[Ch.7 v0.7] Review
(Yep. It is happening. I am writing a serious review on f95 and sharing deep personal feelings. Anyways.)
I don't know about you, reader, but I am here, on this site, to make the pain go away for some time. I keep telling myself that it is better than drugs or drinking. Yes, I am an adult with adult life and adult problems, with tragedies that deeply damaged my life and I need to learn how to keep going.
So I do kill time once-twice a week through pornoholic trips via games and VNs I can find here. What can I say? - about 95% of stories I download are poorly-written, cliche-puzzles or having a plot from 80-s porn and I need to turn my imagination on max to keep clicking and painting the story in my own head. "Maybe I should write my own game..."
But once in a couple of months, maybe half-a-year, I find a GEM. A true talent. A masterpiece. It gets my whole evening or even a weekend day. I just keep reading, I forget about the "Tab" button and the "skip" option. Yes, my day becomes skipped and I do nothing useful - but this story, this ART of storytelling, is why I keep returning to this site. This is what I am looking for. A way to forget myself and my life just for a day and have an emotional rollercoaster mixed with porn... during reading this VN I admit I realised that I had tears in my eyes at some moments.
Yes, I do understand that it is just because of the common path of the loss plot and my own life. I understand that the way women just jump on the protagonist is a harem anime-level. But maybe that is what I needed. A simple, yet wonderfully written, naive and... kind story. With no cruelty, no evil, no horror. Even though that similar story in REAL LIFE would be a true horror.
It is not a super-porny, or fetish collector VN for hardcore porn experience. It is a kind, naive... LIGHT reading with porn in it. And it is not all about porn but about emotional connection, pain of loss (but a kind, light pain), and happiness. Where sex is love and feelings, connection and responsibility. At least in the first 4 chapters, then it becomes much more porn, much less feelings. But the way Ch.7 moved on - that was a great twist I really enjoyed.
Thank you, Author, your story brough a little spark of joy for me. And by the amount of possitive reviews - I am not the only one who really enjoyed your work. Please keep writting. Have a good one.