It requires too much time and work when many develop games as a hobby or side gig; a similar game would be wrapping Chapter 2, maybe Chapter 3, at this time in the process. Also, there's the dealing with the impatience of the belligerents roaring about long release cycles. Let's not forget the self-styled beauty judges who swipe their claws in the stream on the looks of the characters. Even here, trebuchets are employed often to vault bears back into hibernation.
Also, NaughtyRoad has experience and talent in all three skillsets: 3D character design and posing, creative writing, and coding. Is he a master of them? No, but he's a decent jack-of-all-trades. Not many people currently developing adult games are adequate in one, let alone all three. He also releases pretty bug-free updates. What bugs there are seem to be minor and far between. The critique I have for him is for him to remember to "kill his darlings" in his writing revisions: editing for content. While I was recording my playthrough videos, I found myself saying "I get it, move along in the story" or "you've told this joke/pun enough times, already." It's good writing but could use an editor's flair with a red pen. That said, that's my training getting the better of my patience.
(of course, I took far too long to type this response with my edits and still it's longer than I'd like)