It's been a while since I picked one of these apart. Lot's of fun things to unpack here.
Because surrounding one self with yesmen and people who ardantly defend you doesn't help one creativity or development of progress. (...)
Let's take this after the next one.
(...)Sure, it's a nice thing to have, within moderation, yet having critic about the lack of content/updates/story/characters actually can, in some/rare as fucking occations, motivate a dev to get their ass in gear. Granted, with certain devs however, as we all know some around theses parts, thats not the case.(...)
True. There's always a risk of procrastination, dawdling, or digging a bigger hole for yourself in a big project like this, even for the most professional of devs. That's why the powers of development created sprints, and that's why I put out a weekly progress update, with all the planned scenes blocked out in an infographic, slowly closing up one at a time. Besides keeping fans informed, it helps instill a good feeling of
urgency to complete during the entire development arch, because it's me having to answer for what I've been up to all week to all of you. You bet I'll be looking at that thing nervously every Wednesday, pushing to complete just as much as I can, and it works a treat.
Since starting development on LomL, I've been basically doing 80 hrs of work a week on both jobs I have (LomL and a second one, with LomL taking most of my time). The remark about devs needing to get their asses in gear would be both insultingly patronizing and grade A gaslighting, but let's assume this is not directed at me but at these hypothetical other devs I keep hearing about.
So, coming back to the first one, ignoring the bit about development progress and looking at the creative part:
Damn right, yes-men would be awful there. But I've never "surrounded" myself with those, and I am very interested in critique of the creative elements. Some really good things came out of that, from things like fonts sizes and colors, transparency of the text box, better designed lighting schemes, to for instance the keyboard shortcuts for menu options.
That last one came from some strong critique about having menu options during the climax of lewd scenes, a deliberate creative choice (but, let's be honest, it does mean one needs to go grab a mouse to click it while one's hand is otherwise occupied). Since it was introduced in LomL, it's a feature that pops up on quite a few games, and I love that; I didn't check if they ripped my code (which they're quite welcome to) or just implemented it themselves (it's not hard to do), but arguably that critique didn't just make LomL better in a small but significant way, but VNs in general.
(...)Me personally? Been a year plus since I last played, expected the updates to get shorter, maybe down to a reasonable 6-8 months. Apparently that ain't the case, hence why I, and many others it seems, have a completely valid issue with it.(...)
Issues, yeah. Valid, well that gave me a good chuckle, cheers.
Any expectations here come entirely from your side; all I'm seeing when I read that is "I have made a weird assumption, and I blame someone else for that".
You and I never entered into any contract where I agreed to keep content in the game limited to what could be developed in a specific time frame and deliver it to you as per your outlined limitations, and if fact it's fudge-all of your or anyone's business what amount of content I put in any chapter of LomL.
The fact is, I'm not thinking about the next release, I'm thinking about what this chapter and in the end, this game will be when it's complete, and all this nervous hopping around whinging about milking
will mean jack-all. Patrons and supporters get to vote on it with their feet, and quite a few do actually, and I'm sure I miss a lot of business that way. But if that doesn't dissuade me, better believe some rando on a forum having issues won't either.
(...)Hence why you have people making the claim of milking with Road, among other certain Devs. Whether warranted or not, devs are gonna get critisism on just about everything no matter what they say or do to explain things. It's the nature of the beast.
Hmm, this takes a bit of unpeeling. So you're saying that criticism being right or wrong is irrelevant. It'll always be there so countering it with informed arguments is a waste of time.
Is this a really circuitous ways of saying "this my 'pinion bro, don't bother me with facts."?
I dunno, I personally really love it when someone comes around and sets me straight on one subject or another, and eliminates a stupid opinion from my head. I figure they just spared me an embarrassing moment making an ass of myself somewhere down the line, so kudo's to all of you who do set me and others straight, for taking the time.