VN - Ren'Py - Light of My Life [Ch. 1-7 v1.0.0] [Naughty Road]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Super story, that takes its time and it is very easy to become invested in the characters. And a bunch of quirky humor that will produce a few laughs.
    All in all one of the very best games on F95zone
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow did this game surprise me!

    I am not a huge fan of incest, I understand the appeal for others and since it is quite common in games I can deal with it in general, however the father to daughter stories are the ones that I have a harder time accepting for whatever reason. If not handled very well, they turn my stomach and actually make me stop playing the game.

    At the same time, the previews for the models in this game left quite unimpressed and I didn't particularly like the character models so... why did I play it? it has a great score and precisely because it used different models, I decided to give it a try.

    Boy am I glad I did....

    This game handles the subject matter very, very well. I found that the slow burn was great, the way that the father behaves, his dreams... all of it slowly builds into accepting the incestuous relationship in a very believable way, it never made me feel creepy or disgusted, but actually made me understand why the characters would behave in the way they do, it made me understand them as people with deep hurt and made me love them for that.

    Not only that, but the story line with the mother and how that is handled, the small revelations about the driver and all.... oof... this game made me tear up three or four times and actually helped me work through some personal stuff.... some of it is extremely hard because it is so well written and it touches some very human points. Even if there was no sex scenes, this game would still be an easy 5 just because of how it handles the subject of grief and loss.

    As mentioned, originally the models for this game really put me off, however the more I played the game, the more that changed. I ended up really loving the two daughters, sure they are not the usual supermodel characters we see in these games, however they feel much more like real women and that made the game so much better in every aspect.
    The same can be said about the secondary characters, the only one that really did nothing for me was Sierra, but all the rest really made me fall in love with them.

    The Sex Scenes
    Wow.... this game had some really hot sex scenes, I really liked Brooke and her antics, the three office ladies too, and in particular the pregnant lady (finally! a game that has a proper "pregnant" tag, not just an pregnant ending, but actual pregnant sex!) , the slow build up with Denise and... OMG that scene with Macy (one of the hottest I have ever seen!).

    I am definitely keeping an eye on this game, I added it to my steam wishlist and will be buying it as soon as it is available, a true masterpiece!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Easy 5/5 and highly recommended to anyone who doesn't mind the subject matter. Story was extremely well written, and captivating. Can't help but fall in love with the characters. The design of the character is pretty amazing once you get used to the non-standard models (and dare i say seem more beautiful now than my previously favorite adult game characters). To the author: Thank you. This was an amazing experience and I look forward to what's to come and your other projects.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Ch.6 v0.6.4 - Rating 4,8/5

    A really great game what is worth every minute of play time.

    Characters- Let's start with the characters. Both daughters are really beautiful. They are not perfect and that's what makes this game so great. They are realistic. (5/5)

    Scenes- A lot of story and I like every one of them. No comments so far. (5/5)

    Animations- Animations are very successful, they certainly do not look artificial. (4.5/5)

    Places- Place designs are very successful. The atmosphere in the house is good, and the places where you go look very realistic (4,5/5)

    Personal Likes- I'm not into chubby girls, but the youngest daughter (who is a little bit chubby) is still one of my favorite girls.

    This Dev deserves a medal, he keeps everyone well informed about the progress of the game and he is very active in the community.

  5. 4.00 star(s)


    4 Stars because its a very well written story, with a diverse cast of caricature models of 'real' people, real as in they aren't all perfect looking. In fact I wonder why we've not seen more of this around.
    Not 5 stars because there is a lot of prose and exposition here, even if the writer cleverly manages to spring a surprise in most chapters. Many of the user interaction points seem useless, not moving the story in any direction at all, just a chance to click something because the dev thought it was necessary to give the appearance of interaction.
    For myself though, I may not continue, because its a story about loss, and a fantasy world where the family comes together in an adult novel way to get through it. But the loss stuff is written a bit too well, and the reality of it is a bit too fresh for me, for the rest to be able to be just fantasy. It is bad for me, because its too good.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this game on and off for a while now and I have to say I'm loving it I know a lot of people don't like the girls models but I love them it's a breath of fresh air from all the bimbo models used with most of these games and I can't wait for it to be finished!
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Surprinsingly interesting story, and well-written characters. I appreciate that incest is not mandatory, would have probably prevented me from playing the game.
    Grade should be 4 stars, but certain models are really a turn off for me.
    Likes: GaRbS
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding. Naughty consistently updates his progress and it is documented. He delivers. Quality updates, and quality artwork. Plus the story is beautiful. Can't wait to see where Denise's story goes. What happened at college, why is she a wreck. So many questions.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, so The models are a bit weird. But they have a certain style, I guess. While the models here aren't exactly my type, the scenarios and the animations in which the models are used are mostly very good. Which kinda makes up for that. The story and pacing are both superb. So good that they make up for anything else I didn't like. Very nice work dev. Good luck!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I had trouble getting into this when I first downloaded it, I was not sure why, and I'm really still not. A couple months later, I decided to try it again and I am absolutely in love with this game.

    I see people talking about the models used and I just don't get it, they are unique and beautiful. Their personalities are great(once Macy stops hating on herself) and the story is told very well. I can't wait for the next update.

    I also love that the dev keeps us updated regularly, They post these charts that show progress and keep a pretty open discussion, no months with no contact.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games in history and art, mainly because of the
    diversified models and the sad backstory, which helps a lot to connect with the characters. Love every minute playing! Don't be afraid to play the game because of beauty standards. :BootyTime:
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, thats pretty awesome!!! I'm not into family and insest stuff, but this little bitches are something! I began understand Kraster with his daugter farm:ROFLMAO: Interestig story, especially the family part. Lovely characters, not typical appearence(!!), interesting personalities. 10 of 10! EXTREMELY looking forvard for the next chapter!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    [Ch. 6 v0.6.4]

    My man NRP you're a scholar amongst men. LOML is by far the most eloquently written VN I have ever played. The sex animations could be more fluid but the story, character progression, and writing make up for it. I love the imperfections of characters physically and emotionally. We all process trauma differently and this showcases the varying degrees. Christ man you got me feeling feels for 2D girls well done.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Game. Just Excellent. Really compelling story line and characterization.
    Dev has done an excellent job of creating non generic characters who don't look like the belong on the cover of Vogue. At the same time, he created an excellent story thread which forces the player to participate in the game and enjoy it to it's fullest extent.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great writing that actually makes you care about the characters. The scenes are really well done and it's just an extremely enjoyable experience from beginning to end. This game will coax both tears and sexual fluids from your body. Fucking excellent.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The author does know how to write a decent story and there aren't many visual novels that good (imho). I didn't skip a single line and going further and deeper into the plot was one great experience. There's plenty of work put into dramatic details that make this game much more than a quest for erotic adventures and I hope that future updates will maintain its unique mood and atmosphere. Thumbs up.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Can't wait to continue! Its a great art and story :love: Every person has own charm! Hard to choose the favorit cause each has own way to intimacy. Would be great to see more and have more offten kinky things in family
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Hats off to you good sir marvelous job. The characters and story had depth not just the normal stuff. Played through a good few time the updates are 100% worth the wait. Looking forward for to what the future may hold keep up the great work.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is set up very clearly to be father-daughter incest. But, naturally, the developer lets you define the character relationships to avoid getting banned from Patreon. Because I'm super not a fan of father-daughter incest, but AM a super fan of brother-sister incest, I made the girls my younger sisters. The game hardly ever refers to MC's "wife" as such, which made it pretty easy to imagine her as MC's mom along with the girls, which I very much appreciated.

    The character models, as anyone can see, are quite unique and original (plus points!). But, they're not always the most attractive (minus points). Overall I definitely enjoy looking at the characters more than I thought I would from the preview images. The sex scenes create interesting situations and help you feel invested in the characters and the the scene to enhance the experience.

    The best aspect though is the writing. The story starts out quite melancholy. MC and the girls are distraught over the death of the girls' "mother" from 5 years ago. MC comes across as a genuinely sad but caring individual. The eldest girl has some anger issues in the beginning, and a genuinely tear jerking reveal connected to it. The youngest girl stretches believeability with her naivete fr an "18" year old, but her antics eventually become charming. There are just enough side characters as well to flesh out the story and add extra enjoyment as well, both with their personalities, and their own unique stories. At time though the dialogue can feel a bit repetitive and drag on a bit, which prevents me from giving this a full 5 stars.

    And finally the best of the best about the writing, I'm not sure any porn game has given me nearly the same quality or quantity of genuine laughter. I would be remiss if I did not give this game a high rating for that reason alone. Comedy may be highly subjective, but if you're looking for a laugh, give this game a go, and make the girls' relationship to you anything you want.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Really I'm giving this a 4.5 stars, because the only "issue" I have with this game is that it is a bit TOO slow of a burn and I love a slower burn rather than the all-too-common eager harem harlots that dominate too many VNs.

    That being said this definitely one of the BEST VN I've ever played (perhaps behind only "A Petal Among Thorns" which is my all time favorite. The characters are incredibly well written and feel real, witch causes the player to become emotionally invested in the characters.

    The story is heartfelt, sad, uplifting and numerous. Most of all it is believable. The MC isn't an immediate pervert and neither are (most) of the other characters.

    There are clever post chapter synopsis and donation requests which was perfect as it made me donate more to the developer, not only for putting so much time and effort into a beautiful game, but your humor really grasped me. This is game had me genuinely LOL multiple times.

    Keep up the hard work for you are an amazing artist and developer and your hard work is greatly appreciated.