You know you are old when the music you listened to a teen is now on classic rock radio station
For me it already was, I grew up listening to the anti-war rock of the 60's and 70's, in the 80s and 90s. I didn't really get into "new music" (80s and on) until the late 90s, mostly because i never liked talking head radio personalities and the classic rock station was the only one around here that didn't interrupt every other song with "haha lol we're so funny" nonsense.
I mostly got into newer music when someone would bring a boombox or (later on) a cd player to a job site and put in something "new", and if I liked it, I'd go find a cd in the music store that was closest to me.
Once youtube picked up, that changed. I routinely trawl for different stuff now, about every six months or so I go on a "what's interesting kick" and surf utubs for music I haven't heard before.
Just because I'm old, doesn't mean I'm ossified.
It is the precise moment when your wife wants some and you against all odds seriously state "i am tired" and mean every word of it. "No touchy.. Women."
Thats when you know.
Bah. I did that a few times in my twenties. But then I worked construction in the Florida summer sun. Brutal heat, brutal humidity. There were days all I wanted to do when I got home was shower and pass out. Besides the girlfriend had her best buddy B.O.B. if she really, really needed it.
Nah, you know you're old when...
... your back goes out more than you do.
... you ask your S.O. "What do you want to do tonight baby?" and are relieved when they answer "Go to sleep early."
... people tell you that "you look good for your age."
... you remember when the Dead Sea was the Sickly Sea.
... you're too tired to care anymore.
... you're looking at antiques and see the dresser you got rid off when you moved out for college.
... you spot the first grey hair... on your kid.
... a little work is fun and a little fun is work.
... you insist on sex on the first date because there might not be a second date. Ever.
... the only thing getting hard is your arteries.
... you live each day like it's your last. You're pretty sure you'll be right tomorrow.
... you read the obituaries to check up on your childhood friends.
... you see someone that you'd like to fuck... but stop to calculate if you could be their grandparent.
... all your dirty secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember anything anymore either.
... when your joints are more accurate than the meteorologists.
... Happy Hour means "nap time".
... you have to buy the enlarged alphabet soup.
... everything takes twice as long.
... your idea of an exciting night out is sitting on the porch/patio.
... you say something to your kids that you always hated when your parents said it to you.
... you finally got your act together, but now your body is falling apart.