I'm not sure how much attention you were giving to the motivation of the characters in the game, but "it feels so wrong/I'm confused" is not what's making one of wards keeps her distance, and it's certainly not a reason the other one is acting the way she is. The wards will acknowledge the unusualness of the relation, and think about it, but it's not a thing that's actually stopping them from doing anything, and the one most concerned with the implications of being physical with his ward(s) seems to be the MC, depending on your choices.I skipped all none "family" members but one thing is so confusing how the female on male thoughts go - "It feels so wrong, im confused, dont know what to do" but then there´s complete lesbo free for all! (...)
In fact, the whole "ohmygosh my poppa-figure has a magic dick, I'm don't know why I want it so bad and now I'm just waiting for him to break down my reservations" schtick that usually goes with lines like "It feels so wrong, im confused" is one I made some care to avoid, because it's a bit tired and hackneyed at this point, and not all that interesting as character motivation goes.
And of course, because the narrative has to make sense from the point of view Patreon and I intended the game to be received, which is without the icky-icky incestual bits that were part of the biblical story but completely against Patreon TOS.
(...) Of course, in this case, NR is using the story of Lot and his Daughters as the model, and in that case, the power dynamic is switched as well. It is the daughters who "take advantage" of the grieving, impaired father/guardian.
Tbh, this part gave me most pause, as I'm rather uncomfortable with the non-consensual part of the source material (the story of Lot). That the MC as the figure in a position of authority is passive here helps a little to take the edge off, but I made sure to have the MC give his consent of sorts before the event (even if he didn't quite know what he'd be consenting to). And the entire sequence is skippable without serious consequences for those that still feel uncomfortable about ityep, I actually really like this dynamic although still kinda creepy, because of the "taking advantage" part, it is far less creepy than the other way around.
In fact, my favorite path through the dialog of the nighttime scene in the vacation lodge, when the question comes up about whether to proceed or not, is to first have Macy protest a little ("he's our caretaker" or "He's asleep."), which will cause Denise to come up with some counter arguments pointing some of the above out, before you have to make the final choice about skipping or not.
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