ok so i'm gonna be honestly blunt, the game would be top-shelf if not for the stupid/shitty and badly made supposedly "bestfriends" relationship between MC and Ron as it literally ruined the experience.
That plus MC always accepting defeat in every situations feel like playing a game where the goal is to always lose...
Both MC's and Ron's behaviors are at fault there, not just Ron's. Being bestfriends means sometimes slapping the common sense out of the other to make them realise what they are saying/doing is wrong.
Not only Ron being too annoying (you really pushed it too far i believe) but also MC always saying yes and accepting all the bullshit are not bestfriends behaviors. Just saying.
a game is supposed to be "fun" as in "enjoying to play" but "annoying" is the first and only feeling that persists throughout this episode1.
The only thing that kept me playing it to the end is the great/amazing art and models.
Now, amazing job if you customized the models yourself else epic choices there on buying those. The fact that they are all imperfectly beautiful, as in human beings, is a great plus and does great for immersion.

The attention to details from head to toe in poses, lightings, expressions (although some look weird maybe, lol) and background scenes are exquisite.
The only negative is your use of dark spots in the "hidden objects" parts. it's not good if we have to rely on the mouse-over highlighting to find those. we should at least see part of the object or a glint of it or something like that.
Also great job on the NPCs' background stories (besides the "bestfriend" of course, lol). even if you never said anything about them, we can feel those NPCs have lived before our first game encounter with them.

i'm saying this mostly regarding the naughty scenes as because of those background stories, hence already established relationships, we don't have to grind forever just to get there which a lot of games do and it doesn't make sense.
Overall, great potential there but it feels like a Kinetic Novel because a CYOA Visual Novel where choices are either watch the sex scene or don't watch the sex scene, is not really a CYOA Visual Novel. But then again, i didn't go through the "don't watch sex scene" all the way to check thoroughly if it would make a difference so my mistake if it actually has different consequences.
The only choice that made me feel that it will have consequences was the last choice ending episode1.
PS: my bad for the big chunk of text as i only post on games that feel unique. hopefully you read it and get good inputs from it.