A slightly shorter method then beating & stealing

1) Just use your first 5 essences (from the "test encounter" with Lilya) to purchase the "Exhibitionist" fetish trait.
2) Strip off your clothes. Then go outside during the arcane storm (this is still the first night in Dominion, remember!) and walk the sidewalks getting attacked by horny people.
3) 'Tease' for all your attacks (remember to block their strong weapon and strong lust attacks). During the storrm, everyone on the sidewalks
only needs 25 lust damage to capitulate to you!
4) Take their money, drinks, & foods--and anything else you want to drag along. (Refuse sex as it just slows you down.)
5) After the storm ends, continue your streaking spree in the Harpy Nests.
6) In the morning go to the mall and buy all of Ralph's drinks, & foods, too.
Enchant the drinks & foods to their lowest magic levels and
sell the modified potions to Ralph and/or Vicky for $500 to $1500 for each potion!
When you run out of essences for enchanting your drinks & foods, buy more essences from Vicky! Buy essences by the gallon if possible (after the first night you will need 500 to 1000 extra essences from Vicky just to make potions!).
With a bit of luck, between the start of the game and 9 a.m. the next morning you will have made 200k and 300k flames. (And possibly finished the Harpy Nest Quest, too.) (Using 3 essences to modify a $50 bottle of soda that sells to Vicky or Ralph for $500 to $1500 is a better profit margin than looting and selling single dresses or shirts.)
And your character can carry thousands of potions without problems--and they sort themselves automatically without needing to change their colours.
I hope this shortens your Step 1 enjoyably.