Ren'Py - Life in Santa County [v0.9.1] [Bold Bash Studios]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is too good to not have sex sounded effects such as moaning and Butt slapping etc. I see the butt slapped and it gets red but no sound I see awesome renders Great animations and I love the story. Plz, allow users that want it to have it and for those that don't let them mute it. No matter what I will play this game but it would take it to a whole other level if that was added. Great game dev :love:
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Far too flawed.

    The prolog had a lot in it I didn't like.... but I played through it anyhow, because I understood it was there to set the stage for the story. That choices and direction would be yours once things were established.
    So, despite many issues with it, I understood it for what and why it was. My rating is not because of anything in the prolog, and if you played and didn't like the prolog, my first piece of advice is to go back to the game, finish the prolog, and then get into the game proper, to see if it is more worth your time.

    So, that said, why only 2 stars?
    Well, the renders are great, and the story has room to be very interesting. The MC has some depth, and some characters are great.
    Those are the pros, and they should be good enough for a higher rating, right?

    Well, here are the cons:
    1) disabled scroll back. believe it or not, all this does is piss off players and waste their time. They'll just save before choices or events, and reload. Or rely on autosaves. It doesn't encourage us to play any differently.

    2) lack of choices. So, here's a scenario that may be very uncommon, but not unheard of. The player decides they are not interested in romancing the aunt. The player decides they do not like the cousin. The player gives his aunt the information he got from his cousin's phone. Aunt now has the chance to fix things. Cousin pays for being a cruel bitch. Both paths are closed (though may effect the story).
    Some people would bitch this is NTR. Well, it isn't. You'd literally be turning them away as LIs, and thus they can't cuck you. Aunt would only go back if given the info, and if not, wouldn't, so any path with her wouldn't have NTR.
    See, a choice like that allows the player to decide who he is interested in, and what to do with info he has been given in game. Instead, we get this info, we never use it, and we talk to the aunt about what a shitty guy her ex was.
    That's a lack of meaningful choices, in my book.

    But the bigger issue with choices is... they don't carry over chapter to chapter. I ended chapter one with just a massage. Chapter two is very clear that, canonically, more happened.
    In chapter one, I did not talk to the guy playing guitar in school. In chapter two, he comes to talk to me right away about the conversation we... actually never had.
    That is a disaster in games like this. Either follow our choices, or don't bother giving us choices.

    Those two issues could be the only cons I see, and still effect the game so much, in both technical and story telling ways, that I feel warranted in giving it a low rating.
    Add to that some very bizarre dialog choices that read like 90% native english speaker and 10% google translate, and a lot of story inconsistencies, and you have a game I got no enjoyment out of playing.

    Which is a shame. If the aunt hadn't been manipulated out of her relationship by her bitch daughter and instead was just single, I would have been into her. The chemistry behind you and your mother (and the quelling of a concern about her behavior in the prolog), I would have been into her. I genuinely like Iris as a character, and would have loved to love this game, just for her.
    But I ultimately think this game is a highly-polished looking.... but awkward and mediocre, game... that seems to utterly forget that you are making choices towards your own end, and railroads you into the scenarios it wanted you to play.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible Work.....ONLY STANDING OVATION for This Game. Every aspect of the game is very high Level.
    Very Interessant Story, Gameplay and litte elements of a Sandbox are very functional and they make the playing experience very Enjoyable. I really enjoy this game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This needs to be way higher!!
    Renders look amazing, animations are VERY well done and even the story keeps you interested. I can see 2 path unfolding, which is a great promising start for a relatively 'new' game. Not sure why this is 4 stars while other games with lower quality renders, animations and/or story content seem to be better rated.
    I will say that I don't like this GUI, it is the same pain as "Deliverance", for those who know the game...
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Story feels kind of interesting.
    + We have good looking animations and a lot of animated position for sex scenes.

    Bad Points
    - Thanks to weird IU sandbox feels pretty annoying and its tied with other things aswell. This game IU and menu design is kind of annoying with couple of different ways.
    - Menu changes have unnecesary effects only makes things slower and thats just makes things annoying. Classic Renpy menu style is far more better and easy to use than this one.
    - In Renpy games right mouse button nearly always opens save section which makes saving pretty easy but here its not...
    - Thanks to custom IU and Menu even some basic things like skipping text feature sometimes not works and thats kind of annoying.
    - Art style need improve and can be lot better than current one, with current style girls/women looks kind of unattaractive while they can look far better than this with couple of changes like smaller heads suited for their body size, little bit change on their facial features or maybe little bit more firm tits instead of shaggy ones could be good. Currently we have good amount of positions/angles for sex scenes and animations for them but because of art style being not good they do look bad and thats kind of waste their potencial. Espacily Camelia looks awfull... I mean look at this face: whats wrong with this face? LOL

    For The End
    I can see DEV done a lot of thing for this game but couple of bad points kills game joy, while others can bearable i cant say having unattaractive characters are not bearable, its just makes whole lewd part unenjoyable and kills all fun.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fun game. Loved the cg, the models and how fun it is. I think the writing could be better, but that's not something that will ruin your experience.

    Really looking forward the next update. Well done dev!

    CG: 5/5
    Story: 4/5
    Models: 5/5
    Gameplay: 4/5

    Really promissing game, and you should definitely give it a try
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing renders and beautiful ladies! Story is somewhat bland due to its similarity to practically every other VN, however the gorgeous animations and details more than make up for it! I will be watching closely the development of this gem. Five stars!
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2753179

    Great game there are lots of hot moments i highly recommend this game. In some scenes it made me laugh too try it! Scenes are well made by the developer and MILF's are hot! nothing else to say 5 stars :D
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has the potential to be one of the best. It is a slow burn with the main characters, but the scenes are still amazing. If this game can reach its conclusion with all the main characters, it will be truly fantastic.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Deserves at least a 4,5/5 score.
    Good renders, animations, story is nice. The build up with the main characters is a slowburner, but if you want lewd scenes some other characters will take care of that.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the greatest game at the moment

    - pretty good renders of the girls
    - amazing MILFs
    - nice story for a sandbox
    - sandbox but no click around game to waste time
    - english is good enough for a game
    - incredible build up of tension between son and family
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    AS OF 0.4.2

    The game manages to enchant with every update. Now, I can easily say that this game is the best 3d game for myself. I don't know where to start praising, the game is close to perfect for me.

    Characters- Let's start with the characters. There is almost no character model in the game that I can call bad, even the figurants in the game are fascinating. If we evaluate the main characters, it is difficult to choose between them. Mother, sister, aunt, cousin are all like disasters. (5/5)

    Scenes- Sex scenes are quite diverse, there are many options in terms of positions in the scenes. In terms of quality, as of v0.4 (with or without sex), there are many quality scenes in the game that will drive you crazy. (5/5)

    Animations- Animations are very successful, they certainly do not look artificial. (4.5/5)

    Render Quality- The render quality, which is my favorite part of the game, is almost flawless. The colors are quite saturated. In my opinion, it is one of the most successful games that gives a sense of reality with its animations and renders. (5/5)

    In-game progress- I wouldn't have thought choices in previous versions would affect gameplay this much, but with the new update almost every choice affects your progress. Gallery scenes or not, I had to play it over and over for hours just to see all the scenes, I'm not complaining about this situation, I really enjoyed trying to find the scenes, it's a positive feature in my opinion. (4/5)

    Places- Place designs are very successful. The atmosphere in the house is quite good. I especially liked the school environment. There are a lot of characters in the school and we can interact with most of them. I'm sure it will improve further. (5/5)

    Gameplay- As someone who likes sandbox gameplay, it has a gameplay that can satisfy everyone. It has neither repetitive activities nor simple gameplay with no options. It's a gameplay that will please both sandbox lovers and those who don't. (4.5/5)

    Personal Likes- I was happy to see that immediate sex with mother and sister wasn't done. For now, our relationship with our family is progress by sexual impulses, and I think that's how it should be.

    Some suggestions for the future updates;
    - The phone should definitely be made more useful. That's why I'm giving the in-game progression a 4 out of 5 rating. There is no place where we can track our choices and relationships. Therefore, we do not know how to proceed and it is very possible to miss the scenes. For a sandbox game, I think the phone should have such features.
    - More clickable items and quest materials.
    - Being able to sniff the panties we collect, in our bed or in the bathroom

    These are my general evaluations of the game. The front of this game is very bright, I have no doubt that it will be successful. This game definitely deserves the best. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the production and wish you success. I will be following the development of the game with interest.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Version 0.4.2

    Art: Sometimes pretty good, some faces suffer from deformity, some necks twist in weird angles. In the end it has too many flaws to call good or great.

    Story & Characters: The characters don't click with me, and I consider them somewhere between forgettable and unlikeable. The prologue is just plain bad, it gets a little better after that, but not enough to recommend it.

    On a side note, almost every sentence feels translated by a non native English speaker. With highlights like "It feels like I'm starting to make a meal out of him, to think too much. I have to get away. The way he make me feel is not right at all" ==> huh? An expression in some other language I guess. But it ruins the flow of the story.

    Gameplay: It has a lot of free roam point and click stuff where you need to search for items, panties mostly but also money and other stuff. Then the order in which you do stuff matters, making it very easy to miss things.

    TL;DR while it does some things pretty well, it has too many flaws to overlook and I recommend you skip it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The prologue was kinda lame, but the first chapter was great, hopefully the game will continue on this direction, the writing got a lot better, the characters and the plot too, It has a good rhythm and is quite entertaining, I wish it had many more sexual scenes, but for a first chapter it has a lot of content.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I dare say that the developers of this game are the top developers after NLT Media

    This game is one of the top 5 games so far

    Stunning graphics and attractive scenes along with its good story make it the best game released in 2021.

    Of course, the game has some drawbacks in the first part
    But after the explosion, revolutionary changes have taken place
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Sir Álvaro de Zúñiga

    The firs part of the game is really good maybe a litle bit boring for someone, but after the explosion i can say became amazing. If you enjoy Being a Dik you relly need to give a try at this one. I really enjoyed the story and the character and i'm sure can became as good as Being a Dik . I really hope you guys ejoy it as much as i do.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Just needs a Mod, but the game it self is beautiful. Love the graphics, history, characters... Many big boobs, and nice scenes. The yellow fenix has one moment were the frames were choking. But every other scene was smooth.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great game. Renders are incredible. From a long time player of VN's...I'd certainly recommend

    Only in to the second episode, but very impressed. The game really kicks in after the prologue.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Just played this game, surprisingly good, very interesting game interaction, the author is very imaginative, if the character modeling is more beautiful, it will be more perfect. Look forward to the follow-up of the story, come on!!(y)(y)(y)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A really good game with constant updates and high quality models and renders. Can't wait to see how the story will develop. I would consider a top 10 game of this website, definitely deserves a 5 star rating.