I'm beginning to wonder if Inno's favorite animal wouldn't happen to be Equine? Just saying since they tend to give the best starting bonuses in the game, like:
Melee Builds:
Horse: +25 Physique, +25 Physical Damage, +30 Critical Power, -5 Arcane, -10 Aura (Sure you lose abit Arcane...but so what? you're a Melee fighter, you're here to hit stuff, not to cast spells and THAT Physical Damage increase is sure as hell priceless regardless of your weapon for that very reason.)
Magic Builds:
Unicorn: +20 Physique, +5 Arcane, +50 Spell Eficiency, +5 Physical Damage, +10 Critical Power
Or if ya REALLY wanna go overkill
Alicorn: +15 Physique, +15 Arcane, +75 Spell Eficiency, +10 Physical Damage, +50 Critical Power (Also you can fly)
I put both of these so high because Spell Eficiency lowers the aura required to cast pells to the point you can spam them like crazy and you can EASILY make soothing orb regen more HP and Aura than what you're losing in combat so that high Spell Eficiency essentially gives ya Unlimited Magical Power.
Like SERIOUSLY, i was hyped to see what the new 3 transformations brough to the table (Capybara and Octopus ain't half bad for Arcane) but much like with Bears and Sharks for Melee i'm left asking: is there anything better than these Equine Tranformations that you can actually GET IN GAME? cuz i ain't seeing it! (Not Counting the Demons since you need actual help to turn into that nor the Youko because they aren't implemented yet.)