SUBJECT: LIGHT OF MY LIFE will take you on a journey of self and how you relate with other people.
I have been playing adult games on and off for years now. Long enough to know the difference between hack jobs and the people that are actually trying.
This game is hands down (even though incomplete) perhaps the best adult game I have ever come across, and actually one of the best dialogue driven games I have played (to include non-adult themed games).
This is a story game, and it really tells.
Things I liked:
1. The dialogue in this game can't be compared to anything else, especially for a Renpy based game (the script in so many other games can be absolutely ludicrous sometimes).
2. The characters feel real to the point where I found myself relating to them and their issues.
3. The characters have solid depth to them, especially the older gal, you can tell she is going through a lot, so when you finally make it with her it actually feels like a major triumph. The road getting there is long but well worth it.
4. The creator of this game with the in-between cutscenes, and the solid sarcasm (like if you try to change the name of characters or your "member" to make it sound larger than it actually is). He also acknowledges a lot of what goes on with these games being released and condemns people trying to sell it.
5. The fantasy metaphors used to explain the psyche of the characters in detail, so you as the player can understand what they are going through.
6. Arguably the younger gal is the one that is probably the least believable, but she works well as a "vessel" to help you the player get to the next station of the story or advancing your relationship with the characters. All in all a very good use of what in other games would be wrote off as shallow, somehow turns that notion of a younger woman being naive into someone that is human, playful, and wants to explore a wider world.
7. The graphics are probably the best use of this gaming software I have seen to date, and I am not talking about them being the best looking graphics (animations, renders, etc.). The characters are unique, and not recycled from another game. They actually almost look human, more realistic and less anime driven.
8. The use of the deep metaphors regarding this particular taboo that makes you actively question the ethics involved and even somehow jumps into the realm of spirituality.
I am going to be up front about this, whomever wrote the dialogue and the plot for this game is wasting their talents on porn/adult games.
They have so much potential to do a lot more, and I hope they keep doing it.
Take all of the adult stuff aside (especially the taboo theme of the game) and you have a very very interesting story worth exploring.
I have NEVER had an adult game make me almost take a spiritual journey before now, and I have played a number of adult games (again on and off) for years.
I will say that while it can be fun to explore this particular taboo via a video game, in real-life this type of behavior would be totally unacceptable and often in the real world is more sinister in nature than benevolent, so I would be an advocate against this sort of stuff in reality.
I like the review of one of the other members on here (Fuchsschweif)
that comments more in depth about the elements of this game are just simply unnatural and would not work in the real world.
I think most people that are actually on this website would actually be advocates against this particular taboo, because we often see in the news how something like that is not only a bad idea but it is a type of manipulation that can be extremely damaging to individuals.
In that respect to that, however, this game is still good, and even if you removed the taboo element from it, I think it would still hold up. Somehow the creators of this game managed to find an almost acceptable route to follow to pursue the ideas therein, which given the subject material is actually kind of impressive in its own right.
Again, not supporting this type of taboo, but in this game in respect to the dialogue and the motivations of the various characters (to include the gals that are sentient actors in their own right) seems to just somehow work.
Let me tell you, if you feel uncomfortable with this material, I don't blame you and it okay to walk away feeling icky.
This is the first game I have seen in this particular genre where you the player truly question the deeper ramifications of having relations with another person (adults of course), and especially between people where this type of dynamic just wouldn't work.
I give this game a solid 5 out of 5 stars:
A. Ready for the next addition to the game
B. Yes I should feel bad for enjoying this game, and yet I don't care
C. Would play again, and would love to play other games from same creator