
Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2018
I'm just curious (there is no judgement here (y)):
Isn't the 'Vortex'/'Vacuum' spell designed to do exactly what it does? How is using it "cheating"? :unsure:

Claire keeps us from looting the SWORD guys because she thinks they'll shrug-off the knocking-out part out of embarrassment, but they'd have to report the fact that all their gear is missing. Logically, she wouldn't want us to pick up the vortex'ed stuff either but it wasn't accounted for with a mechanical lockout.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Been playing the game for a lil while and the new combat system is actually very fun! (sure you can't just smash the same button over and over to quickly grind for levels but that actually makes it interesting) but wanna ask you guys one question: how do you raise Physique/Arcane? without transforming i mean, i'm pretty comfy with the way my character looks right now and don't wish to change species, training the enchantment perk tree to get better weapons and clothes, but are there other ways to permanently boost your arcane and physique like in older versions?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2018
Been playing the game for a lil while and the new combat system is actually very fun! (sure you can't just smash the same button over and over to quickly grind for levels but that actually makes it interesting) but wanna ask you guys one question: how do you raise Physique/Arcane? without transforming i mean, i'm pretty comfy with the way my character looks right now and don't wish to change species, training the enchantment perk tree to get better weapons and clothes, but are there other ways to permanently boost your arcane and physique like in older versions?
You get a decent amount from perks if you specialize but mostly it's gear (set bonuses are useful too) and temporary potions for tougher sections now.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2018
I finally actually did the Lyssieth content, and the transformation scene is far and away the best content the game has to offer. While the average scene is repetitive and eventually becomes something worth skipping... that scene is extremely engaging, especially if you roll female and choose anal twice :love:. There's actually a fair bit of variation to the scene too if you go through and select different action combinations, as well as some changes based on what your body is like.

Unfortunately after doing that and returning to the main game I feel like my experience with it has already peaked and I feel no real motivation to play it. I definitely wish there was more unique content with unique scenes than there was sandbox adventure mode. Sandbox is fun... for about an hour after you work out what to do and what's going on, but then it just becomes too repetitive to engage me.

On an unrelated note, I need to bother playing the game properly at some point instead of just cheating everything (though that is still really fun), even at level 50 some of the quest fights were difficult and almost caused death somehow.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
You get a decent amount from perks if you specialize but mostly it's gear (set bonuses are useful too) and temporary potions for tougher sections now.
thanks for the info, speaking of perks couldn't help but notice you can get the "level drain" perk in the perk tree and wanted to ask: is it usefull? i'd imagine you need to raise difficulty to make sure the enemies level up alongside you to get any real bonus from it, but the question remains, is it a good option for speeding up grinding?


May 30, 2017
thanks for the info, speaking of perks couldn't help but notice you can get the "level drain" perk in the perk tree and wanted to ask: is it usefull? i'd imagine you need to raise difficulty to make sure the enemies level up alongside you to get any real bonus from it, but the question remains, is it a good option for speeding up grinding?
It is a toggleable perk. So you can get it, enable it when you want to get frisky and disable it when you're done.
You can also respec the whole perk tree if you don't like it for free, so try it out.

The sex scenes are usually longer than just plain battle, so I'd rather just up the difficulty and spam the ice spell on the imp gangs.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
you guys been super helpfull today thanks allot i'm honestly falling in love with the new mechanics! only one last question for tonight folks: is there a way to select multiple items to sell? not gonna lie i'm getting allot of loot beating down would-be-robbers trying to get me, and i was just wondering if there's a way to select multiple items like say different pieces of clothin and sell them all to Nyan at once instead of clicking "sell all" on each one of them/select the items individually


Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2018
you guys been super helpfull today thanks allot i'm honestly falling in love with the new mechanics! only one last question for tonight folks: is there a way to select multiple items to sell? not gonna lie i'm getting allot of loot beating down would-be-robbers trying to get me, and i was just wondering if there's a way to select multiple items like say different pieces of clothin and sell them all to Nyan at once instead of clicking "sell all" on each one of them/select the items individually
Sadly there's no "sell all" button that allows you to sell multiple types of items. Only the "sell all" button that allows you to sell all of one item, ie. selling multiple copies of a potion.
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Nov 29, 2019
The number keys work, so you don't have to actually click on anything but the item. An item lock feature would be lovely in this case where you can just lock the things you want, then click sell all if that button ever gets added.
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Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2018
An item lock feature would be lovely in this case where you can just lock the things you want, then click sell all if that button ever gets added.
As useful and time saving as that feature would be, I'd happily forego it till version 1.x if it meant that Inno actually added more of the main story line sooner.


Jun 16, 2018
With enough dye-brushes and R.Hammers or three water/earth spells learned (3 water spells means free recolor 4life, 3 earth spells means free reforging 4life. But unless you "help yourself" from the buggy market, this option is Expensive as shit) you can recolor clothes and some gear to have the same color and thus stack them.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2019
Age &/or Menopause Bug

I haven't found this elsewhere--if it is a known bug (or not a bug at all) please tell me and I'll remove it.


Bug, v0.3.7, Win 64-bit:
The age, or apparent age, or menopausal onset time is not accurate for some harpies (see the .png, attached). I noticed this one other time as I was closing the screen and thought it was just an illusion. Both times were in L.T., v0.3.7, Win 64-bit. The 'log' file only had 2 dozen claims that the game could not find a variable timer.

e-d :)
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Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2018
Yeah bud, expect at least half a year of development for that.

Apparently people like being ordered around by bitchy harpies more than actual game progression.
I was talking more about the feature creep regarding the new combat system/perks/colour options etc., rather than the side quests involving Vengar and Helena.


Apr 21, 2017
Does some one knows if the Helena content is all sub? Cause she was annoying as hell and the final no was when she asked for Scarlett who had since been tamed, had her cock removed, fully feminized and impregnated. Of course after this the quest proptly failed and i am not really keen on loading an earlier save.


May 30, 2017
Does some one knows if the Helena content is all sub? Cause she was annoying as hell and the final no was when she asked for Scarlett who had since been tamed, had her cock removed, fully feminized and impregnated. Of course after this the quest proptly failed and i am not really keen on loading an earlier save.
I don't think you get to do anything but grovel at her feet. I put up with her shit in hopes to turn the tables on her and apparently now I get the privilege of taking her on dates.

And if you don't put up with her poppycock, you get a good feature locked out of your game.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
With enough dye-brushes and R.Hammers or three water/earth spells learned (3 water spells means free recolor 4life, 3 earth spells means free reforging 4life. But unless you "help yourself" from the buggy market, this option is Expensive as shit) you can recolor clothes and some gear to have the same color and thus stack them.
Honestly the best option to make money (as far as i've seen it) is still the "Dairy Farm" method, as in:
1) Save money by beating up enemies and stealing everything they have, sell their stuff at the market & use the money to buy 3 Water Spells-Books.
2) Having unlocked the Water-School Perk to make all "fluid enchantments" free you can now enchant any transforming consumable to increase milk production by 50ml over a hundred times with just 2 essences needed, do this once, then do the Milk Regeneration enchantment over a hundred times as well in another potion to end up with 2 potions that make a Slave (or you if you wanna) generate absurd amounts of milk in just a few minutes.
3) do the Slave sidequest, get the license and capture any slave (any will do) then feed them those potions and make them into a milk factory.
4) get the milk room upgrade in one of the rooms and send your slave to work there, depending on the enchantments you picked to add flavor & effects to the milk your slave will make anything between 50.000 to 60.000 flames daily.
5) Afterwards with the money income from the first slave everything else falls into rince and repeat with more milk slaves if you want more money, i'm at a point where i make basically little over 400.000 daily with my slaves (and i did every UNNECESARY thing, get Artisan Milkers to make the milking feel good for them, get the double beds, room service & give them milker kink so they ENJOY their work, install the obedience trainer of Lilaya in their room, even going out of my way and doing everything toraise their obedience and affection because i like doing that by the game's day 5 i already found myself getting hundreds of thousands of flames automatically,even after covering up for all of their expenses)
TLDR: Water Spell Perk is THE BEST.
EDIT: i just found out that you can make Slimes have CRAZY HIGH levels of milk production and regeneration with a mere request without needing to use any potions nor essence what-so-ever so if you're tight on money you can just enslave a Slime Girl, make her transform her breasts to fit with the same result you needed from step 1 and 2, and jump straight into getting the Milking Room to make a Dairy Farm and become crazy rich!
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Active Member
Jun 1, 2019
Honestly the best option to make money (as far as i've seen it) is still the "Dairy Farm" method, as in:
1) Save money by beating up enemies and stealing everything they have, ..."
A slightly shorter method then beating & stealing (y):

1) Just use your first 5 essences (from the "test encounter" with Lilya) to purchase the "Exhibitionist" fetish trait.
2) Strip off your clothes. Then go outside during the arcane storm (this is still the first night in Dominion, remember!) and walk the sidewalks getting attacked by horny people.
3) 'Tease' for all your attacks (remember to block their strong weapon and strong lust attacks). During the storrm, everyone on the sidewalks only needs 25 lust damage to capitulate to you!
4) Take their money, drinks, & foods--and anything else you want to drag along. (Refuse sex as it just slows you down.)
5) After the storm ends, continue your streaking spree in the Harpy Nests.
6) In the morning go to the mall and buy all of Ralph's drinks, & foods, too.
7) Enchant the drinks & foods to their lowest magic levels and sell the modified potions to Ralph and/or Vicky for $500 to $1500 for each potion!
8) When you run out of essences for enchanting your drinks & foods, buy more essences from Vicky! Buy essences by the gallon if possible (after the first night you will need 500 to 1000 extra essences from Vicky just to make potions!).

With a bit of luck, between the start of the game and 9 a.m. the next morning you will have made 200k and 300k flames. (And possibly finished the Harpy Nest Quest, too.) (Using 3 essences to modify a $50 bottle of soda that sells to Vicky or Ralph for $500 to $1500 is a better profit margin than looting and selling single dresses or shirts.)

And your character can carry thousands of potions without problems--and they sort themselves automatically without needing to change their colours. :)

I hope this shortens your Step 1 enjoyably. :cool:



Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
A slightly shorter method then beating & stealing (y):

1) Just use your first 5 essences (from the "test encounter" with Lilya) to purchase the "Exhibitionist" fetish trait.
2) Strip off your clothes. Then go outside during the arcane storm (this is still the first night in Dominion, remember!) and walk the sidewalks getting attacked by horny people.
3) 'Tease' for all your attacks (remember to block their strong weapon and strong lust attacks). During the storrm, everyone on the sidewalks only needs 25 lust damage to capitulate to you!
4) Take their money, drinks, & foods--and anything else you want to drag along. (Refuse sex as it just slows you down.)
5) After the storm ends, continue your streaking spree in the Harpy Nests.
6) In the morning go to the mall and buy all of Ralph's drinks, & foods, too.
7) Enchant the drinks & foods to their lowest magic levels and sell the modified potions to Ralph and/or Vicky for $500 to $1500 for each potion!
8) When you run out of essences for enchanting your drinks & foods, buy more essences from Vicky! Buy essences by the gallon if possible (after the first night you will need 500 to 1000 extra essences from Vicky just to make potions!).

With a bit of luck, between the start of the game and 9 a.m. the next morning you will have made 200k and 300k flames. (And possibly finished the Harpy Nest Quest, too.) (Using 3 essences to modify a $50 bottle of soda that sells to Vicky or Ralph for $500 to $1500 is a better profit margin than looting and selling single dresses or shirts.)

And your character can carry thousands of potions without problems--and they sort themselves automatically without needing to change their colours. :)

I hope this shortens your Step 1 enjoyably. :cool:

That's a really good idea! i'd say do that till you make around 35.000 Flames, then do the Slave quest to get the license, go Enslave a Slime Girl (since they can be transformed without the need of a potion you can request them into producing countless galons of milk and regenerate the same amount by the minute), set up the Milk Room and let your Dairy Farm run wild (just learned recently how usefull Slime Slaves can be that way, you can still learn the water perk later with the huge amounts of money you'll be making but doing your method of enhancing & selling potions alongside catching slime girl slaves first sure cuts down the time requirement by a long shot!)
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