VN - Ren'Py - Light of My Life [Ch. 1-7 v1.0.0] [Naughty Road]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Give this game a chance, the story is pretty damn good. The game imo; has an excellent balance between the story and lewd content. In one moment you are teary eyed from a beautiful moment shared between the characters, to laughing your ass off, to beating your meat. This game really feels like the devs are giving it their best to give the player more than just porn. Seriously give this game a shot, a lot of people disregarded it simply because the models used are different from the norm, but all the character models in this game are unique. And what i mean by that is the characters all look different from one another, different body proportions, no same breast sizes copy pasted on the same body model like other games. The renders are great as well. Give this one a shot.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best family friendly western VN swag you can get.

    The unique inbreed look of the wards fits the story so well and brings an even higher flavor to the game.

    Great renders with quality work for each scene, love when the dev has small animation like blinking eyes or moving characters, change of background between scenes all to make the VN feel alive and intimate along with the story, characters and whats happening on the screen.

    I hate using ctrl button in VNs and the wards has stats as well that you can influence (love, anger, anxiety) but as there isn't a "wrong answer" you don't have to save scum.

    Super hot and cute only needs more headpats.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Models looks like goblins. and there is little content so far.
    that said, the story and writing is S tier and that is the reason I give this 4.5 stars and not less.
    honestly I can see it as a game that will do well on steam.
    also I went with the caretaker title and I must say it turned some conversations in the game a lot weirder than using "forbidden relationship" titles.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, let's start with the elephant in the room. The renders of the two main girls. They definitely put me off of playing the game for a while. I would be the first to admit that they aren't really my type. The younger one is REALLY not what I would call "my type".

    Now that we have that out of the way let's talk about how this is probably in my top 5 favorite VN's on this site. Probably number 2 or 3. Depending on how I feel.

    That is a testament to how looks really are only skin deep. As I spent more time with the great writing and the mostly interesting and semi-realistic characters I found myself becoming more and more attracted to the characters that I started out very meh on.

    I think the choice to create an entirely unique style for the characters really lets the reader actually fall for the characters rather than just looking at DAZ model #13 (though great things can be done with generic models, also).

    So I want to really urge anyone who is not attracted to the models to try the game anyways. It just works regardless of the models.

    It isn't perfect mind you. I think there are some pacing issues and some of the reasons for certain character feelings can seem flaky, but it is well beyond what I would expect from a porn game. There is one scene where the younger girl is on the MC's lap that... well let's just say that scene really strains my suspension of disbelief in a way that most of the rest of the game doesn't.

    So as a whole this VN isn't a near perfect five compared to triple A VN's like Saya no Uta or something. But it is a legitimately well written, well plotted VN and as a pure erotic game it deserves a lot of praise for that because usually the plot is just lost in the flesh.

    Also, it has humor that is ACTUALLY funny and not cringe or straight up painful to read. Like it has jokes that don't make my eyes literally roll out of my head. So thank you for having a modicum of restraint on the humor and you know that refrences aren't jokes... jokes are jokes which you actually know how to tell. This game would have been ruined by shitty or out of placed jokes. Instead it is elevated by humor.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Updated for v0.6.4

    This Visual Novel is not for everyone. You don't have to worry about grinding, there is none of that, but if you're here armed with cocoa butter lotion and a sock, this probably isn't the place you want to be. If you enjoy a narrative, then that is what you get from this story. When you finally get to spicy content from Chapter 6, it is very erotic.

    The story while good, does have some drag and repetition; it definitely feels like this is done for budgeting; though I wish there more scene variations or more dramatic changes for the male protagonist.

    I really enjoy the female models for the "wards". They look more realistic and do not follow the model troupe. I believe all the female models are custom assets, and while they avoid barbie doll look, they tend to have more personality and lack the dead eyes you see with many 3D models.

    If you aren't looking for a quick fap check this out.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Love the renders, love the latina characters. Let's see where the story goes. I really wish the creator(s) incorporate more of latin culture, make it vague enough where it intesects with most, if not all, of our latino cultures. Maybe more dancing scenes? More user input to refer to certaing things/body parts. Overall pretty fucking good! I pledged to the creator on Patreon.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    By far one of the best games on the site. This is an absolute must play. It's very much a VN that goes straight through, but you do seem to have some control over the events. Looking forward to the next build. Time to check the Patreon.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game on this site. The renders are unique and beautiful. The scenes are hot and the story is great. This is a must play for the people of this site.
    Sidenote: the dev is very active on this site and listens to the fans.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is such a great piece of art. I genuinely laughed out loud, I cried, I jerked off, I got angry and I was worried.

    I really like the models, I think the style is unique, interesting and very hot. But obviously that's a matter of taste.

    The story is not groundbreaking in the incest genre, but it has really nice execution and pacing, which many other games lack. It also manages to be believable and make sense given the characters and personalities present.

    The only downside I can think of, is that many choices only give different flavour text, while others that may seem that way actually makes a difference. I found myself going back and checking all the choices for the best outcome a bit too much, sometimes unnecessary. But that might just be me trying to have a perfect playthrough in terms of what I'm hoping to accomplish, and not really an issue for anyone that just picks a choice and commits.
  10. G
    4.00 star(s)


    Overall the game is really good. I like the renders and how they look very realistic. Most games don't have the npc's with more than one facial expression or blinking eyes. Can't wait to see what the future updates look like. I like how I can change the "relationships" without having to use any type of patch. Of course I changed "caretaker" and "ward" to...well most people understand. "wink" "wink"

    The only thing from keeping this game from being a 5 star is the lack of a really good UI. It would be nice to have a UI phone like a lot of games have. That way it would be easier to see where the relationships are with each NPC in the game.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Ironically the overall high quality of the game makes it much harder to accept the few inconsistencies that remain.

    This mainly comes down to two major issues:

    For one, the behaviour of the two 'wards' absolutely does not reflect their age. At times it can be hard to believe that they are supposed to be any older than 12 respectively 14 years old. The younger of the two has considerable gaps in knowledge and the older one seems to be in puberty.

    Additionally, the still very convincing way in which the conversations between the characters are depicted, makes it painfully obvious that the MC sees the girls very much as his daughters. However, the game makes it hard for the player to aknowledge this, as it not only lacks loves interests outside of the family, but also actively warns you, when you are about to leave the incest route.

    Obviously, incest and (for lack of a better word) loli behavior ar very common in games, but they are usually coupled with a way less serious and realistic setting.

    This is why this game sometimes feels like an awkward mixture between a dark drama and parody porn.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game's got heart & it's gonna make you feel things. It's an excellent visual novel that also happens to be very naughty & sexy. But the core of the game is just about love and overcoming lives hardships, together. 10/10 would recommend !
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This, to me, is a five star game.

    The writing is simply superb to any other game I've played of this type and I have played many. Granted, if all you're looking for is an excuse to fap, then you would be better off looking elsewhere. Where other creators are content to churn out comic books and pulp fiction, Naughty Road instead decided to create a Graphic Novel.

    The story within this VN is deep, heart-warming and at times heart-breaking. I cannot compare this game to any other property on this site because there simply isn't one to compare it with. I started this game with a box of tissues, looking to fap, but ended up using the tissues to dry my tears instead.

    Sometimes because of the delightful humour, like the unintential innuendo in main offender Macy's dialogue. The seemingly random, but oh so raunchy co-worker encounters. The gentle poking of fun at certain VN tropes (hello, shop-lady).

    And many times because of the post-mortem character of the dear mother. One of the most effective uses of a dearly departed character that I have seen, not just in VN's but in all media. I was not prepared to bring the waterworks, yet this game managed to constantly coax them out of me.

    Some critisize the character models, but for me they worked and added to the charm and appeal of the game. Despite their unconventional and cartooney styling, they felt more real and life-like than the picture perfect models that are overused in other games.

    Give this game a chance and you will not regret it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    It's kind of incredible how hot it is. It tries real hard to justify its setting and motivations and the scenarios built up are well rendered and sexy and great fun.

    Overall, one of the best around. When more smut is added, I'd like to add I'd perhaps even go as far as to rate it the best around.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly the game is pretty fun. The story goes in a great pace, with its cast getting more and more interesting. I really enjoy the style of the characters, and i'm aware that maybe it's not for everyone, but it is honestly interesting and attractive. The to main heroines are fun and they do feel more human than usual, which to me gives more depth to the game and story. They both have their own personalities and struggles, which grows throught the story, and it just gets better and better! I'm truly interested in the next chapters and i hope to keep following its development! Great work!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable slow burn! Funny jokes and innuendos!
    Though the plots were not special, they were easy to remember (which is good considering I have to wait for updates now) Also, how they presented was intriguing!
    Non-typical and very intuitive dialogues!
    Cartoonish characters. They move around, illustrating the current dialogues on screen!
    Detailed environments!
    Great picks of music for moments!

    I kinda regret playing this before completion.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for the version : Ch.4 v0.5.0
    Oh so first off, I came across this game several times before finally giving it a go. The character's faces weren't really appealing to me, and it's been a big turn off for a while, but then I browsed by "weighted ratings" and Light of my Life was so highly ranked that I just had to give it a try, and boy am I happy I did. I have to warn you tho, if you're only looking for a quick fap with ★★★★★ babes, don't waste your time on this game, but if you like a good, realistic story with complex characters, try this game, I'm almost certain you'll love it.

    Graphics : 8/10
    Light of my life has pretty good graphics, just not enough to make you go "daaaamn they outdid themselves". They are accessory to the whole game, you don't tend to notice them, it's exactly what you're looking for, unles you're a graphics freak. One thing worth noting is that the characters aren't that good looking. Not that their textures are bad or anything, but the design of their face, just like you'd call somebody ugly in real life, but it feels like it's a thought out choice. A lot of games use the same models from the same cheap / free libraries, and you end up seeing them over and over, used for different characters, which lowers the immersion quite a lot. Light of my light seems to have opted for custom homemade models, or maybe models from a completely different library than usual. It can be a turn on, or a turn off, it really depends on you.

    Sound & Music : 9.5/10
    One very strong point for this game is not only it's music, but how it is used. A lot of games don't even bother using music, and those that do mostly don't use it as well as they should. Light of my life uses the full potential of music in every scene it can, sometimes shifting dramatically from a genre to another, to create the perfect ambiance to support the storytelling. There could be more sounds, or better sounds, but it really isn't an issue, just trying to point out room for improvement.

    Story : 10/10
    Second best storytelling I've seen here, just after Our Fate - A new family. There isn't much to say; the caracters feel real, it's funny most of the time, every part of the game is used to enhance the storytelling, the events are realistic, you even wonder sometimes if the Dev went through some parts of it to nail it down so perfectly (the backstory, mostly). If you like a game with a good story, you owe it to yourself to play Light of my Life.

    Gameplay : 7/10
    There isn't much to say about the gameplay because it's a visual novel, but you kinda have a lot of choices, and even if some don't seem to impact the story, there are quite a lot that actually do, to an extent. There are "emotions" "love" "affection" stats for the characters and they seem to impact the story, but there are no ways, as far as I know, to look at the overall stats of the characters, you're simply notified when said stat changes, so there a bit of improvement to be done there.

    Looking forward for future updates, which seems to come rather slowly.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Top of the line here. If you are bored of cliche VN, this one definitely stands out of that crowd. My curiosity to try this game was sparkled by original look of characters that reminded art of early VNs with a tint of cartoonish/caricature look, then seeing number of review and average score, just surprised how it skip my attention so far.
    Overall, impressive art work, you may compare it to some VNs with photorealistic look, but they not get even close in term of immersion of story or giving you holistic game atmosphere like LOML does . Content delivery methods that control players focus during game another well done piece. Story may be slow paced for some tastes, but this VN of the one you should read trough when it comes to scenes preceding lewd scenes at least, this is where it shines with good narrative.
    Sex scenes are not disappointing either, creator pays attention to avoid awkward physics and genitalia clipping, this is very tedious work I can imagine.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I love that none of the characters in this are the same models I've seen in so many other games. Their everyday struggles with work and life after a tragedy are both believable and relateable. Keep up the good work and ignore the trolls.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The author is certainly brilliant. True, it is not clear to me why he complicates his already difficult work? ....................................

    However, despite all my attitude to the game, which I ignored because of the appearance of the characters presented on the cover, literally after half an hour of the game, the attitude towards them changes.

    ps It's amazing how he managed to make sexually attractive personalities, souls ...