Deleted member 2498996

I'll let you in on a little trade secret (or not, it's not that much of a secret), but every time a dev puts out a release, their patron counts gets a hike. Like, a substantial one. More releases, more hikes, release your way straight into that sweet, sweet patron dosh paradise. I say fuck that, I can't do that and still put out something I can stand behind. Which is not to say it's a bad thing, there's devs out there on a tight update schedule that put out stuff I like a lot. It's just not something that works for me, and too bad if that means growth is much, much slower.
can you post the status of the updated ?
Jul 4, 2018
Maybe I'm in the minority in this but I very much prefer having large updates a few times a year over bite sized ones once a month. I hate downloading a new version I find the update has been a single extra scene, clearly rushed out the door just for the sake of having an upload. I like to actually sit down and play for a bit when I boot a game up. All this dev's updates have been consistently good, fairly long, advanced the main story by leaps and bounds and have had B plots with other characters that where generally charming. If the updates keep coming fairly regularly (and there is no year long silence or drought for example) then I feel the Dev as earned my trust.
morgan freeman.jpg

Bad Robot

Sep 13, 2018
You will lose at least half of your patrons by the summer if they have to wait another half a year for the next update. Fool them once, they let it slip, fool them twice and you get what you deserve.

I just became a Patron because of his choices in design. I agree with him. I don't want a bunch of tiny updates. I want a fully realized update that has been made with care. Not something rushed to make money.


Jun 27, 2018
Actually, there's an interesting response to that point, so let me tell you why I'm, as you put it, unwilling or unable:
(formatting it as a more general post as opposed to a direct response to your remark and inserting a bit of a straw man in the process).

One, it'll turn around on me.
Any date I mention now, no matter how much I emphasise that it's tentative, unreliable and might slip, will be a rock-solid date three quotes down, and when it does eventually slip, I'm gonna get roasted over it anyways.

Two, settling for less.
Any date mentioned now means feature lock. I might have a great idea for an extra scene, or an extension of an existing one, or expanding on the ending (in fact, I have a few ideas brewing on that), but I'll have to scrap all that and ship just what I can manage in the time remaining, because now there's a date and a roasting waiting for me, see point 1.

Three, what's the point, really?
We're not actually making business software, are we? There's no need to roll out so that major customer can go live before the next fiscal quarter, is there? No penalty clauses for costing them money. Neither is marketing breathing down our necks to hit that slot between two major competitor releases, or to have boxes on the shelves well in time for the holiday season.
In fact I'm not even a business, just a person making a game because I love to make a game, so what's the point of imposing a deadline if it'll only serve to reduce the quality and cause me grief (see 1+2).

But deadlines are great incentives to focus the mind and push that extra bit, aren't they?
Well, yeah, but really, the need to show some progress on the weekly progress update serves that purpose just fine without setting myself up for a reaming or endangering the quality of the end product, as a release date would.

But there's a demand for a date!
Is there now? I'm sure everyone serious about games of any sort is trained by marketing machines to hype and rave and rage over release dates, because that's how the business is run and that's what you do.
I'm also quite sure most of my supporters understand what I'm doing and agree as to how I'm doing it, or would if they read this, and would really prefer *not* to have a release date for the exact reasons I outlined above.

(note, this might be an interesting post to refer any future "when update?" question to).
Bottom line? Your work is worth waiting for, period. I'd be lying if I said I don't check the new releases section daily out of a massive overabundance of optimism, but the resulting disappointment ISN'T disapproval. Whatever day the new chapter drops will be my new official birthday (observed), no matter how much the calendar might disagree. In case no one here has said it lately--your art makes my days better.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2018
For all that it's worth, dev, the characters could be stick figures and I'd still play every update. I dare say the porn is distracting me from the characters if that makes any sense. And now I can lay down and die, that's the last thing I thought I'd ever say about a porn game.
I'm trying to picture a stick figure with Macy's ass..... :unsure: :LOL:

Bad Robot

Sep 13, 2018
da fak... two updates (not sure) in one year! wowy... and people get mad at L&P for long updates...
Maybe I'm wrong but there is something better here than most porn games. I kind of agree that I would enjoy this story even without the porn. The way he navigates a family relationship conflict is engaging. I mean at the end of the day you have a group of damaged people trying to work through their very fucked up emotions after tradgedy, but at the same time they are all in their own way trying to heal from that damage. What's interesting is that the way they all want to heal is to come together, but doing so makes them have to deal with issues that are very painful to them.


Jun 10, 2018
Just read the developers post about the update progress he wrote some weeks ago and wanted to offer my unsolicited two cents.

You basically have two different audiences. The first one, the loud one, is the current one. Eagerly waiting for the update and definitely not shy about saying so (not everyone, but still). They very much care about the schedule and would want the update as soon as possible, preferably yesterday. But the second, silent audience is the one that will discover your work in the future. They won't care at all whether the update will come in a week, a month or next year. They only care about the quality. And in the long run, if you want to grow your audience, you should care way more about the second audience.

So that's my attempt at maybe giving you a different perspective on the demanding section of your audience. But I'm biased since I definitely would hate to see you sacrifice quality for speed so take my opinion with a grain of salt. In any case, I love your game and hope the trolls can't get through your goblin princess bodyguards too often to ruin the mood.

And happy thanksgiving to you weird americans. Your holidays are invading us here in the Europe (at least the black friday stuff).
Oct 21, 2019
waiting aside - it's also a matter of cash for the paying audience
not everybody is willing and able to pay 7-8 month fees for a couple of hours update ( if you do read everything that is )
If only you could just stop supporting the dev if you're not willing or able to pay 7-8 month fees...

But unfortunately you're trapped in those 10-year subscriptions. I actually fell victim to that as well. Completely drained all my funds. Now I'm just eating grass while waiting for the next update... :cry: Damn you, NaughtyRoad!
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 8, 2019
(...) ( if you do read everything that is )
Man, the reading is the most bad. Long words are more bad than not long words, and this game has more long words than other games. Deadbeat dev just uses that to scam supporters into thinking he writes more this update, but it's just more letters, not better words, which are the not long words, and besides, who cares about the words!!!!!!


Nov 24, 2018
Man, the reading is the most bad. Long words are more bad than not long words, and this game has more long words than other games. Deadbeat dev just uses that to scam supporters into thinking he writes more this update, but it's just more letters, not better words, which are the not long words, and besides, who cares about the words!!!!!!
I suggest to change the VN for MN, mime novel, no more word!


New Member
Nov 6, 2019
You basically have two different audiences. The first one, the loud one, is the current one. Eagerly waiting for the update and definitely not shy about saying so (not everyone, but still). They very much care about the schedule and would want the update as soon as possible, preferably yesterday. But the second, silent audience is the one that will discover your work in the future. They won't care at all whether the update will come in a week, a month or next year. They only care about the quality. And in the long run, if you want to grow your audience, you should care way more about the second audience.
There is a third audience, the one that appreciates that good work takes time, and recognize that this is very good work. naughtyroad has held our hand every step of the way through the development of the upcoming update. The loud complainers are not worth the headspace.
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