, maybe automatic like deluges mentioned or maybe something else. Not sure yet though.
Kind regards